Discovery Gateway

Hello All,

This coming Wednesday is our field trip to the Discovery Gateway Museum. We will be meeting at the Frontrunner station on Wall Ave in Ogden at 8:10 am and we will be back at that same station at 2:52 pm. Please pack a sack lunch for your child and a water bottle would be a good idea too. PLEASE let me know if you will be joining us. We love chaperones and we could use some more. The museum is free for you and you will only have to pay for the train ride.

Thursday night is the Spring Concert. I was able to be in music with the kids on Tuesday while they practiced their songs. It was so fun! They did such a good job. I know that the actual concert is going to be great! Please go if you can. If you have any questions about the concert, please see a previous post specifically about it.

The rubric I am going to be using for grading the next home projects on science are saved to the server at the school. I will post them on the blog as soon as I get back to the school and can access the server.

Thanks for all you do!


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Half Day Tomorrow

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder that we have a half day tomorrow, Friday, April 21. It is a professional development day for teachers. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at 1 p.m.

Thanks a bunch!


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Spring Concert!

Spring Choir Concert

We are so excited to present to you the MMA Spring Choir Concert!  All of the students at MMA, 1st-6th level are performing at the MMA Gym on April 27th.  Mark your calendars!  It is not required that they come but highly encouraged.  All family members are invited to attend!   Kindergartners can stand up with the children, but I have not rehearsed these particular songs with them.   We have been working so hard to put this show on for you.  We’re going to have a great time!

Because the student body is so large we need to separate the school by last name to perform at different times:
All the students whose last name begins with M-Z will perform at 6 o’clock and need to arrive by 5:50 pm to get into their places.
All the students whose last name begins with A-L perform at 7 o’clock and need to arrive at 6:50 to get into place.

This is slightly different from last year.  The honor choir will  also need to come at 5:45 and stay till 8 pm for both performances.

The concert only lasts about 35 minutes.  Please only come to your allotted time.  If you have multiple children with different last names with different scheduled times please just choose one to attend.   There is not room to stay to see the other performance.  There are a lot of people that need to fit into the gym.  Please be mindful of the limits on space.  These performances are packed!  Strollers, or extra space takers are encouraged to be left home if possible.  The children will need to line up on the wall; therefore, we will request that the side walls be free from those that would like to stand.  Please stand in the back and not on the sides.   Please exit the performance quickly out the south gym doors to make room for the others that are coming in for the next performance. There will be signs indicating the flow of traffic.

Because this is a concert, I am requesting best dress for the performers. The attire does not have to be according to the schools dress code, just appropriate for the occasion.  You could dress them in beautiful dresses with covered shoulders and tights or leggings, or collared button up shirts with neck ties and slacks, or the cleanest and best clothes you have.    No costumes please.  This makes it a really special event!

The MMA Art show is being displayed in the Library that same night!  After your student performs, your family can gather in the library to view the art from the school.  There will be light refreshments!

If you have any questions about the concert you are welcome to email me at:    If you have any questions about the art show you are welcome to email Mrs. Trudy at:

We are looking forward to performing for you.  We hope we will see you there!

Thank You for the wonderful experience of teaching your children music!


Mrs. Connie Starks, Elementary Music Specialist

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I hope you have all have had a great weekend so far.

I sent home a pink paper on Thursday that has all the information about our upcoming field trip on it. Here is the paper in case you need it: Cover letter. You all signed the permission slip when I sent home the one for the winter Nature Center field trip. If you have not, I sent another one home and I will email you a reminder.

We will be going to Children’s Discovery Gateway Museum on Wednesday, April 26. We will take the Frontrunner to and from. Please have your child at the station on Wall no later than 8:10 a.m. that morning. Our train will leave at 8:37 and we need time to get the wrist bands on all the children. We will arrive at the museum by 9:40 and attend a simple machines workshop from 10 – 10:30. We will then be able to explore the museum until it is time to leave at 1:45; our train will leave at 2:01. Lunch will be eaten at a Gateway food court which is a short walk from the museum. We will arrive back at the Wall Station in Ogden at 2:52 p.m. Please arrange for your child to be picked up there. We love when parents/grandparents come. Please let me know if you will be joining us if you have not already. If you would prefer not to be a chaperone and have a small group of 2 or 3 children, please let me know that as well. It is free for adults to go to the museum. Any siblings that come will be $4. I have a small amount of wristbands for the Frontrunner for chaperones. I will give these out on a first come basis. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Our home project this month will be a mini science fair. It will be very simple and basic science presentations. I will have a rubric and more detailed instructions later this week. Level 3s will not be expected to participate since they already did this with Ms. Kaley for studio. However, if a level 3 did not participate, they will be expected to present to the class.

Level 3 parents:
We will be doing our first round of SAGE testing this Wednesday, the 19, in the morning. It will be our writing test. We have been practicing with Utah Compose and lessons in class. I feel that being on the computers more and doing writing on them will help with the level of stress some of the students might feel. It is not timed so if the students need more time they can have it. Please make sure they bring a water bottle. They can also bring a pillow to sit on if desired. We will be doing our math SAGE test on the morning of Thursday, May 4. Our language arts one will be the morning of Monday, May 15. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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April is Here

Happy April Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break, whether it was on a trip or just staying home.

We will be having our field trip to Discovery Gateway Museum on Wednesday, April 26. We will be taking the Frontrunner there. We love when parents are able to come with us. Please email me and let me know if you will be joining us. Parents will not have to pay to get into the museum, just for the train. Our field trip funds will pay for the students to go to the museum and we will get free wristbands for the train. I will have the schedule for the train later in the week.

Our last home project of the year will be a mini science fair. I have never done this before with the class so I am going to be talking to Ms. Kaley who has done it with her class and I will be posting about that later this week. Level 3s do not need to worry about this, because they have been working on a science project with Ms. Kaley already on studio Fridays. They will be presenting theirs this Friday. In case the letter from her did not make it home, I will send it in email form later tonight.

The students who will be sharing their favorite books this week are Kaitlyn, Ethan, Sebastian, Jeremy. They can bring a picture book that they can either read to the class, or I will read it if they choose.

One last note: our class pictures came with the rest of the school’s. However, one of our students was pictured twice, Ms. SarahJo was right in the middle of the class, and one student was not pictured, so we sent them back to be fixed. When they came back a couple weeks ago, there was still a student missing. We have sent them back yet again and hope they will be fixed this time. Thank you for your patience.

Can’t wait to see all the kids tomorrow.




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Spring Break

Hello Everyone,

Happy April! This week is Spring Break. We will not be having school all week. We will return on Monday, April 10.

I hope you all have a wonderful week.


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Some Pics

20170322_095038_resized  Busy typing and doing IXL.


20170322_094910_resized Hard at work.

20170323_140540_resized Art project: Mandalas on records


20170323_152249_resized Some of the finished products.

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Spring Break is Coming


Thank you to all who were able to make it to the Gala last night. I was unable to go as I had a family plans. The ones I have gone to in the past have been so much fun and I am sure last night was no different.

Next week, April 3, is spring break. We will not have school all week that week.

Home projects are due this week. These are the home projects about any cultural subject we have or will cover this year. There is a short list of options in a previous post.

The students who are on the list to share their favorite picture book this week are Kendra, Jonah, Danni, Lily.

Thanks for all you do.


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Box Tops Store

Don’t forget tomorrow is the box tops store.


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No School Tomorrow

Hello All,

Just a reminder that we do not have school tomorrow, Monday the 20th. This is a teacher development day.

Tuesday is Boxtop Store.

Next week, the week of the 27th, the cultural subject home projects are due. Please email me with any questions you might have.

We have Spring Break coming up in 2 weeks. It will be the first week in April, the week of the 3rd.

For this coming week the students and teacher who can bring their favorite book to share are Jeramya, Zannah, Noah, and Ms. SarahJo. The students can read the book to the class or I will read it for them. Either way is fun.

We will be having a field trip to the Discovery Gateway Museum on Wednesday, April 26th. We will be taking the Frontrunner to this with Ms. Kaley’s class. I will be asking for chaperones in the next coming weeks. This is just something to keep in mind as it is coming up soon.

Have a wonderful day off.


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