
Just a reminder that we are back to school tomorrow, Wednesday, January 4, 2017. We will have our regular school schedule for the remainder of the week. We will have outside recess unless it is too cold or the air quality is too bad so please make sure that your child has good winter clothes to wear.

Can’t wait to see all your kiddos again tomorrow. Hope all is well.


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Happy Holidays

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have all had a wonderful break so far and that everyone is getting rested and healthy. I apologize that this is my first post since we had the break. Between visiting family, the holidays, and strep running through my family, time has flown and I have not taken the time to post.

THANK YOU all so much for your wonderful gifts and support! We truly have great parents and amazing children in our class. Thank you.

Thank you for all your help and support with the International Festival. I hope many of you were able to attend upper and lower el’s. Unfortunately I missed both as I was out with strep and then both my kids were as well. I heard great things about the festivals though. Thank you again for your help and support in this area.

Just a reminder that we will not have school until next week, January 4, 2017 on Wednesday. We will also be having a field trip to the Ogden Nature Center on Wednesday, January 11. This will be a half day field trip with Ms. Kaley’s class and children will either need transported to and from by you, or carpool with another parent. I will be providing more details soon. I just wanted to give you a heads up about this now.

I hope you all continue to have a fun safe holiday break.



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International Festival

Good Evening,

Thank you for all your support this week. Things in the classroom have gotten better. Ms. SarahJo and I know that it is not just the fault of the children when things go wrong or something happens. that negatively affects our classroom. We realize that we also have room to grow and help create positivity in the dynamics of our classroom. This is something that together we will be discussing and working on to help make our classroom a more peaceful place where the children love to be. We also want to strengthen our relationships with all the children.

Monday and Tuesday are the last two days of school before we have Winter Break. These two days are also the international festival. Upper el will have their international festival on Monday from 9-11. Lower el will have theirs on Tuesday from 1 – 2:30. During these time, Jr. High will also be having their international festival.

Please have the home projects here by Monday if possible. We have had many present to our class already and they have all been wonderful. We will continue with other presentation on Monday and Tuesday if necessary.

Enjoy your strange weathered weekend.


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Good Evening Everyone,

I am saddened that I have to post this on our blog but Ms. SarahJo and I want to make you all aware of what happened today in P.E. We are aware that we are very close to Winter Break and the kids are also aware. We know that at this time of year sometimes it is hard for them to control their actions more so than usual. All of the kids behavior has been a little off lately and this is something that we understand and are accepting of this. However, today in music and P.E. the students crossed a line in respect and behavior to teachers. It started in music with the kids getting rowdy and not listening to Ms. Connie when she gave them instructions and this carried over into P.E. When the students got back from P.E. Ms. SarahJo was very upset. She expressed to me that the way the students treated Ms. Julia, the P.E. teacher, was very embarrassing. The students were being very disrespectful. Many were choosing not to listen to any instructions and were just talking to each other. When the students were asked to do something, they would either act rudely about doing it, or just turn away and ignore the instructions. There were students whose replies to things Ms. Julia said or asked of them were very surprising but also upsetting to me and the other teachers. Ms. Julia was using P.E. equipment with the kids today, and because the gym was being used for other purposes, they were having P.E. outside. Though the students were given specific instructions not to put the things they were using in the snow or mud, many of them made the choice to ignore these instructions and dragged the equipment through the mud. Not all students were involved in all of this behavior, but Ms. SarahJo said that almost all the kids in one way or another made poor decisions in regards to how they treated Ms. Julia. This, obviously, made Ms. Julia feel very frustrated and upset.

I had a long discussion with the kids after P.E. I expressed my disappointment and frustration with them that they would treat any teacher the way they treated Ms. Julia. I talked to them about respect and making good choices and what it makes others think of them when they choose to make bad choices.

We asked the students to write down the 4 words respect, privacy, responsibility, and entitlement. We asked them to take the paper home and discuss with you one or more of these things and them come back to school tomorrow ready to share what they have learned wit the class. . We have talked with them all many times about these things and it seems to still be a hard thing for them to grasp. We are hoping that this will help them understand these things a bit more in a way we cannot teach them. In regard to privacy, we have been having a hard time with students understanding that when we are having a serious discussion with another student or even an adult in the hall or our office, they cannot just come in or butt into the conversation. This even happens when we have asked them to please go.

Again, I am sorry I had to send this email. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.



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Just a few reminders. Tomorrow we have P.E. Many of the students wear boots to school because of the snow and cold. If you could please send tennis shoes that are comfortable for your child to run in for P.E. that would be of great help. Running in their boots or slippers is hard and can sometimes cause them to fall.

Also, we did not have anyone sign up for snack this week. I apologize, I failed to mention it in the weekend blog. If you can provide snack for any day the rest of this week please let me know and I will get back with you and let you know if we still need snack. We also have a lot of empty weeks starting in January. If you are able to provide snack and have not yet, it would be great if you could sign up.

After the feast a few items were left. There is a large teal colored bowl, a large glass casserole dish, and two spoons, one purple and one yellow. If any of these are yours please let me know and I will send them home with your child.

I sent home the new sorts for this week today. I also sent home one paper that the kids can write the words in. The way we do it at school is cut and sort Monday, write Tuesday, and play games Wednesday and Thursday. Please help your child with this. They should know the games we play with them. ALL games require that they spell the words or say the correct sounds at some point.

Thank you!

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Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for helping make our feast on Friday a success. We had a wonderful turn out and a lot of good volunteers who donated things and helped set up and clean up afterwords. Thank you does not do how I feel justice. I am so grateful to you all!

Don’t forget that Tuesday, the 20th is our lower el International Festival from 12:30 to 2:30. Please have your child’s home project on North America turned in by the end of this week so they can practice presenting to our class before the actual festival. The 20th is also the last day of school before winter break. We will be out of school until Wednesday, January 3 of 2017.

Enjoy the rest of your rainy weekend!


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Feast Tomorrow

First of all I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who was able to sign up to help tomorrow. In the past I have always had to make something for the feast because we didn’t have enough sign ups. But I think that this year we definitely have enough. Thank you all. If you signed up to bring something tomorrow please make sure it is at the school before 11:30. We will start setting up at 11 and eat at 11:30. I forgot to ask this before but if anyone has a server for water, will you please let me know.

Thanks again.


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Holiday Feast

Don’t forget that this Friday is the holiday feast from 11:30-12:30 with Ms. Kirsten’s class in the gym. If you can help set up please come at 11. That day, the 9th, is also a half day. School will get out at 1 p.m.

The international festival is the 19th and 20th. We have been studying North America so your child’s home project will need to be on something to do with N. America. As soon as the home project is done your child can bring it in and present it to the class for practice. I would like them no later than Friday, the 16th.

20161117_141112_resizedThis picture is a little late, but it is of the acrostic poem we made in class for Veteran’s Day.

20161128_143805_burst01_resized 20161128_143818_resized 20161128_143827_resizedThese are some of our family tree home projects.

20161201_144238_resized 20161201_144243_resized  20161201_144311_resizedHere are the kids doing some art projects with Ms. SarahJo.

Have a great week!


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Holiday Feast

Hello All,

Our holiday feast with Ms. Kirsten’s class is coming up in a little over a week. It will be Friday, December 9. This is a half day. The feast will be from about 11:30 to 12:30. If you would like to or can come half hour early and stay a bit after to clean up, I have made a spot on the sign-up for that or you can just come. Right now, we have a count of about 100 people; however, we always have such a good turn out, there will probably be more. Here is the sign-up link for food, napkins, and such: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/asamr. If you are able to, please sign up for one of more.

Thank you for all your support.


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International Festival


I hope you all had a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving. I can’t believe that December is next week. How fast time flies.

If your child did not get their family tree/biography home project done before the break, please help them complete it so they can bring it as soon as possible. Our next home project will be for the International Festival. This is a school wide celebration of all the continents, cultures, people of the world. Upper elementary will be presenting the morning of Monday, December 19, and lower elementary will be presenting the afternoon of Tuesday, December 20. Junior high will present during both of these times. The students will set up their presentations in our classroom and parents, grandparents, and other students visit the different classrooms and learn about the things the students have studied and prepared. Since we have been learning about North America/Central America this first part of the year, your child will need to do a presentation on something related to this continent. It can be on a state, country, animal, etc. A few things that should be included are the title of the presentation, students name, a flag (if applicable), the geographic location/map (if applicable), pictures, and for this one a few brief written descriptions would be fine. Visual aids are encouraged. We encourage the students to be creative with this but from past experience, I have found that power points are not the best choice for this presentation. These home projects will need to be done and brought to school by Friday, December 16. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

We will be having our holiday feast on Friday, December 9 from 11:30 to 12:30. If you or any family members will be attending, I need to know by this Wednesday, December 1, so a sign up for food can be made. If I do not hear from you, I will assume you are not coming.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Take care.


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