Field Trip Tomorrow

Don’t forget that tomorrow is our morning field trip to Ogden Nature Center. We need to be there at 8:45. We will be there until 11 then head back to the school.


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Field Trips

Thank you everyone for coming to conferences! We were able to meet with every parent. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with us. It is obvious to me that we have wonderful parents who love and care about their children. Thank you again!

Monday is our field trip to the Ogden Nature Center. We will be meeting at the nature center at 8:45 a.m. We will be there until 11 for our field ecology field trip with Ms. Kirsten’s class, then come back to the school. Because it has been cool lately, please make sure to send your child with a coat or a jacket and even a hat if you feel it necessary. The students must still wear school uniform. Please make sure they are in good shoes for walking around outside.

Wednesday is our field trip to Black Island Farms. We will be meeting at the farms in Syracuse at 8:40 a.m. We will start our day with a wagon ride to learn about the harvest of the farm and pumpkin picking. We will then be free to explore the farm and have lunch. We will be leaving the farm at 1 p.m. to come back to the school. The kids can where jeans but must still have a school uniform shirt. We will be outside so jackets or coats will be needed. Please send your child with a refillable water bottle. They will also need a sack lunch.

Our next home project is coming up. In the spirit of Thanksgiving and families, students will need to create a family tree going back to their grandparents or great-grandparents. This can include pictures is desired. A simple pedigree chart can be presented or you and your child can get as creative as you want. Your child will also need to present a short biography on a living or deceased member of your family. This should include things like name, relation to child, birth and death date (is applicable) and one or two small stories about this persons life. We will be presenting these the week before Thanksgiving break. However, if your child gets done early they can present them at any time.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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What an amazing turn out we had last night at the Fall Festival! I loved seeing so many of you and your kids. SaraJo was unable to make it but Marleen and I got to hang out and see and talk to many of you. Thank you to all who were able to come and support the school. And a special thanks to all where were able to help out with the booths and games.

What a fun week we had with SaraJo. She is settling in nicely with us and learning about the kids and working great with them. We spent every afternoon this week working on our book reports for conferences with the kids. SaraJo was a valuable help in this. She sat tirelessly with many of the students and helped them prepare and practice. Unfortunately she will not be able to attend conferences on Monday. She will be in Tennessee with her family, but she is looking forward to meeting those of you who will be coming Tuesday and Wednesday.

Don’t forget that Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are Parent Teacher Conferences. I am so excited to meet with all of you. These days are also early out days so plan for your child to be picked up at 1 p.m. The book fair will also be going on these three days. It will go from 1 to 6:30. We will not have school Thursday and Friday.

Our field trips are coming up. Please have the permission slip returned by this Tuesday. The spaces next to the two field trips need to be initialed by you. If you are attending the field trips and do not want to chaperone other children, please let me know.

Have a great weekend.


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Fall Festival

Don’t forget that Friday is the Fall Festival at the school from 4 to 7. Costumes are welcome, no masks please. There will be games, rides, and food.

We are still in need of volunteers. MAPA is preparing signs that say “Closed” to go on the rides and games that no ones has signed up for. Please help if you can.

Hope to see you there.


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Field Trips and Newspapers

I will be sending home field trip forms tomorrow. They are different this year than in the past. There will be 3 pages like always, but this time you get to keep the first two pages. These pages are colored and they have all the information about the field trips. You can put them on your fridge or somewhere handy. I will also post them on the blog.

Also, I am in need of newspapers for a lesson on Friday. If anyone has any they would like to donate, that would be great.


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Volunteers Please!

The MMA Fall Festival is coming up on Friday October 14 from 4 – 7 pm. It’s a fun evening for the kids, and it raises money for MAPA, which goes back into supporting the needs of the school. The evening includes food, bounce houses, and games. As a class, we are responsible for monitoring one of the bounce houses and putting on a game. We need parent volunteers to get this done. At a minimum, we need one adult at the “Gladiator Joust” bounce house and one adult at the Nerf Gun Target game station throughout the night. Please sign up for one-hour shifts using the following link.

Thank you so much!

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Jr. High Peer Mentor

We are excited to have a Jr. High Peer Mentor in our classroom every other Friday. His name is Payton. He has only been to our class two days and already we love him. He works great with the kids and is very kind and a wonderful example to them. He came in on Tuesday and did a get to know you game of giant Jenga with the kids. It was a lot of fun for us all. Here are some pics.

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Happy Saturday Everyone!

Yay October and Autumn! I just love it.

Thank you all for your support towards Marleen with this new opportunity that has come her way. I am excited for her. I will admit, it took awhile for me to get there and I am still sad to lose her in our classroom, but I support her 100 percent in her move to a lead teacher position. This is a position she truly deserves. With that, I am excited to tell you about our new assistant. Her name is SaraJo Moore. She is originally from Tennessee and has experience working with early childhood. She came in Wednesday and spent the day with us. Marleen and I both feel that she will be a great asset to our classroom. It will be an adjustment and learning experience for us all, but overall, I think it will be great.

We are starting to work on our book reports here at school. If your child has not brought their book in, can you please send it with them this week. If you need to keep the book at home, will you please email me the title of the book so we can get going on the report?

Don’t forget to sign up for parent teacher conferences. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 17, 18, and 19. The sign up link is on the right of the blog. These are also early out days, so plan on picking your child up at 1 p.m. The book fair will also be in the library during conferences.

We need snack for the week of October 24. If you are able to provide snack for those days, please sign up using the wejoinin link on the right of the blog.

We have our two field trips coming up the week after conferences. Please let me know if you can provide transportation for your child or if you need transportation for them. If you can transport other children, please use the wejoinin link to the right. The field trip to Ogden Nature Center that is Monday the 24 is from 9-11. Siblings are not allowed at this field trip. However, for the field trip to Black Island Farms on Wednesday the 26, siblings are welcome to come, you will just have to pay $4 for them. This field trip will be from 9 to about 1. I will have permission slips for the kids this coming week.

Again, I am excited for Ms. SaraJo to join our class. I will have her type up a small bio and put it on the blog so you can learn more about her. She will also be to some of the conferences but not all.

Thank you for all your support and love, especially through this change.

Take care.


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Parent Teacher Conferences

Here is the link to sign up for parent teachers conferences. Please sign up for one slot. We would like to have the students present you with their short home project/book report that they will be preparing here at school.


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Happy October… Tomorrow

Yay, October! I am so excited that it is October. I love October! I love the leaves, the feel of the air, the cooling down, Halloween, football. Everything is so great in October, I think!

Along with October comes the end of normalization. We will be setting up sign ups for parents to come in and help in the classroom with reading and things like that. I am so excited to have parents coming and helping and being in the room with the kids.

The MMA Fall Festival is coming up on Friday October 14 from 4 – 7pm. It’s a fun evening for the kids, and it raises money for MAPA, which goes back into supporting the needs of the school. The evening includes food, bounce houses, and games. As a class, we are responsible for monitoring one of the bounce houses and putting on a game. We need parent volunteers to get this done. At a minimum, we need one adult at the “Gladiator Joust” bounce house and one adult at the Nerf Gun Target game station throughout the night. Please sign up for one-hour shifts using the following link:

Don’t forget to sign up for helping with the field trips if you are able, or just let me know if you can take your own child.

If at all possible, please help your child pick the book they will be doing their book report on by Wednesday. We will have the computers in our classroom that day. I am hoping to help many of the students start their book reports that day.

This week for cultural we  learned about botany. Ms. Rachael came on Monday and taught a botany lesson to the class. It was wonderful and a great introduction to out cultural this week.

We played kickball in P.E. While our class isn’t quite an all star team, they had fun and played well together.

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Have a great weekend.


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