Snack Ideas

Suggested Healthy Snacks
(We have 30 students in our class)
 Vegetables such as carrots, celery, broccoli
 Fruits such as strawberries, cantaloupe, oranges, grapes, apples, pears,
 Pretzels
 Graham Crackers
 Crackers
 Bagels and cream cheese
 Snack-sized fruit cups
 Raisins or fruit leather or fruit snacks
 Granola or granola bars
 Dry cereal (not sugar cereals)
 Goldfish crackers
 Rice cakes
 Jerky
 Tortilla chips & salsa
 Tortillas
 Whole wheat bread with butter or jam

*Please DO NOT send peanut butter as part of snack. Ms. Marleen has a peanut allergy. Granola bars with nuts in them are fine because they are easy to maintain and don’t spread all over things like peanut butter does. This makes it easier for Ms. Marleen to make sure she does not get any on her hands.

Please! No candy, soda-pop, chips/Cheetos, or red drinks (to prevent stains).
Please! No foods that need microwaved or refrigerated at this point for snacks.

Thank you for understanding our commitment to healthy minds and bodies!

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Getting to Know You


What a great first day of school we had! I am so excited for this year and to get to know all the kids more. We are going to have such a wonderful classroom community.

As a way to get to know the kids and each other better, Ms. Marleen and I have decided to do a family picture activity. We would like the students to bring in a picture of their family and introduce their family and tell us a little bit about them such as things they like to do together or fun memories they have. If the only family picture you have access to is the one hanging on your wall, please feel free to send it with your child. We would like to display these pictures on a shelf but will send them home after a couple days so you will get it back. Also know that the family pictures do not need to be professionally done. Please send whatever you would like or is easiest for you. We also understand that it may not be possible for all the kids to bring in a picture. We will still have your child share about their family even if they cannot bring a picture in.

I will also be creating a page that will be at the top of the blog for snack ideas. I will leave it up all year so you can use it whenever necessary.

I look forward to a wonderful year with you all.



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It’s Here!

Can you believe it? The first week of school is already here. School starts for everyone at MMA on Monday. All of next week will be early out days so please plan on picking your child up at 1 pm. Please help us during pickup by being patient. Pickup during the first couple of weeks of school will take longer than normal. North Shore is still open and has asked that we not do pickup at the North Shore parking lot until after labor day. This combined with everyone getting used to the pickup process will make pickup a bit longer and more stressful for all. Please help us by being patient and watchful so we can ensure a safe and quick pickup. For drop off, Ms. Marleen will be standing out front with a sign that has our names on it to help those students who are still unsure or nervous about finding the classroom. Please do not walk your child into the school.

I am so excited to see all the kids again and get to know all the new ones. This is going to be a great year!


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One More Week

I cannot believe that school starts next week. Time flies. I am excited to see all the kids.

Quit a few updates for you:
School supplies can be brought in anytime this week.
Wejoinin for our snack sign up is on the blog. There is a link to the right of the page or you can go to
Back to school night is this Thursday, the 13th. All are invited. From 6:30 to 7 is Montessori 101 for those that are new to the school or just want a refresher. You are welcome to bring you kids. We will have some teachers and assistants monitoring the playground during this time for you. At 7 you will need to collect your children and take them with you to the classrooms. From 7 to 8 will be time you can spend with the teachers. I will be doing an open house style so you can come and go as you please. Feel free to bring you children to this to meet me and Ms. Marleen or just say hi if they cannot make it one more week. 🙂
New student orientation will be Friday, the 14th from 1-1:45. This is for all new students to the school and all first graders. This allows them some time before school actually starts to get acquainted with the school and classroom and helps the feel more at ease for next week. Please drop your child off at the front of the school. Ms. Marleen will be standing out front with a sign that says our name. It is important for the students that you let them come in without you so they can get used to coming in on their own. We will be there Friday and the first couple days next week to help them find their way if they need it.
School supplies can be brought to back to school night.

Thanks for all you do.



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School Pool/BBQ Party


Just wanted to remind you all of the Back to School Pool/BBQ Party. It will be on Tuesday, August 4 at North Shore Aquatic Center from 7-9 pm. Please come and bring your families. It is always a lot of fun. I look forward to seeing you all there.

Also, please review the school dress code. It is on a page at the top of the blog.


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Supply List

Ms. Jalee and Ms. Marleen’s Supply List 2015-16

Colored markers
Colored pencils
Dry erase markers
6 composition notebooks (usually colored black and white) if you can find wide ruled that is preferable
One ream of copy paper
Paper towel roll
Zip-lock bags, either gallon or sandwich size
Place mat for lunch with child’s name (required for every child)
Water bottle with child’s name
Portable pencil sharpener with child’s name

Slippers with child’s name (REQUIRED) All students need to have a soft sole shoe/slipper that must be worn at all times while in the building. The slipper needs to be free from logos, lettering, graphics, sparkles, sheen, decorative accents, and characters. *Note: a small pattern is acceptable. (this is taken from the school’s dress code policy)

We are going to be doing community “office supplies” for the students this year. If you would like to send a pencil case with your child, we would prefer the plastic, rectangle shaped ones. These will stack easily on our shelf.

At this time, we are not in need of pencils, scissors, or glue. We have a surplus supply from years past.

If anyone has any old small plates, bowls, silverware, dishtowels or washcloths that you are getting rid of or not needing anymore, we would love them for our classroom.


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Good Bye for the Summer

Hello All,

This will be my last post for this school year. What a great year it has truly been! I know that a huge part of the success we had this year was due to all of you and your support. How blessed we were to have such supportive and amazing parents. Words cannot express my gratitude to each one of you. It has been a magnificent year, and although I look forward to the summer, I am also sad to see this year end. I will miss those students who will not be returning to our class next year, but I know they will all have great success wherever this next school year takes them. I am excited for the next year and the students we have returning and the new students we will add to our classroom family.

For those returning, I will have a classroom supply list up and ready by the first of July. This is a couple months away but something to put on your calendar is the school pool party at North Shore. It will be the evening of Tuesday, August 4. More info for this will come as it gets closer.

Again I want to express my gratitude to each one of you and let you know of the love I have for your children. Our class and my life would not be complete without having them here.

Have a restful and fun summer.

Take care,

Ms. Jalee

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Hello All,

Our two hamsters are in need of a summer home. If you would like to take care of them for the summer please let me know. Just know that Marshmellow bites. I have been trying to hold him and work with him a lot but he still bites. I am okay with taking them home for the summer myself but would like to give the kids the opportunity. This will be a first come first take home offer.


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Level 3 Bridging

Level 3 parents:

Don’t forget that tomorrow, Tuesday, is level 3 bridging at 11:30. All are invited to come.

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Last Week of School

Can you believe it!? It is the last week of school already!

There are quite a few reminders and important things regarding this coming week. We do not have school on Monday, May 25, because of Memorial Day. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are all half days so please make sure your child is picked up at 1 pm these days. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are also parent teacher conferences. Please sign up if you have not already. We would love to have your child at the conferences with us to share with you about their year. If you can bring them with you that would be great. The sign-up website is The book fair will also be in the library Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 1 – 6:30. All books are buy on get one free, I believe.

We will also be having spirit week this coming week. Tuesday will not be a dress up day due to level 3 bridging. Students will be expected to wear school uniform. Wednesday is crazy hair/hat day. Thursday is crazy sock day (school uniform is still expected Wednesday and Thursday). Friday is dress down or pajamas day. We will also be getting our year books this Friday. If you did not order one, I am sorry to say you will not be able to get one for this year.

This next part is mainly for level 3 parents concerning bridging. Level 3s will be having their bridging ceremony on Tuesday at 11:30. If you child would like to dress up for this they may or they can just wear school uniform. We are hoping the weather cooperates as we are planning on having the ceremony outside by the playground. You may want to bring a chair to sit on even if it does not rain in case the grass is wet. After the ceremony we are hoping we can do a picnic lunch outside that you are welcome to join. If we cannot, we will be eating in the classroom. Our students will be welcomed into upper el by Ms. Nicoletta’s class because they are the class we did mentoring with this year. This does not mean your child will be in her class next year. Class lists for upper el have not be completed yet and so we do not know who your child will have has a teacher next year.

I hope you all enjoy your extra day this Memorial Day weekend.

Take care.

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