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Maria Montessori Academy

Yearbook Online!


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Step 2: Enter your pay code 78444 and click next

Step 3: Select you child’s teacher

Step 4: Choose either a standard yearbook ($25) or a personalized yearbook ($30).

Order by April 20th!

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St. Patrick’s Day


we will be talking about the history of St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow. Ms. Lacey and I encourage your kids to wear green, however, if  they wear any other color shirt that will be great, too. Per our school rules we will have zero tolerance about pinching. Pinching is considered a safe school violation, and will result in the child being sent to the office. Please take the time to discuss this with your child tonight.



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March 12, 2016

I’d like to start out by saying thank you to those of you who helped out with the baby sprinkle on Thursday. The kids had a great time, and most importantly, Jalee loved seeing all of them and sharing some things about Sawyer. Also, thank  you so much for your generosity. Jalee enjoyed opening all the gifts, and appreciates the gift card.

This past week was Ms. Lacey’s first week with us. I believe she has adjusted well, and the kids have opened up to her. She is doing a fantastic job of keeping the kids on track with their work, and helping them with anything they need. The kids seem to enjoy having her with us, and of course, she is of great help to me.

As a quick reminder, the “I wonder…” home projects are due this week. Don’t worry, if your child hasn’t finished working on it there is still plenty of time to bring it in and present it. My goal is to have three or four kids share every day this week, and then continue next week with the rest of them.

Next Friday, March 18, is our annual fundraiser gala. Tickets are $25, or $30 at the door. It is a great opportunity to get out and meet other parents and teachers, and support our school. There will be music, dinner, silent auctions, and lots of fun. There is no dress code, however, most people usually opt for cocktail or semi formal dress. I will be there, so come and join me!

On a side note, I am continuing to be amazed by your kids’ patience with me, with Ms. Lacey and the adjustment period. I can proudly tell you that we keep receiving compliments from other teachers and the administration on how well behaved they are, especially while moving through the hallways. Personally, I am happy and excited that they work hard in the class room and that they love coming to school. It truly is a pleasure to be around them for most of my day. We couldn’t have asked for a better class!


Thanks for everything you do and all your support. As always, please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions.


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Just wanted to share some pictures of our new addition. Thanks for all your support. If you signed up to bring us a dinner, please be looking for an email from me the day of your meal.
A quick update on Sawyer, he is still in the NICU because he is not eating well. He was 3 weeks early and has Down’s syndrome. Combining those 2 things, the sucking, swallowing, and breathing are a challenge for him. He is doing better, however. All the tests they have done have come back good. We love Sawyer and are excited to have him in our family.


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What an exciting Week

Hello everyone,

it has been one exciting and different week for us to say the least.

As everyone knows by now, Jalee and her husband Eric welcomed a healthy baby boy, Sawyer, into this world on March 2. He was 5 lbs 9 oz and 17 inches. Jalee was discharged from the hospital, however, Sawyer will be staying in the NICU for a little while longer. Jalee will keep you all updated through the blog and email.

I would like to take the time to say thank you to you and especially to your children for having been so patient with me this week. I have always know that we have an amazing class, but this past week has shown me just how independent, kind and understanding all of your children are. I could not have asked for better children to be around. They truly did an incredible job at helping me with lessons, checking off, doing chores around the class, and most of all behaving themselves. Other teachers comment on how well behaved and respectful our class is all the time!!

On Monday, Lacey will start helping out in our class room. I have known her for a little while now, and I am convinced that she will be a great asset to our class community. She will be taking over some of my responsibilities such as reading groups and class room management; however, my goal is to teach her some of the basic ‘works’, so that she will be able to give some secondary lessons and aid the kids if they need help or get stuck on something.

We will still be having the baby sprinkle on Thursday afternoon. Jalee has mentioned to me that she would love to come visit that day to see the kids, and to tell them about Sawyer. She will obviously not be bringing the baby, but it will be a great time for her to share some pictures with us. If you have a gift for the Schofield family, please send it with your child that day, or you may send money (as suggested by Dixie) in a sealed envelope, and either Dixie or I will buy a gift card for Jalee and her family with the collected money.

If you signed up to bring Jalee and Eric a meal during her recovery, please contact me for their address and directions, or you may send the food with your child, and I will take it to them. We have several fridges available throughout the school; I am sure there will be room in one of them to keep the meal fresh.

Please don’t hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns, and thank you for everything you do!


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Thank You!

I just want to start out by saying thank you for all your support with the field trip. Thank you to all who were able to come and thank you to all for being flexible with the pick up and drop off at the train station. We had a great time. I truly believe we have some of the greatest parents and students in our school. I love our class and would not change it for the world.

Just an update on the next month. As you know I am pregnant, and I have about 3 weeks left. My plan is to work until right before my due date which is the 22, unless this little boy has other plans and comes early. My last day will be Thursday the 17th which is a half day and we don’t have school Friday. For the rest of the year Marleen will take over as lead teacher. I have complete and utmost confidence in her and I am not worried about leaving on maternity leave at all. We will have a substitute assistant. Her name is Lacey Wolfinger. She is very involved in many things at the school and I believe she will be a great addition to our class and do a wonderful job. I will come back to see the kids a time or two before the end of the year. I will be back next year with Marleen by my side. 🙂

Don’t forget, our next home project is due in a couple of weeks and the topic is “I Wonder…”

Thanks again. I believe those are the only updates for now.

Take care.


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Field Trip Tomorrow

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our field trip to Clark Planetarium at The Gateway in Salt Lake. We will be taking the Frontrunner and TRAX to and from. Our train leaves at 8:07 a.m. Please be at the frontrunner station on Wall Street in Ogden no later than 7:45. We will not be going to the school at all. We will need time to distribute the wristbands to all the kids. Unfortunately, UTA did not send us our chaperon wristbands like they were supposed to, so if you are taking the train with us, you will need to pay for yourself. We will be arriving at the planetarium between 9 and 9:30. We will start our day with Science Around the Sphere. We will then have time for exploring the planetarium and visit the store. We will also take this time to have an early lunch. Our IMAX movie, Deep Sea 3D, will start at noon. If you would like to join us for the movie, please make sure you have gone to the link,, to pay for your ticket. It is $6.00 plus a $1.50 fee. After the movie, we will have a bit more free time to explore. We will need to leave the planetarium between 1:30 and 1:45 to catch TRAX and frontrunner home. We will arrive back at the Wall Ave Station in Ogden at 2:52 p.m. For lunch, we will be walking to the food court at The Gateway to utilize their tables for lunch. Please send your child with a lunch that does not need to be heated up. They may also purchase lunch there.
Once again, it is very important that you pay for your ticket to the movie ahead of time. You are paying the school and in turn the school has to pay the planetarium. If you do not pay through the link, I cannot guarantee you a seat for the movie.

Thank you for all your support.



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Upcoming Week

Hello Everyone,

I apologize that I have not gotten you the link to pay for your ticket if you are coming on the field trip with us on Thursday. There was a mix up with the planetarium and they are doing their best to take care of it. We are just waiting for one thing so I should be sending out the link to you tomorrow. Please watch for that.

The next home project we will be doing will be themed “I Wonder…” Your child can pick anything they want to know more about and research that and present it to the class. These will be do the week of March 14. However, as always, if your child finishes early, they are more than welcome to bring it in early and present when they are ready. I had thought of doing home projects based around the continent we are studying which is Australia, but Ms. Brittany shared this home project that she did with her class and I loved it. If your child wants to do something culturally based, that’s great. If not, really the sky is the limit.

Thanks for all your support and patience.

Take care.


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Thank You

Hello Everyone,

Thank you to all who were able to make it to parent teacher conferences. I enjoyed meeting with you all. If you were unable to come in and meet with me, please let me know and we will schedule something at a more convenient time for you.

I also want to say thank you to all who were able to come and help with the Valentine party or who were able to donate to help with it. The kids had a good time.

Don’t forget, we do not have school Monday because of President’s Day. We have P.E. Tuesday. Don’t forget to send good running shoes with your child if they wear snow boots that day.

Thank you for all your support and enjoy your weekend.


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Don’t Forget

Don’t forget that tomorrow is our class Valentine party. The students can bring cards and treats for our class. We have 29 students and 2 teachers. Don’t forget to send anything you signed up to donate. We also have room for more volunteers. Our party starts at 10.

Thanks to everyone who has come to conferences so far, and I look forward to seeing those of you who will come tomorrow.

Take care.

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