Home Projects

Dear Parents,

Our last home projects  for this school year are coming up soon, and I would like to take a few minutes to update you on what we have been working on with your children as far as presenting goes.

We have noticed that many of the children bring in amazing projects, however, when they present them they have a hard time reading the information that is on their board/power point etc. In their best effort to convey the information, they are not making eye contact with their audience, nor are most of them speaking loudly and clearly. As a result a lot of our friends are losing interest and stop being engaged. Students feel success when presenting when they see an engaged audience.

We have been working with them on using their poster boards/papers as a guide instead of as a “book” to read to the audience. We have been practicing using pictures only to tell a story or convey information. Through these efforts we have noticed that all of the children were more interested in hearing about the topic, were more engaged during the presentation, asked relevant questions afterwards, and in general seemed to retain more of the information presented. More importantly the children feel so proud of themselves when they see the audience react that way!

That said, we would like this last home project to be a picto-presentation; meaning that the poster board, power point etc should only contain pictures, which the children then will use as talking points. We also encourage questions during the presentation to help spark the audience’s interest. Here is some information about why we feel a picto-presentation would be perfect to get the children started on engaging presentations.

“Firstly, the places where pictograms are used are typically places where there’s a necessity to convey a message quickly, like for example a stop sign that helps to prevent an accident. Secondly, a pictogram needs to be memorable, and since an “image speaks a thousand words”, it serves this purpose much better than text, in terms of memorability. In other words, a pictogram tells a story very fast without someone needing to actually read anything.” -Successful Presentations for Elementary Students

Having your child use a few note cards with their own handwriting and their own sentences or key words that can help them remember what they want to say is a good way to remember their key info.  Our goal is for your children to be able to stand in front of a group and re tell the information they learned through their research without reading directly from a typed text or excerpt. We truly  believe that learning to speak and share information at a young age enables children to grow into young people that are not afraid to speak, and express themselves in front of a group. This is a skill that when learned at an early age will hugely benefit your children for the rest of their school career. Please take a few minutes at dinner or bedtime to have your child retell to you or their siblings five key points that  they think they would like to present to the class when the time comes.

We will be using this presentation rubrik to give the children a little bit of feedback. I will be sending a copy of it home today, so you have something on hand to help your child practice.


 Home Project information:

Level 1: A bird of your choice

Level 2: A planet of your choice

Level 3: A dinosaur of your choice

Home projects are due the week of May 2.


Thank you for all your support with this, and helping your child become a successful presenter!

Ms. Lacey and Ms. Marleen

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Discovery Gateway Museum Field Trip

Dear Parents,

our field trip to the Discovery Gateway Museum was approved today, and we are good to go. I will be sending the field trip forms home with your children tomorrow. Please send them back ASAP so that the office can make sure everybody gets to go.

Also, if you would like to chaperon please let me know. Adults are free for the museum, but have to pay for the Frontrunner and TRAX.

Thank you so much for all your support with this fieldtrip!


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Placemats, Waterbottles and Slippers

Now that the blog server is back up I can send out the very late reminder to please send your child’s placemat, waterbottle and slippers with them tomorrow.



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our blog server was down for most of spring break. They fixed it this morning, however, a few of the current posts could not be recovered. I reposted them, so, sorry in advance if you get emails with the same posts that you may have already read.

The most current post was April 1, 2016 and talked about important upcoming dates. Please read it if you have not yet done so.

As a side note, I have had quite a few parents offer to donate money in order for us to go on the Gateway Discovery field trip. If you are one of the parents, I have sent you an email with instructions. Thank you so much for helping us out, and making this field trip happen!!


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April 1, 2016

Our first ever literacy week was a huge success. The kids loved making the giant A for the hallway. We chose to decorate it using copies of The Berenstain’s A Book. Every day of the week, several kids wrote words on index cards, and added them to the letters.


Although we did not win the door decorating contest, we are very proud of our end result for the project. Everyone took their “favorite book” picture card home today. Please take a minute and acknowledge your children’s hard work for both of the projects.

On Thursday afternoon, all levels attended the in-school field trip Scales and Tales. This time they brought in exotic birds for the children to study. Everyone had a blast.

A lot of the kids had been asking me if my husband Jay would be able to come visit so they could ask him questions about his trip to Africa. This morning, he visited our class to talk to them about it, and hopefully answered all of their questions while everyone was making bookmarks.


This afternoon, we finished literacy week with a rock painting project. The entire school read the book Only One You, and every child was able to pick a big river rock to paint. Ours turned out fabulous. After spring break, the rocks will be on display somewhere on our property. The exact place is to be determined. I will keep you updated in case you want to look at them at a later time. I would like to thank Ms. Lacey for providing us with enough paint and supplies so that everyone was able to make a beautiful fish, and Ms. Jodi who helped me make it all happen today. Thanks a bunch!



A few updates and upcoming dates:

I sent home all water bottles and place mats to be cleaned thoroughly. Please have your child bring them back after spring break.

Please remember to order a yearbook for your child within the next couple of weeks.

Our annual spelling bee is coming up on  Friday, April 22. I sent home the spelling lists together with a letter. Even if your child does not plan on participating, encourage them to study the words.

Friday, April 22 is a half day. School will be out at 1 o’clock.

On Thursday, April 28, we will be taking part in a one hour long dance workshop. Ballet West will be coming to our school, and Ms. Elise’s class will be joining us for the workshop.

Ms. Kaley and I had planned to take our classes on a field trip to the Discovery Gateway Museum in Salt Lake City on Thursday, April 21. They offered us a free two hour class/workshop on bees and pollination. We would be taking the Frontrunner and Trax there and back for free. However, we do not have enough funds remaining to pay the $4 per child for the museum. This field trip is a great opportunity for the kids to get their hands on some very nice STEM projects and materials throughout the museum. If you would, please send me an email if you are interested in your child going, if you possibly have a membership card, and/or if you could make a donation in order for us to be able to go. Thank you in advance.


Have a great weekend, and a fun spring break!


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we currently do not have anyone signed up for snack for the following weeks:

April 11-15

April 18-22

May 9-13

May 16-20

Unfortunately, Ms. Lacey and I will not be able to provide snack for all of the weeks. If you are able to bring in items even for a few days we would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks a lot,


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Literacy Week


This coming week will be an eventful one. Ms. Lacey, the kids and I have prepared for literacy week for a few days, and we are excited to see the fruits of our labor.

MMA is hosting a school wide book swap in the north and south kivas this whole week. Please take a few minutes to go through your children’s books with them, and pick a few that you would be willing to donate or swap. The motto for the tables is “leave one and take one”, however, we encourage all kids to take one even if they are not able to bring one!

Just a quick reminder, if your child has yet to bring in their favorite book to get their picture taken, please have them bring it tomorrow. We will be hanging up our door decoration tomorrow afternoon.

Also, please remember to RSVP for our Family Literacy Night on Thursday from 6-8 pm. I would love to see everyone there!

Have a great rest of your weekend.


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March 24, 2016

We had a great work week this week. Most of the kids finished their works for the entire week, and everyone earned to be part of the level 3 dinosaur lesson yesterday. We had Ms. Lacey’s son Jack present about dinosaurs, share his knowledge, and facilitate a fun activity in which everyone was able to participate. The kids had a blast to say the least!


Please have your child bring in their favorite book (if they haven’t yet) so that we can take a picture for our literacy week door decorating contest. We are making cards with pictures of us holding/reading our favorite book. I will be sending the cards home once literacy week is over.

I sent level 1s home with a small homework today. This week we have been studying History in the afternoon, and level 1s talk about timelines and family trees. Please help your child fill out the rest of their family tree, and have them bring it back on Monday so that they can tell us about it.

A quick reminder… Although the “I wonder” home projects were due last week, we have quite a few students who have not brought theirs to class yet. Please make sure to have them bring it in by Monday if they would like to still present it to the other students.

Thanks, and have a great Easter weekend!



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Composition Books


a lot of the kids have run out of pages in their composition books. I had some extras, but unfortunately we are completely out now. I know it is getting towards the end of the school year, but I am asking that you would please send one composition book with your child in the next couple of weeks. By doing so you will help us tremendously in keeping our lessons and notes separate instead of having language, math, and cultural all in the same book.

Thank you very much in advance,


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Literacy Week

This year’s literacy week will be March 28- April 1. Our assigned letter is “A”. Please ask your children to collect flat items, magazine clipping or anything else related to, or that begins with the letter A as we will be decorating a giant A for the hallway. We need these items by this Thursday, March 24 so that we can start working on it on Friday. Every day of the week the kids will each chose a word that begins with A, write it on an index card, and tape it around our giant A.

On Thursday, March 31, MMA will be hosting a Family Literacy Night. Please see the attached flyer for all the information, and use the provided link to RSVP. Our class, together with Ms. Elise’s class, will be making book marks that night. We would love to see everyone!

Family Literacy Night RSVP link: http://goo.gl/forms/dk5dmUQMNd

Flyer: Literacy Week Flyer


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