PTC This Week

Hello Everyone,

I hope your enjoying the sunshine from today. Maybe the groundhog was right and we will get an early spring.

Don’t forget, this week is Parent Teacher Conferences. We have a full day of school Monday and early out days Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We will not have school Friday of this coming week, or Monday February 15 because of Presidents Day. There are still empty slot for sign ups . Here is the link if you have not been able to sign up yet: If you are unable to make it this week, please let me know and We can work out another time.

We will be going on a field trip to Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake on Thursday, February 25. We will be taking the frontrunner and TRAX to get to and from there. We love it when parents come. If you would like to join us on the field trip and see the IMAX movie with us, it will be $6 for you. There will be a payment link set up shortly for you to pay the $6. Please let me know if you would like to join us, either by email or you can tell me at conferences. This is also when I will be having you sign the permission slips like last time. If you don’t make it to conferences, I will send the form home with your child.

We are having our Valentine’s party this coming Thursday from 10 to 11:30. Your child can bring cards for all their classmates if they would like. They may also bring a treat but it must be sealed in an envelop. We have 29 students in our class. Please do not put a name on the cards for who they are to, only who they are from. This makes it easier to pass the cards out. We will be using large manila envelops for the Valentine cards this year.

Once again, I want to thank you all for your support. We truly have great students and parents in our class.

Thanks again.


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Picture Tomorrow

Hello All,

Just a reminder that we have our class picture for the year book tomorrow. Please do not have your child to wear white or grey. Darker colors work better, and please do not have your child wear a school spirit shirt. We would like them all in collared shirts.


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Class Picture


Just a few reminders and updates. Thursday morning at 9 we will be doing our class group photo for the yearbook. PLEASE try to make sure your child is here so we can have the whole class in the photo. I understand that it is cold and flu season and things happen, but if your child is well, please make sure they are here on time.

Also, the Jr. High is currently selling carnations for Valentine’s Day before and after school for $3.

We will be having our Valentine’s party next Thursday the 11. We will start at about 10 and go until about 11:30. It will be similar to our Halloween party but Valentine themed. We need some volunteers to come and help and also send things for our snack and activities. Here is the link for the sign-ups: We will then hand out any Valentine cards we have after that. Once again we have 29 students and 2 teachers in our class. Please do not put names on the cards for who they go to, just who they are from. If you choose to include a treat or candy with the card, please have it in a sealed envelope. We will not be doing boxes this year, I will provide the students with large envelope to decorate. This is an optional thing, your child does not have to bring cards.

Enjoy the rest of the week.


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Welcome February! Can you believe that February starts next week and that today was the 100th day of school? Time sure flies.

Parent Teacher Conferences are in a week and a half. They are Tuesday through Thursday, February 9 – 11. These will also be early out days. We will not have school Friday the 12 or Monday the 15.  Please sign up for a conference. If you are able, please bring your child with you. They will help guide the conference. If you are unable to make it to any of the available times, let me know and we will work something out.

We will also be having a Valentine’s party on the morning of the 11th. We will probably need a few volunteers and supplies. Once all the details are worked out, I will let you know. The kids can also bring Valentine cards and/or treats for each student. To avoid confusion, please do not put who the card is for, only who it is from. From past experience, it causes a lot of confusion and extra time if kids are digging for a certain child’s name to put in their box. We have 29 students in our class plus Ms. Marleen and I. The students are not required to bring anything for anyone, it is definitely just an option.

The home projects that have been presented have been wonderful. Thank you so much for your support with those. We will continue presenting next week. If your child has not brought theirs yet, they can bring it next week.

We have a field trip coming up to the Clark Planetarium on Thursday, February 25. We are waiting on a few things to make sure it is a go. For now, plan on that date. We will take Frontrunner and TRAX and love it when parents come.

Thank you for all your support and time.



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See’s Candy

Hello All,

I hope you had a good week. We did history in cultural this week. Level 1s are learning past, present, and future; Level 2s are learning about the constellations and the myths behind them. They are even making up their own. Level 3s are learning about the time periods in the Paleozoic Era. We are studying Australia for the rest of the year and today we did a brief intro about some of the exotic animals in Australia. We also had the opportunity to make cards of support and encouragement for Officer Doug Barney’s family. For those who may not know, Office Barney was killed in the line of duty last Sunday. He and his family are from Holladay, Utah. He left behind his wife and 3 kids.

Just a reminder that See’s Candy orders are due Monday.

We also have Parent teacher Conferences coming up on Tuesday, February 9th, Wednesday the 10th, and Thursday the 11th. These days will also be early out days and there will be no school Friday of that week. The link for sign ups is, or use the link on the right of the page.

Don’t forget, home projects are due next week. We will be presenting them to the class throughout each day of the week.

Again, thanks for all you do.


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P.E. Tomorrow

Just a reminder that we have P.E. tomorrow. We have P.E. in the gym. If your child wears snow boots or shoes to school that would be hard to run in, please try and remember to send them with some tennis shoes or good running shoes.


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Martin Luther King Week

Hello All,

Hope you are all enjoying this snowy day and are safe at home or in your travels.

There will be no school Monday due to Martin Luther King Jr.

Tuesday night will be the parent ed night. It will start at 7 p.m. with a presentation for about 15 – 20 minutes in the gym by Ms. Stephanie and Ms. Kacee. Then until 8 you will be able to visit classrooms and talk to the teachers and get a tour of their room as well as ask questions. If you have a level 3 student, I recommend you come and visit an upper el class so you can see what it will be like for your child next year. Please invite your friends, family, and neighbors. This night is only for adults. While you are here, please check out our class display hanging on the wire hangers in the south hallway by the office. There is a world map made by level ones, parts of a volcano made by level twos, and a Martin Luther King Jr. mosaic made by all.

The last couple of weeks we have had some issues with lunches. We have had a few students forget their lunches and many that only have something small like a sandwich, or a granola bar and fruit snacks. I know that time can be an issue in the morning and things come up. Sometimes we have extra snack we can provide for the children and we have had some things like Easy-Mac that we have had available; however, we have been needing to provide the children with food at an increasing rate. Ms. Marleen and I don’t want the students to go hungry, but many times they do not like what we can give them and we cannot be expected to provide food every day for 30 students. One idea that I know many parents do is pack or help their child pack their lunch the night before and just keep it in the fridge so all you have to do is grab it in the morning and go. I would also encourage you to talk to your child about their lunch and ask if they are getting enough to eat or like the lunch you pack. Many come to us day after day, still hungry, but have eaten their whole lunch. Others are hungry because they do not like what is packed so they won’t eat it. On both occasions, we encourage the children to talk to mom and dad about it so they can have the food they need to fill their bellies. If there ever comes a time where you cannot provide your child with lunch for any reason, please let us know, and we will do what we can to best support you.

Home projects are due in a couple of weeks. If you need a reminder of the famous African American your child has been assigned, please let me know.

The weeks of January 25 and February 1 do not have anyone signed up for snack. If you can provide snack either of these weeks please sign up.

Thanks for all you do. Enjoy your long weekend and be safe.


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No School

Don’t forget that we do not have school tomorrow or Monday.

Enjoy the long weekend.


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January Home Project


This month for January home projects all the students drew a name of a famous African America in honor of Martin Luther King Jr day. I sent home an orange paper with the name of the person they drew and the due date. It also has some of the info that I would like to be included on the home project. Some of the people are deceased and some are still living. The projects will need to be turned in to be presented the week of January 25. I also have a list of which child has which person if you need me to let you know. Your child can make a poster, powerpoint, book, etc. They can choose how to present their project.

Next Friday, January 15, there is no school. This is a professional development day for teachers. Also, there is no school Monday, January 18, in honor of Martin Luther King Jr day.

In the next couple of months we have quite a few weeks that we are in need of snack. If you would be able to provide it for us, please go to and sign up.

Thank you all so much for everything.

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Things Sent Home

Hello All,

I sent home to things with your students today and just wanted to make you aware of them.

One is a small flyer for the Maria Montessori Academy Open House. There will be two of these, one is for the Jr. High and the other if for Elementary. The Jr. High Parent & Student Night will be next Tuesday, January 12, from 7-8. The Parent Information Night for Early Childhood and 1st-6th will be the following Tuesday, January 19, from 7-8. Please feel free to come to one or both of these. Also, invite any neighbors, family, friends who are interested or curious about Montessori.

The second flyer is for the See’s Candy order. The money raised from this will help with the 6th grade field trip to the Red Woods. These are due back January 25 and the candy will be delivered in time for Valentine’s Day.

Thanks a bunch.


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