Science Fair Help

Volunteers Needed for Science Fair

We are in need of food, judges, and scorers for the Science Fair on Wednesday, February 21st. If you (or anyone you know) are interested in the opportunity, please sign up here:

For more information, contact:

Michelle Olsen (

John Edwards (

Nicoletta Householder(

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PTC and Spelling Bee

Hello All,

I have the sign ups for Parent Teacher Conferences ready. We will be signing up using Track it Forward. We will also be using this for class parties and any other sign ups we need. This will help track you volunteer hours as well.

To sign up for conference please go to If you already have a Track it Forward account this is where you will sign in. If you do not have one, you will need to sign up and create an account. After signing in, you will need to click on the tab, Event Sign Ups. This will take you to a calendar. On the days of February 14, 15, 16, you will find an event titled Ms. Jalee’s PTC. Click on the day you want and sign up for the time that works for you. You will receive an email confirmation about your sign up. You will also receive an email reminder two days before. I will let you know as soon as I have a sign up for the Valentine party as well.

We have the spelling bee coming up at the end of February. Three students from each class will be selected to participate in the school spelling bee. The top 2 from the school will be able to participate in the state spelling be. I will be sending home the lists and parent letter by this Thursday. If you child wants to participate, help them study and encourage them to just do their best. The parent letter will explain it more and hopefully answer any questions you might have.



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Happy Weekend All,

I cannot believe that it is almost February. On top of that, we will reach our 100th day of school this coming Wednesday. To celebrate this we will be doing some 100th day activities and writing. We will also be learning about Ground Hog Day and making predictions and a graph about whether or not the ground hog will see it’s shadow.

If your child has not presented their home project on their author study, that should be brought in to be presented this week. This will basically be a short biography on an author of your child’s choice. Your child will need to pick an author from a book or series of books they like. They will need to learn some things about this author such as:
Birth date
Death date (if applicable)
Where they were born and/or raised or lived
Their first book published and when it was published
Number of books they have written
The type of writing they do (fiction, non fiction, fantasy, picture books)
Any other fun facts you learn about them
Your child can present this to the class in whatever way they would like (poster board, PowerPoint, dress up as the author, etc.)

In class we have been reading the book, The World According to Humphrey. This is about a hamster that is a class pet and the world seen through his eyes. The kids have loved listening to this book. Reading this book has also got me thinking of adding to our class pets and getting a hamster. Before I go buy all the supplies, I wanted to ask if any of you have an old hamster cage that you would be willing to donate to the class for our new class pet. If not, I am happy to go buy what we need.

The Jr. High is looking for single bud vases for their valentines fundraiser. I you have any to donate they would really appreciate it!  (There are collection boxes just through the front door).

Also, the Chili Cook off is coming soon.  It is the 31st at 5:30 to 7:00 and it cost $5 per person children under 5 eat free.  You can enter your own chili (if you dare!)  by going to Chili sign up.

I will have the parent teacher sign ups ready this week and send them out ASAP.

Thanks for all you do!


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Coming up

Happy Saturday Everyone,

We had fun at the talent show yesterday. The kids performed great, and those who didn’t were a great audience. Afterwards I had many students come and tell me they wanted to be in the talent show next year. My thoughts are that maybe we will do one in April or May when SAGE testing is done and the library will be available.

I sent level 1’s and 2’s home with an index care that has their login info for the website Imagine Learning. This site is to help with language and reading. I failed, however to give the site code. I am waiting for Mr. James to get back with me about what that is and will get it to you ASAP.

Our author study home project is due next week. This will basically be a short biography on an author of your child’s choice. Your child will need to pick an author from a book or series of books they like. They will need to learn some things about this author such as:
Birth date
Death date (if applicable)
Where they were born and/or raised or lived
Their first book published and when it was published
Number of books they have written
The type of writing they do (fiction, non fiction, fantasy, picture books)
Any other fun facts you learn about them

Your child can present this to the class in whatever way they would like (poster board, PowerPoint, dress up as the author, etc.) If their project is done sooner than next week, they can bring it in to present before that week.

Parent teacher conferences are coming up in a little less than a month. They will be held the afternoon/evenings of Wednesday, February 14th; Thursday, February 15th; and Friday, February 16th. I will have the sign ups ready in the next couple of weeks.

We will be having a Valentine party the same week as parent teacher conferences. The tentative date will be mid morning on Valentine’s day. For now just know that we will be allowing students to hand out Valentine cards and/or treats to the whole class. This is totally an option and not at all required for the children to participate in the party. The easiest way to do this is for them to put who the card is from and not who it is to. This makes things go much faster as the kids hand them out. We have 29 students and the teachers are myself, Ms. Sara, and Ms. AmyJo.

Thank you for all your support.


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Talent Show

Hello All,

I apologize that this is so short notice. We will be doing a class talent show with Ms. Kirsten’s class this Friday afternoon. I will get the exact times to you tomorrow. As I said, I realize this is short notice, but if you child would like to perform something in the talent show, like a piano piece they have practiced or a dance or song they already know, please have your child tell me now later than Thursday. We will not be allowing students to just go up Friday afternoon without prior notice. If they are not comfortable getting up and performing, we will have a table for them to display pieces of art they may be proud of. Again, I apologize that this is late notice. This is something we have had planned and it totally skipped my mind.

Also, you need to have your intent to return stated by this Friday, the 19th. You should have all received an email about this last week. I love all of your children and hope that even if they are moving on to upper el next year, they will be returning to continue their Montessori Education.

Thank you all!


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No School Monday

Happy Saturday Everyone,

Just a reminder that we do not have have school Monday. This is because of Martin Luther King Jr./Civil Rights Day.

I hope your students enjoyed their day off yesterday. It was a very productive and fun day for me as a teacher. Ms. Sara and I had the morning to work in the classroom and get caught up on some things. We then had a professional development centered around team building with the rest of our colleagues in the afternoon. It was very productive, fun, and allowed us to let loose with people we usually only work with.

This month our home project will be an author study. This will basically be a short biography on an author of your child’s choice. Your child will need to pick an author from a book or series of books they like. They will need to learn some things about this author such as:
Birth date
Death date (if applicable)
Where they were born and/or raised or lived
Their first book published and when it was published
Number of books they have written
The type of writing they do (fiction, non fiction, fantasy, picture books)
Any other fun facts you learn about them

Your child can present this to the class in whatever way they would like (poster board, PowerPoint, dress up as the author, etc.) These projects will be turned in to be presented the week of January 29th. If their project is done sooner, they can bring it in to present before that week.

We already had a fun presentation Thursday on an author. We were privileged to have the actual author come and share a book with us and leave a book with us to enjoy in the classroom. We look forward to all the other home projects.

Enjoy the long weekend.


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Author Study Home Project

Happy Saturday!

I hope you are all enjoying the snow/rain that we are getting. Hopefully the weather will help clean out the air.

This month our home project will be an author study. This will basically be a short autobiography on an author of your child’s choice. Your child will need to pick an author from a book or series of books they like. They will need to learn some things about this author such as:     Birth date
Death date (if applicable)
Where they were born and/or raised or lived
Their first book published and when it was published
Number of books they have written
The type of writing they do (fiction, non fiction, fantasy, picture books)
Any other fun facts you learn about them

Your child can present this to the class in whatever way they would like (poster board, PowerPoint, dress up as the author, etc.) These projects will be turned in to be presented the week of January 29th. If their project is done sooner, they can bring it in to present before that week.

We do not have school this coming Friday, January 12. It is a professional development day for teachers. We also will not have school Monday, January 15, because of Martin Luther King Jr. day.

We have P.E. Mondays, so if your child wears boots to school, please send some good running shoes for P.E. with them.

Thanks for all you do!


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2018 is Here!

Hello All,

Can you believe it is already 2018? I cannot believe how fast this break has gone by. I hope you all had an amazing holiday and are enjoying your New Year’s Day. Just a reminder that we come back to school this Wednesday, January 3. Can’t wait to see all your kids! Please remind them that while we are all excited to HEAR about their gifts, toys, etc., they do not belong at school. Please remind them to leave their toys at home. If toys are brought to school I will give them one reminder to put it away and have them put it in their locker. If I see it again, I will take it and it will need to be picked up by a parent. Thank you for your support in this.

Thank you all for all the gifts. I treasure them all because they are from you and your students and I am grateful to receive them. Thank you for thinking of Ms. Sara and me. Also, thank you all for your support for the International Festival. All the kids did great! I will send more detailed information on the next home project with the next blog post.

One more quick reminder: we now have snow and it is winter and cold. Though we are unable to play where our playground used to be, we are able to play around the back of the school and will be going outside everyday for recess unless we are told otherwise by those in higher power. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately. Boots, coats, hats, and gloves are advisable. While snow pants are not necessary, it does help those children that want to play in the snow.

Thanks for all you do. Enjoy the last couple days of the break.


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Last Week Before Break

Hello All,

Before anything else, I want to publicly thank Ms. Sara for everything she does in our classroom. Twice this week I have had to take a day off for illness for myself and for my child. Both times Sara has taken over and taken it all in stride. It is so wonderful to know that when I am unable to be there, she is and that your children will all be loved and well taken care of. Our classroom functions as well as it does because of all Sara does.

This is the last week before we have our winter break. We will have music and P.E. Monday. We are finally getting some snow, so please make sure your child has good shoes for indoor running along with any boots they might wear. Also, we will be going outside for recess, so please make sure your child is dressed appropriately.

The International Festival is this week. Jr. High will have their presentations in the gym Tuesday afternoon. Upper el will have their presentations in their classrooms Wednesday morning. Our International Presentation will be Thursday afternoon from 1 – 2:30. You are all invited to come tour our classroom and the other classrooms and learn different things from all around the world. I know that many home projects have already been brought in. Please have them turned in by Monday so that the children can practice presenting to the class before the festival. Also, if they want to share a food, please provide enough for the class and they will share it with the class not with the whole school. We have 29 children in our class. I look forward to seeing all the presentations.

Thursday will be our last day of school before the break. We will not have school Friday and we will have all of next week off and January 1 and 2. We will return to school Wednesday, January 3.

This last week we started learning about holidays not commonly celebrated where we live. The kids are learning more about them in groups and will present what they learn to the class. This is a way for them to learn more about our world and the different cultures and celebrations that everyone has.

I hope you all enjoy the snow.



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Thank you!

Hello All,

Thank you so much to everyone who came to, helped with, and supported our holiday feast. It was amazing! The food was delicious and we had so much help setting up and cleaning up. We truly have amazing parents in our class!

Tomorrow is P.E. so if you child wears boots, it would be a good idea to send tennis shoes that are easier to run in with them.

Next week is the International Festival. Your child’s home project needs to be on something to do with Asia. You can send the projects in as soon as they are done. I will like them turned in this Friday and no later than Monday the 18th so the students can present them to the class before the festival. Please let me know if you have any questions.



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