Thank You!

Thank you all for making the effort to come to conferences. I always love meeting with you. Thank you for your support and helping make it a wonderful week. Thank you to all who were able to help with the Valentine party either through donations or coming.

Just a reminder that we do not have school Monday because of President’s Day. Enjoy your long weekend.

Take care.


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Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Thursday and Friday are parent teacher conferences. These are also early out days, so plan on your child being picked up at 1 p.m. Conferences start at 1:40. The book fair is also these three days from 1 to 6:30.

We also have our Valentine party tomorrow from 10:30 to noonish. We will then have lunch and hand out Valentine cards right before we go home.

Thanks. I look forward to seeing you all later this week.


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More Pics

Here are some more pics of some kids and their home projects.

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Valentines and PTC

Happy Saturday Everyone,

Lots of things coming up this week. Tuesday is Valentine’s Day. We will not be having our Valentine’s party that day due to music and P.E. Instead, we will have our party on Wednesday the 15th. We will have it from 10:30 till about noon. This will give us time to clean up, eat, and hand out cards before going home at 1. We would love volunteers to come help and also to donate things for the party. Here is the sign up for what we need:
If your child wants to hand out cards, treats, little goodies, etc., we have 30 students in our class. From past experience, the way it works best is to just put who it is from and not who it is to. That way, the students aren’t searching through all their cards to find the one for a certain student. We also will not be decorating boxes at school. If you child wants to decorate one at home and bring it, that is perfectly fine. We will decorate manila envelops to put their goodies in at school.

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are parent teacher conferences. These days will be early out days so please plan on your child being picked up at 1 p.m. Conferences will start at 1:40. You may bring your child if you would like but it is not necessary for these conferences. Here is the sign up for PTC if you have not had a chance to sign up yet:
During conferences we will also be having the book fair in the library. It will be Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from 1 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

We will not have school Monday, February 20th, because of presidents day. Box tops store will be Tuesday, the 21st.

I sent home papers with the president your child has been assigned to do a biography on for the home project this month. If you did not get that paper, please let me know and I will email you who your child has been assigned. Some things to include on this biography are

  • A picture of the president
  • Birthday and place
  • When they were president and what number they were
  • Something they did while president
  • Wife’s name and a fact about her
  • Date and how died (if applicable)

Please feel free to help your child include more information is desired.

Ms. SarahJo has been teaching us about different artists. One we just learned a bit about it Andy Warhol. We created presidential prints inspired by the prints he did of multiple celebrities like Marilyn Monroe. This will be on display on the wire hangers at the front of the school as well as outside of our classroom. You will also see art inspired by Jean-Michal Basquait.

We learned about alliteration this week. We used Dr. Seuss’ ABC book for this and then wrote our own alliterations based around a certain animal that starts with a certain letter. We are excited to show you these at conferences.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.


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P.E. Tomorrow

Just a reminder that we have P.E. tomorrow. Please make sure your child has good shoes for running in, whether it be in their backpack or if those are the shoes they wear to school.

I sent home new word sorts today for most of the kids. They kids are in new groups based on a recent assessment I gave them. Please have your child cut out and sort the words into the right groups. This is the second week they have done these words so they should know what groups they go in. It is also beneficial to have them spell them as these are the words we use for spelling.

I also finally sent home the take home readers for the students who have them. I apologize that I missed basically an entire month of them. They will be coming home every week from now on.

We didn’t get a chance to draw names for the president reports today. We will do that tomorrow and I will send home a paper with the name of their president and a basic outline for them. They can present it any way they choose following the guidelines I will give. These are due to be presented the week of February 27. This is also Literacy week so wee will get to as many a possible during that week.

The school spelling bee is Tuesday, February 28. If your child is interested in participating, let me know and I will email you a copy of the lists and/or send home a hard copy. We have some pretty good spellers in our class and hope that some of the students will participate.

Lastly, starting tomorrow, I will need a doctor’s note to keep your child inside from recess. It is warming up some, and while I know that this is Utah and that doesn’t mean anything, we don’t take the kids outside when it is too cold. We also won’t take them out when the air quality is bad. Please provide a doctor’s note is your child needs to stay inside from recess.

Have a great evening.


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Home Project Pics

We have had some great home project book reports presented so far and I am excited to see the ones that have not been presented yet. Thank you for all your support in this.

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Welcome February

Can you believe it? Another month gone by. We are already one month into 2017.

Because it is President’s Day this month and Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays, our next home project will be a short biography on a president. I will assign presidents by picking names out of a basket. This will be done on Monday after I introduce the topic to the students. These will need to be turned in by the week of February 27th. However, the students may start presenting them as soon as they finish and bring them.

Parent teacher conferences are in about a week and half. They will be Wednesday the 15th, Thursday the 16th, and Friday the 17th. Because conferences start at 1:40, these will be early out days. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at 1:00 p.m. The sign up sheet is at

Our Valentine party is tentatively set for Wednesday the 15th from about 10:30 to noon. If your child wants to bring cards and/or candy for the other students in our class, they can bring them that day and we will hand them out at the end of the party. We have 30 students in our class. We will not be decorating boxes. Instead I will provide large manila envelopes for them all. The way it works best is to only put who the cards are from and not who they are to. That way the kids aren’t digging through their cards trying to find the right one for every child. If you have any questions, let me know.

Enjoy your weekend.



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PTC Sign Up

Hello All,

The sign ups for parent teacher conferences are up and ready for you. They will be 20 minute increments. If you feel like you need or would like to meet for longer, please sign up for 2 in a row. If you are unable to attend any of the available times, please email me and we will work something different out. Here is the link: You can also click on the link titled PTC Sign Up to the right of the page.

Don’t forget that we have our class pictures Thursday morning. Please make sure your child is there if at all possible.



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Happy Lunar New Year

Hello All,

Happy Lunar New Year. Today is the start of the Chinese New Year. We had a small celebration at school yesterday. We painted some Chinese characters to make scrolls. Each student made a certain amount of characters so that we would have a total of 100 characters to also celebrate the 100th day of school. We also made red envelops and gave each child a coin to give to someone who they thought could use good luck and fortune this year. We also had a small 100th day celebration. We stamped our shirts with poster paint stamps. The goal was for each child to get 100 stamps on their shirt. This was to reinforce counting for the students who can use the practice, and also let the students see what 100 of something looks like. Not all of the kids got 100 stamps on their shirt, but from my observation, they all enjoyed doing it. Thank you to everyone who were able to donate a shirt and thank you for allowing us to paint the shirts.

Due to our late start day last Tuesday, we did not have our class pictures. We will have our class pictures this coming Thursday, February 2, at 9:00 a.m. Please make sure your child is there is possible. Otherwise, they will not be part of our whole class picture.

Home project book reports are due this week. We have already had some presented and also had some brought in that we are excited to have presented.


Here are some presentations we have seen. One was fold out cards in an Altoids tin, one was a pop-up book, one was a sandwich book report, and another was a puppet show. They were all very well done and very cute.

Parent teacher conferences are coming up in two weeks. I will have the sign-ups ready by mid week.

Have a great weekend.


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We have decided to do our hundred day activities tomorrow afternoon. If you have not yet, please send your child with a white or light colored shirt, please do so tomorrow. These shirts will be getting paint on them. They do not have to have a collar and they can have graphics on them if need be. We will try to provide a few extra shirts just in case.



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