Welcome Back

Happy New Years!

I hope you have all had wonderful holidays and enjoyed your time with you families and the snow.

School starts again this Monday, the 4th. It is snowy and cold so please remember to send your child with warm clothing for recess. We also have P.E. Tuesdays and it is a bit hard to run around in snow boots. If you could remember to also send some sneakers with your child that day, that would help.



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Don’t Forget

Don’t forget, tomorrow is lower elementary’s International Festival. It Will be from 12:30 to 2:30. You are all invited to come. Home projects must be brought tomorrow or your child will be unable to present.

Also, this Friday is a half day and it is also a day where your child can wear jeans. Shirts must still be dress code appropriate and the jeans should have no holes.

Take care.

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Box Tops


I hope you are all enjoying this snowy weather and are safe in all your travels.

Just a reminder that tomorrow is the boxtops store.

Take care.


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Last Week of 2015

Hello All,

I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone for the help with the holiday feast. It was a great success and a lot of fun. Thank you to all who were able to join us, provide something, or both. We truly have great parent support in our class.

This week is our last school week of 2015. Our holiday break starts next Monday, the 21st. This Friday, the 18th, is a half day. Please arrange for your child to be picked up by 1 p.m. Also, if you have a holiday gift for Ms. Marleen, please send it by Thursday because she does not work Fridays.

Our home projects on Asia are due by Thursday. Your child can pick any topic that has to do with Asia and make a presentation on it. We have our International Festival this week. Upper el has theirs Wednesday in the morning. For lower el we will be having ours Thursday from 12:30 to 2:30. You are all welcome to come and tour the lower el classes that are presenting on their continents. We would love to see you there.

I believe that is all the announcements I have. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Just a reminder that tomorrow is our class holiday feast starting at noon. Don’t forget to bring or send something if you signed up for it. Also, if you would like to help set up, we will be starting at 11:30 in the south kiva. This is the kiva on the opposite side of the school from our class.


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Feast Sign Up

Here is the sign up for our Holiday Feast. Please help us out if you can. https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/fprsm 


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Field Trip and Feast


Tomorrow is our field trip to the Nutcracker. We will eat lunch before going and have snack when we get back. Please have your child dress in nice clothes. For girls this could mean a dress or skirt. If your daughter wears a nice dress, she does not need to have a collar. Boys will still need to have a collar on their shirt. If possible, a button down shirt would be nice, and if they would like to wear a tie, they can as well.

We are also having our feast this Thursday. I will have a sign up sheet on wejoinin by tomorrow, Monday, morning. The feast will start at noon and go for about an hour in the South Kiva of the school.

Next week is the International Festival. This means home projects need to be finished by next week. They will need to be on something to do with Asia. Lower el will present on Thursday afternoon. You are all invited to come and see our presentations and the others from lower el.



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Just a reminder to let me know if you will be able to come to our Holiday Feast that is next Thursday, the 10th starting at noon. All parents and grandparents are welcome. I just need a count by Friday so I can put together sign up sheet for food.

We do not have anyone signed up for snack next week. If you are willing to provide snack, let me know or just sign up on wejoinin.

Also, our students have been working so hard that many have used up a couple of their notebooks. If you have any of the composition notebooks we use (they are usually black and white) and are willing to donate some, we would love to have them.

Remember, it is getting cold. Please send your child with warm clothing. Most important, they need a coat.


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Welcome Back

Welcome Back,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a nice break. Can you believe December starts Tuesday. We have a lot of things coming up.

Monday, December 7, is our field trip to the Nutcracker at Perry’s Egyptian Theater on Washington in Ogden. We will be taking First Student buses to this field trip. We will be leaving the school at 11 and will return around 2 after the ballet. We will eat lunch before we go and have snack when we get back. We have a limited number of tickets and already have our needed chaperons. If you did not send back the field trip form before the break, please send it ASAP. Let me know if you will need another.

We will be having our class holiday feast on Thursday, December 10, starting at noon. All are invited. We would love to have you join us. Please let me know ASAP if you will be able to come to our feast. I need to get a count before I create a wejoinin page for volunteers.

Also, the night of the 10th Ms. Connie, our music teacher, is planning a holiday performance. If you and your family would like to come it will be at the school in the gym. If your last name starts with a letter from A-K please be there at 6. If your last name starts with a letter from L-Z please be there at 7. The children are encouraged to where their best, such as dresses and nice shirts and slacks.

Our International Festival is coming up. Upper el is from 9-11 on Wednesday the 16th. Lower el is from 12:30-2:30 on Thursday the 17. I hope you and your student have been thinking about what your child might want to do their project on. We have been studying Asia, so please choose something to do with that continent.

I know this is a lot to take in. Once again, I hope you all had a nice break. Let me know if you have any questions.



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Happy Thanksgiving

Hello All,

Don’t forget, no school next week for our Thanksgiving break.

Next Saturday, November 28, is the lighting of the Christmas Village on 25th street in Ogden. Our school has a float in the parade. Please come and see it and enjoy the lights with your family. The parade starts at 6 p.m. and the tree is lit up at 7. Hope to see you there.

I will give you more updates next Friday or Saturday. For now, enjoy the week and Happy Thanksgiving.


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