

Due to the late start at school today, we have had to reschedule our class pictures to next Thursday. I will add a post next Wednesday night to remind you all.

Also, if you are able to send a light colored or white shirt that your child can get paint on, please send it by Thursday.



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Class Picture

Hello All,

How about that snow we are getting? Crazy. I hope you are all saying safe and warm.

We have our group class picture tomorrow. If at all possible, please make sure your child is there. We will be doing it at 9 a.m.

Just a reminder that we have P.E. tomorrow. Please make sure your child has tennis shoes or good shoes for running and being active in. If they wear snow boots, please put some tennis shoes in their bag. Thank you.

For the 100th day of school later this week we will be doing some art things with Ms. SarahJo. For this the students will need a white t-shirt they can paint on. If you have an old one or something they can bring, that would be great. I don’t think it necessarily needs to be a white shirt, but a light colored one. A few things on it would be fine I am sure.

Be safe and warm.


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Science Wednesdays

20170118_143038_resized 20170118_143055_resized 20170118_143206_resized 20170118_143222_resized20170118_143101_resized   We have been lucky to have Ms. Debbie, one of our student’s parents, come Wednesday afternoons and do science with us. This last Wednesday she helped the students make bridges that could hold a certain amount of weight for a period of time. We are able to do this in groups while Ms. SarahJo and I teach writing and cultural. This last week we were studying Zoology. Level ones learned about reptiles; level 2s learned about the mouth – tongue and teeth; and level 3s learned about worms – nematodes, platyhelminthes, and annelids.

We also got a new class pet this week. Our social finch, Remmy, died a couple weeks back. We now have a leopard gecko. It is a baby and we don’t know the gender yet but as a class we voted and chose the name Lightning for it.

The book report home projects are due next week. If they are finished before they can definitely be presented whenever your child brings them in. Please let me know if you have any questions.

We will be having a Valentine’s Day party around Valentine’s Day. I am not sure if we will be doing it on February 14 or a day around it, but I will let you know as soon as it is decided. Your child can bring Valentine cards and/or candy for everyone in the class if you choose. We have 30 students in our class. Through past experience, the best way to do this is not put names on the “To” part of the card and only put who it’s from. We will not be doing Valentine’s boxes; we will be using large manila envelops instead that we will decorate at school. Again, the cards/candy is optional.

Parent teacher conferences are coming up. They will be February 15, 16, 17; a Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. These days are also half days. The sign ups for parent teacher conferences will be ready by next week.

Enjoy your evening.


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Book Report

Hello Everyone,

Remember, we do not have school on Monday. We are out for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

We will be having our class pictures for the yearbook on the morning of Tuesday, the 24th. Please try to make sure your child will be here that day or they will not be in our class picture.

The school spelling bee is going to be February 28th. I will be sending home the 1st – 4th grade spelling list for your child if they want to participate. The two top spellers in lower el will be going to the state spelling bee. Here is the link to the parent letter for more information 2017 Letter to Parents.

We have a lot of opening coming up for snack. Please sign up if you haven’t and are able to. If we do not have someone sign up for that week, we cannot guarantee snack. Here is the link

This month our home project will be a book report that the child does at home with you. It can be a book they read on their own or one that they read with you. I am not going to give out a template for how to do this book report; however, some things that need included are the title of the book, the author/illustrator, summery, characters, and whatever else you and your child find necessary.
Here are some ideas of ways your child can present their report:
Design a new book cover
Create a wanted poster for a character in the book
Dress up as a character and tell the class about the book
Create a mobile with at least 5 events
Create a timeline
Write a letter to the author
Create a diorama
Create a commercial about the book
Put on a short puppet show

These are just a few suggestions and your options are not limited to these. If you Google fun book reports, you will find other great ideas. These will need to be turned in to be presented by the week of January 30 but if they are finished before that, they can be brought in anytime. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.



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Field Trip Pictures

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Human Flower

Sorry about the picture quality. We were having some dancing time during an indoor recess and some students laid down and put their feet together to make a flower and it grew from there.

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No School Friday

Just a reminder that we do not have school this coming Friday, the 13th. We also don’t have school Monday, the 16th.

Thank you to everyone who was able to come and help with the field trip and for everyone and your support so we could have the field trip. I will post some pictures with this weekends blog update.


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Field Trip Tomorrow


Don’t forget that tomorrow is our field trip to the Ogden Nature Center. Please have you child there, dressed in warm clothing (boots, coat, hat, gloves) by 8:45. We will have the field trip from 9 – 11. Your child will need taken back to the school at 11. We will have recess, lunch, and regular afternoon at school.



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Field Trip Forms

Happy Saturday.

Yesterday I sent home the permission slips for our field trip this Wednesday morning. The blue paper is for you to keep. It has all the info you need about the field trip including who to call or email if your child needs a ride. The white paper needs to be initialed and signed by you and signed by your child. We will be going to the Ogden Nature Center in the morning from 9 to 11. Please have your child there at 8:45 in warm clothing-boots, snow pants, gloves, hat, coat as we will be outside. Your child will need to be picked up and taken back to the school at 11.

If you can attend with us, please let me know. If you are able to take children to and from, please email me no later than Monday morning.

If your child did not get a permission slip, I will send one home Monday or you can print your own out. I will post one on the blog later tonight. These need to be in by Tuesday morning.

It is supposed to warm up this week so hopefully it will be a fun experience for all. If the snow stays, we will get to go snow shoeing.

I will have another post with information about other things tomorrow.

Stay warm.


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