Jean Friday

We just learned that to celebrate the upcoming holiday, Ms. Stephanie has approved a jean Friday for tomorrow ONLY. If your student wears jeans they must be free of holes just like regular dress code pants. Students must still wear tops that are dress code approved. This means they must be a plain colored shirt or a school shirt. It is getting cold. Please send your child with a coat for recess.

Also, I sent home field trip permission slips for the Nutcracker today. They are on pink, blue, and green paper. If you can, send them back tomorrow. If not, please send them the week we get back from break.


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Box Tops Store

Just a reminder that tomorrow is box tops store.


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Next Home Project

I hope you all ready, because it is supposed to snow tonight. That being said, even if it doesn’t snow, the weather is getting colder. We will be going outside for recess everyday unless the air quality is too bad or the weather is too cold. Please make sure your child comes to school with appropriate clothing to wear outside. Good shoes and a coat are a must. If your child has gloves and a hat, that is also a good idea too.

This is our last week before Thanksgiving break. We will not have school at all next week.

We have finished up our book reports. It is time to start thinking about what your child might want to do for their next home project. We will be having the International Festival December 16, 17, and 18. Lower el will be presenting their projects, Thursday the 17. For those new to the school, the International Festival is where all classes and students do a home project on another culture, country, continent. We then set them all up in the classroom and the students spend part of a couple hours in our room presenting to others who come to see their reports and they are also allowed to go tour other classrooms. Parents and family are definitely invited to attend and see all the hard work the kids have put into their project.

For this first part of the year our class has been learning about the continent of Asia. Our students will need to pick a topic that  has to do with Asia. This can be an animal that lives there, a country there, a specific culture, a landmark, etc. It really is up to the student to pick what they want to do for their project. The students can then present what they learn, including pictures or objects, using things like a poster board, a tri-fold board, a power point, a model, etc. If your child will need a computer to present their project, please let me know. If you have any other questions, shoot me an email.

We will be attending the Nutcracker put on by the Julie Moffet Dance Company during the day on Monday, December 7. Due to the limited number of tickets, only one extra chaperon has been asked to join us. However, if you would like to check with the Perry Theater on Washington and see if they have extra tickets, you are welcome to meet us there. I will be sending home the permission slips this week so be watching for them. All the details are on the form, but since you have to return them, here they are as well. We will be combining with some other classes and taking some First Student school buses to the theater. We will be leaving the school around 11. The ballet starts at noon. When the ballet is over, we will take the buses back to the school. We expect to be back by 2 or shortly after. We will eat lunch early that day and have our snack when we return.

Enjoy the cold.


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Half Day

Don’t forget that tomorrow, Friday, November 13, is a half day. Please make sure your child is picked up at 1 p.m.


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It has been so much fun watching all the students’ home project presentations. The cereal boxes are all so creative and different. If your child hasn’t brought their home project yet, they can still bring them and present them.

Don’t forget that picture re-takes are on Wednesday, November 11th. If you would like to purchase pictures or review previous pictures online, please go to and enter our picture day ID:UM445231Q2. I also have order forms I can send home with your child, just let me know.

Next Friday, November 13, is a half day. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at 1 p.m.

We still have lots of openings for you to come and volunteer to read with our class. Please go to the wejoinin page,, to sign up.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Cereal Box Book Report

Cereal Box Book Report

Front of box: You will need to cover the front of a cereal box with paper. Before gluing or taping the cover on, it is a good idea to create the cover. The cover will need to include the name of the cereal and a picture. The name of the cereal can either be the actual title of the book or you can invent on that is related to the title of the book and sounds like a cereal. Choose a shape for your cereal and colors that all relate to the book. For example, for The Cat in the Hat, you could invent a cereal called Crunchy Cats with red and white cereal shaped like hats.

Sides of box: On one side of the box include the ingredients. For the book these are the characters and setting. List the main characters and tell about each one. Then describe the setting, the main places the story took place.
On the other side of the box write a short summary of the book. Keep it simple. It just needs to be enough so that everyone will know what the story was about and the main things that happened in the story.

Back of the box: Create a game that is based on the story. This can be a maze, word search, word scramble, or anything else you would like. Just make sure it includes things from the book.

Top of the box: Include the title, author, and number of stars you would give the book out of 5 stars. If you loved it, give it 5 stars. If it wasn’t so great, give it maybe 2.

Please feel free to be creative and have fun with the box. As long as it has the information asked for, it can be as colorful or plain as you want.

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Happy Halloween

Happy Early Halloween. I hope you all have a fun and safe night.

Thank you all who were able to come and help with the Halloween party today or were able to send something to help. It was a great success and lots of fun. The kids loved it and I greatly appreciate all the help. A special shout out to our room mom and assistant room mom. They did a great job planning and putting it together. On the note of it being Halloween tomorrow, just a reminder NOT to send any candy with your child to school. Please do not even send it in there lunch.

Book reports are due next week. They can be brought in any day. As a reminder it is a cereal box book report. I will create a second post with all the info on the book report.

Don’t forget to sign up to come and volunteer in our class with reading or other things. Here is the link .

We didn’t do a lot of cultural this week but yesterday we met with Ms. Kirsten’s upper el class and did some fun Halloween themed activities. Ms. Kirsten is our mentor class this year. We put the kids into groups of 2 or 3 with at least one upper and one lower el student. One activity was having them build a small catapult to launch a candy corn pumpkin. I was with this group. It was so fun to watch them work together and see the older students taking some of the younger students ideas. They had a lot of fun and we look forward to more activities with them. The activity Kirsten was in charge of was exploding pumpkin bags. The kids drew jack-o-lantern faces on sandwich bags and mixed a “concoction” of backing soda, food coloring, and vinegar. They mixed these and quickly sealed the back and threw it on the ground. The back inflated and eventually had a small explosion. The students couldn’t stop talking about that.

There is a parent who is interested in carpooling from the Ogden area, more specifically from around 22nd street on the east end of Harrison. If anyone comes from that way and would be interested in carpooling, please let me know.

Thanks again and have a fun safe holiday.


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Reminders for Tomorrow

Just a couple quick reminders. Tomorrow is our class Halloween party. It will start at 1 and go until about 2:30. If you signed up to send something, please send it tomorrow if you haven’t already.

Also, a reminder to level 3 parents that level 3s will be performing Thriller tomorrow in the gym at 11:30 and we would love to see you there.



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Classroom Volunteer Sign-up

Here is the link to sign up to come volunteer in our classroom. For now I just have them as half hour slots. If you can stay for an hour please feel free to sign up for 2. Also, I have a limit of just one per slot for now. If you would like to come at a time that is full, please email me and we will work something out. We love volunteers and helpers in our classroom.

Thanks so much.

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Halloween Party Sign Up

Here is the wejoinin link for signups to help with the Halloween party. It will be from 1:00-2:30. We need some parents to come and help and then some to donate things for it.


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