Happy Thanksgiving


I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend.

Just a reminder that we do not have school all this week due to Thanksgiving break. Our next school day will be Monday, November 28.

One more quick thing to put on our calendars, our holiday feast will be Friday, December 9th with Ms. Kirsten’s class. This is a half day and our feast will go from about 11:30 to 12:30. Please let me know if you will be able to attend so we know how much food we will need.

That being said, I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday!

Take care,


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Happy Veteran’s Day

Happy Veteran’s Day everyone!

Monday is the final day to order an Original Work, something with your child’s artwork printed on it. Be sure to get your orders in. Proceeds go directly to our classroom and we get to choose how we use the money, like on more field trips.

Next week is the last week before Thanksgiving break. Next Friday the 18 will be the last day of school until November 28.

Home projects should be brought in next week. These are the projects on family trees and a short family biography. If your child is unable to get their home project turned in this week, please let me know so we can work something else out.

With the help of Ms. SarahJo we have been learning some sign language and working on our manners. Some of the signs we have learned are please, thank you, sorry, yes, no, I don’t know, wait, finished, work, play, and a few others. We are also working on our manners at lunch such as not putting our elbows on the table and chewing with our mouth closed. We have also been doing some awesome at lessons with her. Our latest one is a class project of corn cob mozaics. I will get pictures of it when we have completed it.

I hope you all have a great weekend.


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Half Day Tomorrow

Don’t forget that tomorrow, Friday the 11th, is a half day. Please make sure your child is picked up at 1 p.m.


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Halloween Party Pics

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Sorry It’s Late

Good Evening,

I am sorry this post is coming so late in the weekend. I let this weekend get away from me. I don’t even think I got the extra hour they promised this morning. 🙂

Just a few quick announcements:
This coming Friday is a half day for teacher professional development. Please plan on having you child picked up at 1 p.m. on Friday, November 11.

Don’t forget that we would love volunteers to help in our classroom. Please go to https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/qwemd to sign up.

Thank you to everyone who were able to help out with the Halloween party, either by sending things or coming to the classroom. A special thanks to our room mother Kristen for putting it all together.

We will be having our classroom holiday feast with Ms. Kirsten’s class on Friday, December 9. All our welcome. Save that date.

Don’t forget about our next home project, a family tree and short biography. This can be brought in as soon as it is done. The biography should be short and simple with things like birth date, death date (if applicable), relation to child, and a short story or two about their life.

Thanks for all you do.


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Black Island Farms

20161026_094953_resized 20161026_095019_resized 20161026_095048_resized Ms. SarahJo on the wagon ride with the kids.20161026_101015_resized

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Ogden Nature Center

20161024_104724_resized 20161024_104738_resized  20161024_104746_resized  20161024_104837_resized 20161024_104856_resized  Petting the gopher snake.

20161024_094938_resized 20161024_095018_resized 20161024_095024_resized 20161024_095050_resized 20161024_095203_resized Learning about the food web and how everything is connected and needed.

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Welcome November

Good Afternoon,

First of all, thank you to everyone that was able to come on the field trips with us. And thank you to everyone for your support and help with them. We had a great time on both. What a crazy week, but we don’t have another field trip until January.

Monday is Halloween and we do have school. We will be having our Halloween party Monday afternoon from 1 to 2:30. If you want to sign up to help here is the sign-up sheet website https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/vomly. Just a reminder that the kids DO NOT dress up in costumes Monday. School uniform is still required. I know that a lot of the kids will be going out trick or treating Monday night, but please DO NOT send candy to school with your kids. This includes in their lunch. Also, this is probably an unnecessary reminder, but please practice safe trick or treat habits Monday night with your children.

I am so excited to share that instead of doing cultural works Thursday afternoon, we will be doing art with Ms. SarahJo. She has a great talent in art and is going to be doing lessons Thursday and I will do the cultural I usually do then Friday afternoon. I will include pictures of our artworks in future posts.

This past week was also Red Ribbon Week. We created jack-o-lanterns to decorate our door for drug free week. We didn’t win the pizza party for best door, but Ms. Stephanie said it was very close and very hard to judge all the doors because they were all so good.

I also sent home the original works papers. These are now available to order online so you don’t have to send a check to school. You can order things like shirts, notecards, bags, etc. with your child’s artwork on it. The proceeds from this go directly to our classroom. We are using money from past original works to go on more field trips this year. Please support our classroom and your child’s beautiful work, if you can.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Halloween Party


Next Monday we will be having our Halloween Party at school. It will from about 1 p.m. to 2:30ish. We are in need of volunteers to come help and need some supplies donated. Here is the sign-up link https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/vomly.

Remember, the students are not allowed to dress up for school.


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Black Island Farms


Just a reminder that tomorrow is our field trip to Black Island Farms. We need to be at the farms at 8:40. We will start our field trip with a wagon ride and pumpkin picking. Please make sure your child wears a jacket, has a refillable water bottle, and brings a sack lunch. We will be leaving the farms at 1 p.m. to return to the school. Your child can wear jeans but must still wear school uniform shirts. Also, make sure they have good shoes for walking around outside.


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