Our Own Universes

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First Week

We made it through our first week. I always forget how exhausting yet rewarding it is to be back at school. We did a lot of grace and courtesy and team building this week. We also had some great lessons. Today we had a great time with Ms. Kirsten’s class. Ms. Kirsten’s class is our mentor class. We will be doing something with them at least once a month, have reading partners with them, and even try to schedule a field trip with them. Today we did a team building activity with them. We split the kids up into small groups and gave them 4 mats. They had to work together to get across the field, using the mats, without touching the grass. It was so fun to watch them work together. It wasn’t just the older kids doing all the work, but the younger ones were helping as well. One group had to go back to the beginning because they touched the grass. The awesome part of that was that they didn’t give up, they just worked even harder to make it. The groups that got to the end first were great. They grabbed their mats and ran to the other groups to help them succeed as well. It was such a great experience. I will post pictures of it.

Next week we will start gradually working our way into work cycle. Monday the kids may only get 1 or 2 works or lessons for work cycle but we will add more each day. We will continue with finishing our great lessons. These will be taking a look at the large timeline of life, theories on the coming of man, the history of writing, and the history of math. The history of writing and math are fun because there are a lot of good books and activities to do as follow ups of them. After we had the coming of the universe lesson the kids worked in groups to create their own universes. I will also post pictures of these.

Thank you to all who were able to make it to back to school night last night. If you weren’t able to come, I sent home a bright orange paper with your child today. This is the schedule for all the home projects we will have this year. This is also on the blog, at the top, under the picture if you need it. When each month starts, I will post a more detailed description of each one on the blog. I also plan on modeling them for the students.

As always, thank you for your support.


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Few Quick Reminders

What a wonderful first couple days of school we have had! It has been fun getting to see the returning students again and getting to know the new ones better. This is going to be a great year!

Just a few reminders: I sent home the first “home project” today, the brown bag biography. Sometime in the next two weeks, help your child find 5 things that tell us about themselves and will fit in the bag. They will then bring it to school and share with us what they brought and why.

Don’t forget that Thursday night is back to school night for parents. It will be from 6:30 – 8 p.m. The first half hour will be in the gym and the rest of the time you will be free to visit classrooms and talk to the teachers. Please come if you are able.

We shared this with the kids yesterday, Ms. Marleen is allergic to peanuts. For this reason, we ask that you don’t send peanut butter with snack. However, things with peanuts are fine. She is conscientious enough to know what she can and cannot eat. Having  peanut butter with snack is a bit harder to contain so we ask that you not send it. Peanut butter with lunch, like in a sandwich or to dip apples in, is totally fine. We have talked to the kids and given them lessons about how to keep their areas fairly clean during lunch and how to clean up afterwards. If, for some reason the peanut butter at lunch becomes a problem, I will let you know. For now, it is totally fine to send.

Please remember that no candy is allowed in lunches. Also, please only send water and juice. We also ask that the juice not be red or dark colors as it stains if spilled. Capri-suns are fine.

If you have not been able to get a cloth place mat for your child, please do so. This helps contain the food and make lunch easier to clean up. We decided to go with cloth instead of plastic this year because no matter how many times we gave lessons on how to clean and dry them, they always ended up sticky and stinky. We have access to a washer and dryer at school and will wash the cloth place mats at least bi-weekly if needed.

Thank you for all your help, support, and patience.


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School on Monday

It’s here! Well, almost. School starts this coming Monday. Just as a reminder, school starts at 8:30 but the doors are open for the students to come in at 8:15. Either myself or Ms. Marleen will be outside with a sign that has our names on it for any student who is nervous about going in by themselves or unsure where to go. All of next week will be half days so please make plans to pick your child up at 1 p.m. If you have not sent your school supplies, please do so Monday. The supply list is on a page at the top of the blog, just under the picture.

The first couple weeks of school we will be doing a lot of grace and courtesy, team building, and great lessons. Some of the grace and courtesy we will be covering are things like hall etiquette, self control, peace, proper greetings, etc. The great lessons are what we teach the children at the beginning of the year. They include things, like The Coming of Man and The Story of the Universe. We teach the students about theories and share many different ones with them and invite them to think about what their own theories are. We also emphasize that what they are taught in their home is most important. We will also teach them about the history of language and math.

The second week of school we will start giving lessons and introducing work cycle. We will start with just a few works a day and eventually move to 6 works a day.

I have added a page to the blog (at the top under the picture) that has a schedule of all home projects we will be doing this year, a brief description, and when they need to be done and presented. We will be doing one a month. When that month comes, I will send a more detailed description of what is expected. The first home project will start the first day of school. It is really simple. I will send home a brown paper bag with instructions in it. Basically, the students need to bring 5 things that tell us about themselves and FIT IN THE BAG. If an object is too big, use a picture or find something small that can represent it. This bag will come home on Monday and the students can bring it back any time in the next two weeks. I will soon have a schedule of the field trips we are planning this year.

I am excited to see all of the kids on Monday. This is going to be a great year!


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Early Student Orientation

Hello All,

I apologize that this reminder is coming a little late. I thought I had posted about this already but just realized I haven’t

The new student orientation for any students new to our classroom/school is this Friday, the 12. Lower el and morning kinder are from 1-1:45 and upper el and afternoon kinder are from 2-2:45. If you are able to bring your child to this, please do. This allows your child to get to know Ms. Marleen and I a little better as well as feel a bit more comfortable in our classroom.

Also, PLEASE sign up for snack. So far we only have a few people signed up for the whole year. Ms. Marleen and I cannot provide snack for the class every week. If no one is signed up for snack and we do not have any extra from previous weeks, we  will just not have snack for that week. We need your support and help with this. There is a list of appropriate snack ideas at the top of the blog. Also, I can answer any questions you have. Here is the link again: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/rizyn. It is also on the right side of the blog.

Thanks a bunch.


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Supply Drop Off


I failed to let you know when you could drop off your child’s supplies. I will be at the school every day next week but Tuesday. You can drop them off any of those days.


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Don’t Forget

Don’t forget that The Back to School Pool Party is this coming Tuesday, August 2. It will be at the North Shore Aquatic Center across from the school from 7-9 p.m.
Hope to see you there!

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5K Color Run


The registration for the 5K is up and ready. Here is the link: https://www.raceentry.com/races/mma-annual-5k-family-color-fun-run/2016/register

I will also make a link for this on the right side of the blog. The proceeds for this go toward the 6th grade field trip to the Redwoods. You don’t even need to run. I always just walk it.
Sign up! It is way fun and this year it is a color run.


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Welcome Back

Welcome back! Well, almost. July is half way through and school starts in about 4 weeks. This summer has flown by, and I even had 3 extra months due to having my little Sawyer. A quick update on my family: Things are going well. Sloane is a crazy, independent 2 year old whose favorite words are “Meself,” and “Hold me, pease.” At least she says please. 🙂 Sawyer is 4 and a half months old and doing well. For those who don’t know, he has Down syndrome. We did not know about this until he was born. We feel very blessed that he does not have any major health issues at this point in his life. He is eating well and growing. Developmentally he is doing great as well. I will admit, that before him I didn’t know much about Down syndrome, and while I am still not an expert, I certainly know more than I did before. Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have about Sloane, Sawyer or Down syndrome, I will do my best to answer.

Our classroom supply list is ready. It is at the top of the blog under the title “Supply List 2016-17” next to the snack ideas page. Our list is not very big this year. We have lots left over from previous years. If you are unable to get the things on the list, please let me know. Also, please let me know if you have any questions about it.

Here is a link to the school’s dress code policy: http://mariamontessoriacademy.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Dress-Code-Guidelines-Updated.pdf. It is also on the right side of the page as a link if you ever need a quick reminder. There is also a link to the school’s news letter that comes out once a week, Monday Montessori Moments, be sure to check the most recent one. You can also access the link that will allow you to by school spirit shirts which can be worn any day of the week. I will also provide it here: https://squareup.com/store/beeyouteesfundraising

Our annual back to school POOL PARTY is coming up in two weeks. It will be Tuesday, August 2 from 7-9 at North Shore Aquatic Center. Come see old friends, make new ones, see your teachers, or meet them for the first time.

Lastly, you can start signing up for snack as soon as you would like. Here is the link: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/rizyn. It’s also located on the right side of the page. If everyone signs up once or twice, we should be covered. We will probably have 30 kids in our class this year. For snack ideas, go to the top of the blog to the page titled, “Snack Ideas”. You can also email me any questions you have about it.

I apologize for the long email, there will more more updates soon.

Can’t wait to see you all.


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Thank You!

I cannot believe that the school year is over already. At the beginning of the year I never thought March would come and I would be on maternity leave, but it did. The year just flew by after that.

I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone for an amazing year. Thank you for your support, love, care, and for allowing Ms. Marleen and I to work with your amazing children. What love we have for them! We made so many great memories and great growth in all areas. I especially want to thank everyone for your thoughts and care with the coming of Sawyer. It is definitely something new and unexpected when you have a child born with Down Syndrome, but we love him and are so excited to see what the future brings. I am especially grateful to you all for the support you gave to Ms. Marleen while I was gone. While I was out, I had no worries about her abilities and knew your children would be well taken care of and taught.  Thank you all for that. I also want to thank Ms. Lacey for coming in and for her help while I was out.

We will miss all the kiddos over the summer and look forward to seeing them in August. I will miss the level 3s! I know they will all do great things in their upper el classes. I hope their new teachers know what amazing children thy will be adding to their communities. Those who will not be returning to our school next year will also be missed, but our love goes with them. We are excited for the time we have with our continuing students and with the new ones coming in.

I love our school and our class and cannot wait for another year to start, even though Summer break is always good.

Best wishes to you all and have an amazing Summer!

Much love,

Ms. Jalee

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