Have a Good Summer


I cannot believe school has been out for a week. I apologize that it has taken me so long to write this post. After the holiday weekend, the week just flew by.

I want to say thank you to everyone. Thank you for your support, your love of your little ones, and your trust in me to teach them. Thank you! Our classroom family would not be complete without you and what you teach your children. I couldn’t do it without you.

School is out for the summer. I hope you all have fun plans even if they are just relaxing or  going to the pool. Some dates to look forward to are the back to school pool party at North Shore the evening of Tuesday, August 15. The first day of school for levels 1 – 9 will be Monday, August 21. Early childhood will start Monday, August 28. A new school year brings with it change and new and exciting things. I have officially moved all of our classroom things into our new room, room 8. We have to say farewell to our level 3s and some level 1s and 2s. Some our moving into upper el at MMA and others are on an exciting new adventure to new schools. We also get to welcome new friends from early childhood and some new friends from other schools. We will also be saying good bye to Ms. SarahJo with a very heart felt and sincere thank you. She has touched many lives in our classroom and helped so many. We appreciate all she did and wish her luck and love in her future endeavors.

One last thing, one of our friends did not make it home with his yearbook. He had it up until the bell rang and in the process of getting his bag and things, the book came up missing. If your child happened to bring home the wrong book or accidentally has 2, will you please let me know? It has his name in it so if the name inside isn’t your child’s, will you please email me? Thank you!

I wish you all well this summer. Have a safe and fun summer vacation. I am just an email away if you need me.

Thank you!


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Summer Party

Hello All,

We keep forgetting to send the invites to everyone for a summer party at Cody’s house Friday. Here it is and we will try to send the actual invites tomorrow.


Summer Party

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Some Fun Pics

20170510_133631_resized 20170510_135435_resized20170510_140944_resized   Potato Sack Races STEM activity.

20170510_135054_resized 20170510_135216_resized 20170510_140411_resized  Potato shooters STEM activity.

20170517_140654_resized 20170517_140701_resized
Our egg drop experiments we did with Ms. Debbie.

20170515_085650_resized 20170515_085659_resized
  Crazy hair day.

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Last Week of School

Believe it or not, this week is the last week of school. We will have early out days all week. School will get over at 1 p.m. every day. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are parent teacher conferences. They will go from 1:40 to 7. If at all possible, please bring your child with you because we would like them to lead the conference. If you have not signed up yet, the link is to the right of the blog.

Wednesday is the level 3 bridging ceremony. It will take place at the stage by the Jr high portables. This will go from 10:30 to approximately 11:30. The level 3s in our class will be welcomed into upper el by Ms. Kirsten’s clad. This does not mean they will be going into her class next year. However, hopefully I will be able to tell you which teacher They will have next year at conferences.

Friday will be the last day of school. This will also be the day we sign yearbooks.

I will be sending home all of the students things, waterbottles, placemats, notebooks, etc. this week. Normally I would keep the students notebooks who will be returning next year; however, we will be moving classrooms for next year. We will no longer be in room one. We will move to room 8. This room is still on the north side but in the kiva. It is currently Ms. Shanan’s room. While I am sad to lose our room and its beautiful view of Ben Lomond, moving will be exciting too. We will have a door to the outside and a new neighbor.

Hope to see you all later this week.

Thanks! Jalee

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Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last box tops store of the year.

Also, we will be working on our class garden. If anyone has small garden tools like a small rake or shovel and you are willing to let us use them, please send me an email tonight. I will email you back ASAP and let you know if we need them.



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Two Weeks

First thing I want to say is Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms. Thank you for all you do. I am so grateful for supportive moms and dads and appreciate all you do.

Can you believe it?! We only have two weeks of school left and they are going to be busy.

Next week is spirit week where everyday the kids can dress up based on the theme of that day.
Monday is crazy hair/hat day.
Tuesday is crazy sock day.
Wednesday is mix and match day.
Thursday is P.J. day.
Friday is dress down day. (no logos)

Level 3s will be taking their final end of year Sage test Monday morning. It is the English, Language Arts portion.

Next Tuesday is also the last box tops store of this school year. Don’t forget to send your child with box tops.

Level 3s will have their end of year/Sage party on Thursday afternoon.

Friday morning we will be having our annual field day. Please have your child wear shoes they can run around and be comfortable in outside. Also, if the day calls for sun, I would advise having them put on sunscreen before school that day.

The week of the 22nd will be all early out days, Monday – Friday. Please plan on your child being picked up at 1 p.m. Monday the 22, Tuesday the 23, and Wednesday the 24, will also be parent teacher conferences. They will go from 1:40 to 7 p.m. and will mainly be student led. Please plan on having your child with you to present some of the work we have been doing. These days will also be the days of the book fair. Level 3 bridging will be the morning of the 24th.

Our last day of school will be Friday the 26th. This will be the day for yearbook signing and the annual teachers vs 6th grade kickball game.



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We will be watching the BFG tomorrow and comparing it to the book. If your child would like to bring a pillow and blanket, that is fine. It is the same criteria as the read-a-thon. It must fit in their locker.

Also, tomorrow is wear your teachers’ favorite color. Mine is blue and SarahJo’s is red.



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Teacher Appreciation Week


Next week is teacher appreciation week. Each day will be an opportunity for your child to do something to show their appreciation to their teachers. Monday is best grace and courtesy. Tuesday is bring a flower, real or fake. Wednesday is make a memory, draw a picture, make a card, or write a note. Thursday is give your teacher a drink. Friday is wear your teacher’s favorite color.
Some drinks I enjoy are real fruit juice drinks and water. I really am not super picky when it comes down to it. I don’t drink coffee and I don’t particularly like tea. Ms. SarahJo likes sweet tea. Her favorite is Milos. She also likes coffee.
My favorite color is blue and Ms. SarahJo’s is red.

The sign ups for parent teacher conferences are up. Here is the link: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/fwijs. These conferences will be mostly student led, so please plan on bringing your child with you.

I feel like I was barely in the classroom this last week. I was out of the classroom for an hour Monday afternoon and was out all day Tuesday with a stomach bug. I spent part of the morning Wednesday with level 3s at a wonderful bee presentation. Thursday I spent the morning at level 3 testing. It was great to be back in the classroom all day today. We learned about Cinco de Mayo. I also gave the kids a fun writing prompt that they just ran away with. They loved it and many wrote more than I have ever seen them write. Tuesday is lost sock memorial day. I asked them to write a story about where the socks go, what adventures they go on, and how they got there. Listening to what they wrote was amazing!

We also finished the BFG. We are going to be watching the movie based on this book and learning about comparing and Venn diagrams. We will compare the similarities and differences of the two. This movie is rated PG. If you would not like your child watching it, please let me know. We plan on watching it Friday. It is currently on Netflix if you wish to watch it yourself.

Have a great weekend.


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May is Here


I cannot believe May is here tomorrow. Four more weeks of school.

I want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who was able to on our field trip Wednesday or who helped support other ways. We had a small hiccup when we weren’t allowed back in for free after lunch but I think it all worked out. Thank you all!

Our science home project (for level 1s and 2s and any level 3s who did not present already) can be brought in and presented at any time. The last day for students to bring these in and present these will be Friday the 19th. The criteria for this will be a visual presentation used to teach and show understanding of the topic and an oral presentation where they explain to everyone what is happening. This does not have to be something complicated. We had an awesome presentation Friday by a student who showed how mixing baking soda and vinegar in a water bottle can inflate a balloon. It was simple and she was able to explain to us what was happening and why the balloon inflated. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Parent teacher conferences are coming up the last week of school. The last week of school will be the week of the 22. This week everyday, Monday – Friday, will be early outs, so the students will get out at 1 p.m. Monday the 22, Tuesday the 23, and Wednesday the 24, will be parent teacher conferences. They will start at 1:40 p.m. and go until 7 p.m. in 20 minute increments. These will be mainly student led so plan on our child being there with us. We have been working on things for them to present to you. Here is the sign up link: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/fwijs

This month is a busy month. We will be starting the DIBELS (reading) testing this week. Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats a good breakfast. We will also be doing other reading and math end of year assessments. The last day for Boxtops store this year is Tuesday, the 16th. Field day for lower el will be the morning of Friday the 19th.  Early childhood bridging is the 23rd, at 11 a.m. and 3rd grade bridging is the 24th at 10:30 a.m. I will have more info on this for level 3 parents as it gets closer.

Level 3s will be shadowing in our mentor class this week. All our level 3s will shadow in Ms. Kirsten’s class. This does not mean they will be in that class next year. This just allows them to experience a day with upper el to help with the transition into next year. They will spend a whole day sometime this week in her class with a mentor buddy.

Thanks for all you do!


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Field Trip Tomorrow

Hello All,

Just a reminder that we have our field trip to the Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum tomorrow. We will be meeting at the frontrunner station on Wall Ave in Ogden at 8:10. This will give us time to distribute wristbands to the children and for anyone who needs to buy a ticket, to do so. We will be taking the 8:37 train and arrive at the North Temple Station at 9:33. This will give us time to walk the couple blocks through The Gateway to the museum and be there by 10 for our simple machines workshop. After the workshop we will have time to explore the museum and have fun. Lunch will be eaten at the food court where you can have a sack lunch or buy something there. Lunch can be eaten at any time. We will be leaving the museum by 1:40 to take the frontrunner at 2:01 home. We will arrive at the station on Wall Ave at 2:52. From there students can go home.

There is a gift shop at the museum if students want to purchase something.

Thanks. Let me know if you have any questions.


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