Red Ribbon Week


First of all I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for your help and support with our field trip to Black Island Farms. Thanks to everyone, especially those who were able to come or provide rides. We had a great time.

Also, thanks to all who were able to make it to the Fall Festival last night. I loved seeing many of you and many of the kids. Thanks for supporting our school.

This coming week is Red Ribbon Week. Our theme is a “Respect Yourself, Be Drug Free.” We will be decorating our door and the students are encouraged to make a picture to show what this means to them. We will give them time to do this in class or they can make something at home.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last day to order something with your child’s artwork on it. The funds we make from this go straight to our classroom. This year we were able to use previous funds for an extra field trip we will be taking.

This Friday afternoon our class will have our Halloween/Fall Party. We will be looking for volunteers to come help with that or send supplies to help. I will have more info about that in the next couple of days.

As always, enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Thank you all again!


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Field Trip Tomorrow

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our field trip to Black Island Farms. Our wagon ride starts at 9 a.m. Please arrive by 8:45 or earlier if you need to purchase a ticket for yourself. They will not wait for anyone who is late. Please make sure your child has a sack lunch that does not need to be heated up and a refillable water bottle. It is also a good idea to have them bring a jacket in case it does get cool. We will be leaving the farm between 1 and 1:30. If your child will be coming back to the school for the last hour with me, just plan on picking them up at the regular time school is over.

Also, a reminder that Friday is the fall festival. It will be here at the school on the field. Please come and bring friends, family, and neighbors. You can buy tickets there. There will also be refreshments. Please dress up if you would like. It will be from 4 to 7.

Yesterday original projects were sent home with the kids. Here is the info about them.
What is Original Works? For 26 years, this company has been coordinating with schools to turn children’s art into keepsakes. You can choose from one or more of the following: key chains, magnets, mirrors, coasters, notebooks, tiles, mugs, tote bags, water bottles, cell phone covers, night lights, T-shirts, quilt block, mouse pads, note cards, pillowcases, journals, pot holders, matted prints, and decorative flags.
Who benefits from this fundraiser? When you order, the profit goes directly to your child’s classroom!
What should I do if my child completed more than one piece of art? Each piece of art needs its own order form. If you want to order multiple pieces of art, please get additional order forms from Rachael Bush.
What should my child do with their completed packets? Return the art, order form, and check payable to MMA to the school. There will be a table at the entrance ready for your orders.  PLEASE do NOT give money and order forms to teachers.
We ONLY accept checks! Please make them out to MMA and include them with your completed order form.
When are order forms due? By October 26th. Look for the Original Works table in the school’s entrance!
When will orders arrive? Original Works art keepsake(s) will be sent home on December 2nd.
What if my child didn’t finish their art at school? Your child can complete, add to, or even replace their art at home. Use 8½ x 11″ plain paper and color or paint. Please no glitter, pipe cleaners, googley eyes, or anything else that makes the art 3-D.
What if parents don’t want to order? You keep your child’s art!
If you have additional questions, please contact

These will make great gifts for grandparents. We made a lot of money from our last year original works that we are using for field trips this year.

Thanks for all you do.


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Book Report Home Project

For our first home project this year, we are going to be doing a cereal box book report. It will be due the first week of November, the week of the 1st. It can be a book your child is reading or has read on their own, one they have not yet read, or even one that you read together.

Cereal Box Book Report

Front of box: You will need to cover the front of a cereal box with paper. Before gluing or taping the cover on, it is a good idea to create the cover. The cover will need to include the name of the cereal and a picture. The name of the cereal can either be the actual title of the book or you can invent on that is related to the title of the book and sounds like a cereal. Choose a shape for your cereal and colors that all relate to the book. For example, for The Cat in the Hat, you could invent a cereal called Crunchy Cats with red and white cereal shaped like hats.

Sides of box: On one side of the box include the ingredients. For the book these are the characters and setting. List the main characters and tell about each one. Then describe the setting, the main places the story took place.
On the other side of the box write a short summary of the book. Keep it simple. It just needs to be enough so that everyone will know what the story was about and the main things that happened in the story.

Back of the box: Create a game that is based on the story. This can be a maze, word search, word scramble, or anything else you would like. Just make sure it includes things from the book.

Top of the box: Include the title, author, and number of stars you would give the book out of 5 stars. If you loved it, give it 5 stars. If it wasn’t so great, give it maybe 2.

Please feel free to be creative and have fun with the box. As long as it has the information asked for, it can be as colorful or plain as you want.


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Long Weekend

First of all I want to say thank you to all who were able to make it to conferences this week. I always enjoy meeting with you and getting to know you while discussing your child and their growth and achievement. Thank you all for your continued support. Ms. Marleen love your children and love being with them and helping them succeed and learn.

I hope you all enjoy your long weekend with Thursday and Friday off. Next Tuesday the 20 is the box tops store. Please make sure your box tops are cut out and even counted when you send them.

Wednesday the 21 is our field trip to Black Island Farm. Just a reminder for those who are joining us or transporting your children to and from, we will be meeting at the farm at 8:45. Our wagon ride begins at 9 and we need to make sure to have time for parents to pay and get all the kids together. We will have our wagon ride, pick out pumpkins, and have a couple hours to explore the grounds and have lunch. We will be leaving the farm by 1:30 and be back at the school at 2. Please make sure to send a sack lunch with your child and a water bottle they are able to refill if needed. Any parents who are coming will need to pay $4 for themselves. The address to Black Island Farm is 3178 S. 3000 W, Syracuse, UT 84075.

Next Friday, October 23 is our Fall Festival. It will be on the field of the school from 4 to 7 p.m. There will be games, bounce houses, a dunk tank, rock-climbing wall, caramel apples, and so much more! MMA does not allow costumes at school, so this is a great time for your kids to show off their Halloween attire. Wristbands are $8 at the door. (Wristbands are for the bounce houses provided by Custom Events.) Tickets will be 4 for a $1. (The tickets are for the games provided by MAPA.)  Food, cotton candy, caramel apples, and glow sticks will also be available to buy at the festival. We are in need of 12 volunteers, between our class and Ms. Jen’s AM and PM classes, to help run the Goodie Walk game and the Batman Obstacle. The volunteer slots are for one hour increments. We need 2 volunteers at Ring Toss per hour and 2 volunteers at the Cars Slide per hour. Please, click here to sign up for a one hour slot.

Now that we are through normalization and past our first conferences we are going to start home projects. For the first home project we are going to do book reports. I am going to create a separate post about the book reports so if you have not read that, you can do that now.

Once again, thank you so much for all your support.
Take care and enjoy your long weekend.


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Conferences Next Week

Hello All,

This coming week is parent teacher conferences. If you haven’t signed up yet, there are still openings. Conferences are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. These days are also early out days so please arrange for your child to be picked up at 1 p.m. Thursday and Friday are fall break so we will not have school those days. The days of conferences are also book fair days that will be open from 1 to 6:30 in the library.

Our Fall Festival will be Friday, October 23 from 4-7. The newsletter says 5-8 but that time is incorrect. This is a community event, so feel free to bring your friends and neighbors. There will be games, bounce houses, a dunk tank, rock-climbing wall, caramel apples, and so much more! MMA does not allow costumes at school, so this is a great time for your kids to show off their Halloween attire. Buy your wristbands and tickets during Parent-Teacher Conference.  Wristbands will be sold for $7 pre-sale or $8 at the door. (Wristbands are for the bounce houses provided by Custom Events.) Tickets will be 4 for a $1. (The tickets are for the games provided by MAPA.) You can purchase a package deal, 1 wristband and 20 tickets for only $10! That’s a $2 savings! This offer ends October 23rd at 9am. Wristbands and tickets will be available to purchase at the door at regular price. You can purchase your tickets and wristbands during PTC (October 12-14) or before and after school (October 19-22) and before school only on October 23rd. Food, cotton candy, caramel apples, and glow sticks will also be available to buy at the festival. We are in need of 12 volunteers, between our class and Ms. Jen’s AM and PM classes, to help run the Goodie Walk game and the Batman Obstacle. The volunteer slots are for one hour increments. We need 2 volunteers at Ring Toss per hour and 2 volunteers at the Cars Slide per hour. Please, click here to sign up for a one hour slot.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Volleyball Clinic Flyer

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Here is the wejoinin link to get finger printed during parent teacher conferences. Please don’t wait to sign up. We need certified drivers.

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Picture Day

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is picture day. Please send the picture packets and money if you are choosing to order pictures that way. If you ordered online, I believe there is a confirmation you are supposed to print and send. Also, if you can’t order by tomorrow, I believe that you can order later online.

Also, please let me know if you will be joining us for the field trip.



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Happy Saturday All,

The speech therapists will be doing hearing screenings next week for levels 1 and 3. A paper was sent home with them earlier this week to inform you. If you did not want your child screened, this paper needed to be signed and sent back.

Picture day is Wednesday, October 7. A picture packet was sent home last week if you would like to order pictures. You can send that packet back or order the pictures online.

Parent teacher conferences are the week after next. They will be Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 12, 13, and 14. They will be every 20 minutes starting at 1:40 and going till 7 with a break for dinner. The sign-up link is, or there is a link you can click on to the right of the blog. If you would like Ms. Marleen present during the conference, you will need to sign up before 4. She will not be able to be there after that. The Thursday and Friday after conferences are Fall Break so we will not have school those days. The book fair will also be open during conferences. On the 13 you will also be able to become a certified driver for field trips from 5:30-7:00. There is a $25 fee to Academica West and a $52.75 processing fee to MMA.

We will be going to Black Island Farms with Ms. Kaley’s class for a field trip on Wednesday, October 21. This will take the place of school that day. We will meet at the farms in Syracuse by 8:45 that morning. We will participate in a hay ride where the kids will all receive a small pumpkin and learn about the crops and harvest that take place at the farms. We will then have time to have lunch and explore the various activities such as the corn maze. Please arrange to have your child picked up between 1 and 1:30 at the farms. It is very important that your child have a sack lunch and a water bottle. We love parents to join us on field trips. If you would like to come, please let me know. You will need to pay for yourself, it will be $4.

The school’s fall festival will be Friday, October 23. I will have more information on that in the coming weeks.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Parent Teacher Sign ups

Here is the link for parent teacher conference sign ups. It is also to the left of the blog. They are all 20 minutes. Please only one parent/child per slot. You may bring your child to the conferences if you choose. We will leave that up to you. Also, Ms. Marleen will not be able to attend the conferences that are in the evening, so if you would like to have both of us there for the conference, you will need to sign up earlier.


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