Food Drive

Hello All,

In recognition of International Peace Day next week and Hunger Awareness Month, our class and Ms. Kirsten’s are doing a food drive for Catholic Community Services. Today I sent small fliers home with the kids with a list of the types of foods most needed right now. Any shelf stable foods are welcome.

Here is the list from the flier
Peanut Butter
Canned Fruit
Canned Meat
Grains (cereal, pasta, rice, etc)
Shelf Stable Milk & Drinks

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks all!

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Writing is Exciting

Thursday was so much fun! Gary Hogg visited and all lower el went to an assembly with him. He has such good energy and really gets the kids excited about writing. Not only does he talk to them about writing but he also encouraged them to manage their distractions and be in charge of their own bodies and actions. We were also able to attend a workshop with Gary. He had the children do some writing and as they wrote, he walked around and randomly picked up a few of the notebooks he wanted to share. One of our students had their writing shared. How excited he was! It was so much fun! 20160908_144243_resized

If you sent money and an order to school Friday, your books will come shortly. If you sent money and an order to school Thursday and did not receive your books, please let me know so we can get it all sorted out.

I have included in the blog a page at the top titled “Year at a Glance.” This includes all major things we will doing this year. Things like home project dates and field trips are included so you can plan ahead. I will also send home a hard copy with the kids this week.

Friday at school, we did a class friendship web. This is where we through a ball of yarn around the circle while sharing characteristics about each other that make us all good friends. In the end we have a good strong web. We then talk about what happens if some of us are not good friends and some of us let go so we can observe what happens to our strong web. Here are some pictures from that.

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We also started P.E. and music this past week. In music and the classroom we are learning a song for International Peace Day called “Light a Candle for Peace.” We have P.E. every Tuesday. Please try to remember to send your child with shoes that are good for running and physical activity.

As always, thanks for all that you do!

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Gary Hogg

We are so excited that the author Gary Hogg is coming tomorrow. I sent home a yellow piece of paper with the kids today. This is an order form for Gary’s Charlie Bacon books. If you order them and send the money tomorrow, you will get your Gary Hogg books signed and back tomorrow.

We are so excited he is coming. He is such a fun person and makes writing more exciting for the kids.



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No School Monday

Happy Saturday to you all on this 3 day weekend. We will not have school on Monday due to Labor Day. I hope you are all able to enjoy an extra day off.

We started cultural this last week and focused on history. With level 1’s we started a short journal and practiced days of the week and months of the year. With level 2’s we learned about the 3 forms of matter and the energy that scientist theorize were in play during the creation of the universe. With level 3’s we learned about the eras and laid them out on a timeline. We were also able to learn more about Maria Montessori on her birthday, August 31, and spend some time with Ms. Kirsten’s class making a timeline of Dr. Montessori’s life. We will be learning about North America the first part of the year, so yesterday we did a brief introduction of it and the countries in it.

We are excited to be starting music, P.E., and keyboarding (for level 3’s) this week. We will also be starting our group/level lessons during work cycle. We are also excited to have the author Gary Hogg visit lower el on Thursday. If you don’t know much about Gary or haven’t heard of him, check out his website Gary is a fun children’s book author and a great guy. It should be a fun week.

I keep forgetting to share that every Friday is jean Friday. Students can now were jeans on Fridays but their shirts should still be solid with a collar. We also had our first pizza Friday yesterday. Just a reminder, if you order pizza for your child you might also want to send something like yogurt or a granola bar as well. Most of the time one slice of pizza is not enough for the kids.

As always, thanks for all you do and all your support and patience.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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Work Cycle Pics

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Maria Montessori’s Birthday

Pictures from celebrating Maria Montessori’s birthday with Ms. Kirsten’s class.

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Happy Tuesday,

Just a reminder that if you want your child to have pizza this coming Friday, the orders and money need to be turned in tomorrow MORNING.

Also, we have had some boys pretending to have weapons and shoot each other or hit and kick each other both in the classroom and on the playground. I have had a discussion with these boys as well as the whole class about how this is a safe school violation and is not okay to do at school. We would appreciate your support with this.

Thank you for all you do.


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First Week of Workcycle


We had our first week of workcycle this last week. As I said, we started off slow. The expectation was 3 works but many of the students exceeded that and did up to 6. We also gave many lessons.

We finished up the great lessons with the history of writing and math. We have been doing team building games and self control/etiquette lessons and activities like passing around the balance bird on our fingers. This week we will be doing more writing and start cultural. For this upcoming week, we will be doing History.

Yesterday I sent pizza order forms home with the students. Your child can have pizza for lunch of Fridays starting this week. You can pre-order for the whole year, or order a week at a time but the money must be turned in by Wednesday morning. One slice is $1.75 and 2 are $3.50. Proceeds go towards the level 6 trip to the Redwoods.

I also sent home a 5k registration paper. This year it will be a color run and sounds fun. Marleen and I will be there. Come join us!

Have a great weekend.



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5K Color Run

The Annual MMA 5k Family Color Fun Run is September 17th @ 8:00 am
Pre-registration ends on September 4th

You can sign up online or via paper and check to the school.

A few changes we have made, that you may not know about:
-We have a new race course…its legit this year, you will run or walk 3.1 miles away from the school!
-We’re doing a color run…there will be 5 stations where you get fun color tossed on your shirt.
Families can become sponsors themselves by upping their registration to $100 and will get their child’s or family name on the t-shirt.
-Each registered racer will receive a t-shirt and a swag bag full of goodies.
Swag bags include: Fiiz coupon, flashlight pen, lanyard, water bottle, sunglasses, t-shirt.
Prizes this year are awesome! They include Chick-Fil-A goods, PTR-therapy sessions and paraphernalia, Wolf Creek golf passes, water bottles, awesome Rec Outlet outdoor gear such as headlamps and camera cases.
-We will have raffle baskets including things like new backpacks, school spirit shirts, Rec Outlet gear, Doterra products, running products.
-Your children can bring their scooters or skate boards, this is a family event!
-We will have a DJ announcing and playing music during the race.
-We will have a fun photo booth so you can document the fun!
-At the end of the race there will be booths doing giveaways such as: Chick-Fil-A, Great Harvest handing out bread, and more!
-Don’t forget the pancake breakfast after the race!

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Team building with Mentors

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