Home Project Switch

Happy Sunday All,

The next Boxtops store will be next Tuesday, March 21.

This coming Friday, the 17th, is a half day for the students. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at 1 p.m. We also do not have school next Monday, the 20th. This Friday is also St. Patrick’s Day. We are aware of the tradition of St. Patrick’s Day and wearing green. However, if any student pinches another because of this, they will lose a whole weeks worth of recess. We appreciate your support in this.

To celebrate our love of reading and learn more about each child’s taste in reading, for the rest of the year, each week 4 students will be asked to bring their favorite book to school on Monday to be shared with the class and displayed for the week. I would like for them to bring their favorite picture book so that either they or myself can read it aloud to the class. However, if they also want to bring a chapter book, that is fine too. I will create a page with the schedule for this as well as share it in the blog every week. Ms. SarahJo and I will also be participating in this and the other students names were drawn randomly. This coming week Irelynn, Ava, Grayson, and I will be sharing.

For this months home project we were planning on doing a science fair type home project. However, in science with Ms. Kaley on Fridays level 3s are participating in a science project that will be due in April. To coincide with this, we will be switching out March and April home projects. This month the home project will a cultural subject of your child’s choice. They will need to pick something that has been taught on their level. Some ideas for things a level one can do their project on are fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, plants (they can pick a type or anything about them). For level 2’s: Space, stars, planets, moon, parts and functions of the body (skin, teeth, heart), earthquakes, volcanoes, rocks, minerals, leaves. Level 3’s: prehistoric life including dinosaurs, invertebrates (insects, starfish, jellyfish), weather, flowers.
Please be as creative as you like. Let me know if you have any questions about this or about an appropriate topic.

Starting the week of March 27th, we only have one parent signed up for snack for the rest of the year. If no one signs up and volunteers, we will not have snack for those weeks. Ms. SarahJo and I cannot be expected to provide snack for all those weeks. Please support our class if you can.

Finally, the annual school Gala is Saturday, March 25, at 6 at the Timbermine Steakhouse. Tickets can be bought at the door or online for $35. This is a wonderful way that we make money to buy necessary things for our school. There is a silent auction and live auction for many wonderful prizes and pieces of art. You can buy tickets at Gala Tickets.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


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Thank You

Happy Saturday,

Thank you everyone who was able to donate for the basket our class is providing for the gala. We got so many good things for it.

Also, thank you for all your help with the students president biography home projects. They have all been really fun to see and learn about.

Thank you for all your support through literacy week and to those who were able to come for Literacy Night.

We did not get a chance to celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday yesterday so we will be doing this Monday afternoon.

Have a good weekend.


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Here are some fun pictures from the read-a-thon.

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Mardi Gras Celebration

Here are some pictures of the students working on and with their final floats.

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Tomorrow we have a read-a-thon. Students are welcome to bring their owns books from home to read or they can read the books from here. I also told them they can bring a blanket, pillow, and/or stuffed animal for the read-a-thon as long as it can fit in their locker and stays there.


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Shoe Boxes

Hello All,

I want to start by saying how proud we are of our three friends that participated in the spelling be. They all worked really hard and showed great courage to do such a thing. We also want to say congratulations to Landon for being the top speller in lower el. He did a great job today in the spell off against upper el.

Tomorrow is Literacy Night. It will be from 6 – 8. All are welcome. Please come and enjoy all the fun things we have to present and participate in.

We will also be learning about the history and celebration of Mardi Gras. We will not be learning about the partying part of it. We will be having the students make mini floats. If you have any shoe boxes or shoe box sized boxes, please send them.

We will also be celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday on Friday. Please feel free to send any Dr. Seuss books for the students to share.

Thanks for all your support and everything you do.


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Literacy Week

Hello All,

This coming week is literacy week. The theme this year is “Live a Thousand Lives.” It comes from the quote by George R.R. Martin that says, ” A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.” Our class drew the letter W for the word wall that the school will be creating at the front of the school. The students helped create a W out of some old watercolor paintings we made. We used the watercolors we made from old dried out markers to make this.

The spelling bee for lower el will be Tuesday at 9 a.m. We had our class spelling bee Friday to find our top 3 spellers. I am very proud of all who participated in this. It takes a lot of courage to get in front of your classmates and spell. It was wonderful to see all who were willing to try. The 3 spellers who will be representing our class in the lower el spelling bee are Kaitlyn, Landon, and Cody. Congrats to them.

Literacy night is Thursday from 6 – 8. I am not sure if this is for parents and students. I will let you know as soon as I find out.

This week is the week our president biography home projects are due. Please get them in as soon as you can. We also will be having music and P.E. tomorrow because we switched with a class who has a field trip tomorrow. Please make sure your child has good shoes for running in tomorrow.

Ms. SarahJo will be teaching us about Mardi Gras this week. We will not be learning about the partying side of it that many people think of when thinking of Mardi Gras. We will learn about things like why it is celebrated and the meaning behind it. We would like to have the students create little floats. If you have any shoe boxes or shoe box sized boxes, we would love to have them by Thursday.

Thank you for all your support.


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Class Spelling Bee


Just a reminder for any of the kids who want to try for the spelling bee, we will be doing out class spelling bee tomorrow to get the top 3 spellers.



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A Few Things

Hello All,

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend. Just a few things…

I sent home word sorts with the kids today. Please have them cut them out and sort them. They should also write them  a couple times during the week. We also play games with them in class.

Next week is the spelling bee. Each class is to select their two top spellers for the lower el spelling bee. We will be doing a spelling bee in our class Friday for anyone who wants to participate. The top two will participate in the spelling bee that is next Tuesday. Next week is also Literacy Week. We will be having Literacy Night for the parents next Thursday. I will have more info on that soon.

Since we don’t have a cafeteria program at school, all the students have to bring a lunch from home. We have 30 students in our class and 1 microwave. On average we have about 10 students who need to heat something up for lunch. This is usually not a problem when the things that need heated up only take 30 seconds or so. However, lately students have been bringing things that need to be heated up anywhere from 3 1/2 minutes to 5 or more. Heating up things is taking up most of the students’ lunch and many don’t even get to eat what they heat up until 5 minutes are left of lunch. I have spent many lunches heating up all the students’ food so they can eat everything else they have and I am left with very little time to eat. Because of this, we are going to have the microwave rule that every student gets 1 minute to heat things up. Regardless of what they bring, the limit is now 1 minute tops. If a student chooses to bring something like mac-n-cheese, they will still get 1 minute. I know that it is easy to throw things like mac-n-cheese in their lunches; however, this is eating up a lot of lunch time. One suggestion for packing lunches, is make their lunch the night before and even pack it then. You can also make the mac-n-cheese the night before and then it just needs heated up.

Thank you for your support in this.

Take care.


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Literacy Week


We are looking for community members to read their favorite books aloud to our students. Come dressed as your profession to promote the idea that everyone reads! On March 1st, police officers, nurses, pilots and customer service representatives, homemakers and more, can share their love of reading with children by signing up at the following link https://wejoinin.com/sheets/pygcf. We’ll even supply the books if you have too many favorites to choose from!

Please help make our Literacy Week extra special! Please feel free to share with your neighbors and family.

Kacee Weaver, M.Ed.
Curriculum Instructional Specialist
Maria Montessori Academy

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