Black Island Farms

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Hello All!

Last week was Red Ribbon week. We had a guest speaker on Monday, got wrist bands Tuesday, had a coloring contest Wednesday, and had the door decorating contest Friday. We did a combined door with Ms. Kirsten. Ms. Kirsten’s class won the contest for upper el and our class tied with Ms. Holly in lower el. We will get a pizza party for our prize. I want to say a big thank you to Ms. Kirsten and her class. They came up with the idea and we helped with the decorating. Here is a picture of the final product.

A big thank you to everyone who was able to come on the field trip with us Thursday. A special thanks to one of our room moms, Ms. Tiffani, for putting the car pools together so all the kids could have a ride to and from. The morning started out cold but the day did warm up and we had a great time. I will add another post with some pictures of our adventures.

I hope many of you were able to attend the Fall Festival Friday night. My kids and I were there for the first hour and a half and my 3 year old had a wonderful time.

Halloween week is upon us. We have our class Halloween party Tuesday afternoon. If you signed up to donate something, you can send it tomorrow or Tuesday. We will also be doing some fun Halloween science activities with Ms. Kirsten’s class earlier that morning. We have been doing some Halloween themed things in class. Friday we made dice. One had characters, one had settings, one had a main idea, and one had a story starter. We then rolled them to write some stories. We have been working on a personal narrative about a time we were scared.

As you and your children go trick-or-treating Tuesday, please practice safety. We want all the kids to have fun and be safe.

Home projects are due this week if your child has not already presented. We had some awesome ones this past week. I am excited to see the rest.

Lastly, Friday I sent home the information on the kids original works. The kids worked hard on these pieces of art. If you are able, please order something with their art on it. The proceeds from this go directly to our class. We can decide how we want to use the money. Last year we went on more field trips and also order many different colors of stamp pads for some works we have in the classroom. I hope to be able to use the proceeds for some fun things again this year. I also sent home pictures with the kids Friday.

Enjoy the rest of your night.

Thanks for everything.


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Halloween Party

Here is the link for the Halloween Party sign-up. Please come if you can or just donate supplies. It will be from 1 to 3 on the 31st. Thanks!

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Fall Break

Hello All,

I hope you enjoy your fall break.

We have a our field trip to Black Island Farms this coming Thursday the 26th. Please let me know if you are going to be able to come with us and if you can provide rides with other children. Our field trip starts at 10 a.m. We will start with the wagon ride and pumpkin picking. After that we will be able to explore the farms and have lunch. We will gather all the kids up and leave the farms around 2 p.m. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, let one of our room mothers know if your child will need a ride. Tiffani is the mom in charge of this field trip. Her contact information is 801-682-5932,

Home projects are due anytime in the next 2 weeks. As a reminder, it is a book report. Students need to be able to share the title, author, a summary of the book. They also need to decorate a pumpkin based on a character in the book and be able to tell us about the character and their part in the book.

We will be having our class Halloween party the afternoon of October 31. There will be a sign up soon for the party.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Fall Festival

Join us for our Annual Fall Festival Friday, October 27th from 4-7pm. Watch for volunteer sign ups after the upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences. This is another great way to get those hours in :).

Don’t wait in line at the Fall Festival!! Purchase tickets before the event and walk right in. We will be pre-selling Fall Festival tickets and wristbands at a discounted price on Monday, October 16th from 1-7pm at Parent Teacher Conferences in the school lobby. If you miss us that day, we will also host a drive-through ticket pre-sale on Monday October 23rd from 3-4pm. Drive through the East end of North Shore parking lot, pull up in your car and purchase your tickets!

Price Details

  • Wristbands – allow access to bounce houses, dunk tank, and climbing wall – provided by Custom Events
  • Tickets – allow access to all other events and goodies, including haunted house, root beer garden, cotton candy and more

Pre-Sale Individual Prices:

1 wristband for $7
4 tickets for $1

Pre-Sale Bundle Prices:

1 wristband and 16 tickets for $10
24 tickets for $5

Prices at the Door: 

1 wristband for $8
4 tickets for $1

Hope to see you all there!



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Coming Up

Hello All,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed seeing many of you at the Fall Party yesterday. Thank you to Cody and his mom and dad for inviting us all to that!

A few reminders of some things coming up:

The home project for this month will be a book report. This can be a book your child reads on their own or that you have read with them or they have read with someone else. Students will need to be able to share with the class the title, the author, the illustrator if there is one, and a short summary of the book. The students will also decorate a pumpkin to represent a character of their choice from the book. They will need to tell about this character. The pumpkin can be painted, carved, or otherwise decorated. These will be due by the last week of the month, the week of Halloween. If the projects are finished sooner, they can be brought in anytime. Please email me with any questions you might have.

Parent teacher conferences are next week, Monday the 16th, Tuesday the 17th, and Wednesday the 18th. These days will be half days so your child will need to be picked up at 1 p.m. There will also be a book fair these three days from 1 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. Here is a link for the sign ups: If you are unable to meet at one of these times, please email me and we will work something out. We will not have school Thursday the 19th and Friday the 20th. These days are fall break.

We have a field trip coming up on Thursday, October 26th to Black Island Farms in Syracuse. I will send home the permission slips this week with more details.

Lastly, Wednesday, October 11, is picture day. I will send home order forms tomorrow. I apologize that they have not been sent home yet. We only had about half the amount we needed for all the kids. I now have 30 forms so they will come home tomorrow.

Have a great night!


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Fall Harvest Party

Don’t forgot the fall harvest party at Cody’s house tomorrow. The address is 2220 Fruitland Drive, North Ogden. Apple picking and cider pressing are from 3 to 5:30. A potluck dinner will follow with Smores after.

This is for the whole family. Hope to see you there!


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PTC Sign ups

Hello All,

Here are the sign ups for parent teacher conferences. Your child is not required to be there but they can come if they would like. There will also be a book fair during this time.



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Gary Hogg

We were so lucky to have Gary Hogg in our school today. He always makes students so excited to write and really pushes grace and courtesy and respect. I have order forms for the kids to order Gary’s latest books and posters but I forgot to send them home. I will send them home tomorrow. I love his books and so do the kids and his posters and ideas are so good. The order forms will be due on Thursday. Then if you order a book you get an autographed copy.



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End of Normalization

Hello All,

With the first of October coming, we are hitting the end of normalization, which means we have been in school for 6 weeks. Crazy! The kids are definitely setting in and good works are being done.  We will soon be having parent volunteer sign ups for anyone who would like to come and help with reading and other things in the classroom. We will also be starting reading groups with all students in the classroom regardless of their reading level.

We have had some amazing home project presented this week. If your child was not able to bring theirs, please feel free to send it this week. I learned that only male narwhals have a horn, the tallest building in America has 76 elevators, dragon flies travel 8 miles a day, the rarest diamond is a pink diamond, geckos clean their eye by licking it, and so much more. The student have all done an amazing job presenting and remembering their information. Thank you for helping them be successful.

On Monday I will be sending home word sorts with each child. Word sort, Words Their Way, are the way we are doing our spelling. A couple weeks ago, we gave each child a spelling review that showed us where they needed to be placed in regards to their words sorts. We have been practicing them in class and I will send a copy home with the students Monday. the students will need to cut them out and sort them. Depending on the sorts, some students can also practice spelling them. There are some who are sorting pictures because what we want to focus on right now are sounds and being able to identify them and sort them. Please let me know if you have any questions about this after Monday.

Gary Hogg, the children’s author will be coming for an assembly and small workshops on Tuesday. I will send home an order form for his books Tuesday. Many of you have his books already, but he has a new one coming out shortly. He also has some fun motivational posters you can order.

Our first field trip is coming up this month. We will be going to Black Island Farms on Thursday, the 26th. More information about this will follow.

Hope you have a good weekend and enjoy this fall weather, it is my favorite!


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