
With the Gala less than two weeks away, we are starting to wrap things up:) If you still wanted to donate to any of the class baskets here is a list of the baskets the room parents are just putting finishing touches to:

Ms. Amy- Cooking Basket

Ms. Marleen- Pamper Basket

Ms. Lana- Movie Basket

Ms. Brittany- Exercise Basket

Ms. Kaley- Golf Basket

Ms. Joy- Rainy Day Basket

Ms. Stef- Pool Fun Basket

Ms. Kotie- Book Basket

Ms. Jalee- Pet Basket

Ms. Jen- Gardening Basket

Ms. Laura- Kid Craft Basket

Mr. John- Date Night Basket

Ms. Jill- Art Basket

Ms, Krista- Golf Basket (no additional items need to be donated to this basket, the whole basket was donated by staker-parson)

Jr. High- Mindfulness Basket


*There are some items that we are looking for to be added to some tickets that were donated.  If anyone is interested in donating:

– Train toy & Train Book

– Dinosaur toy & Dinosaur Book

– Birthday party supplies cake mix/frosting/candles/party etc… We will need two sets total of this


Once again, Thank you everyone to has already contributed to the Gala in any way, shape or form:)

Buy your tickets online:

Or we will be at the school Friday March 9th form 3-4 (Last day for pre-sale price)



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Gala Basket

Hello All,

The annual school gala is coming up on March 17th. If you have not purchased tickets, you can purchase them at the door on that night. I would suggest you come. I have always had a wonderful time when I have gone. The silent auctions have a lot of fun things and the artwork is beautiful. The company is probably the best part!

Our class is in charge of a pet basket for dogs. This means people can bid on a basket full of fun things for dogs like treats and toys and food. If you would like to donate something, please send it with your child to school before next Wednesday, the 7th. I think I will have to pick up some fun dog toys that Sloane is always wanting to get when we go buy worms and crickets for the gecko.

Thanks in advance!


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Literacy Night


Snow is here. It is finally feeling like winter; although, it is supposed to start feeling like spring. What crazy weather we have here in Utah.

This week is our annual literacy week. The theme for this year is “Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are.” As a school we will all read the same book. This year the book is called Ishi by Akiko Yabuki. As a class we will decorate our door based on one of our favorite classroom books, the Humphrey books. Some of the students already started on some decorations for the door. The kids are going to draw pictures of Humphrey doing different activities and we will cover our door with them. The spelling bee will be held Tuesday morning. The three students who will be representing our class are Landon, Cody, and Bently. Thursday we held a class spelling bee and these 3 spelled the most words correctly. All who participated did a wonderful job. I am very proud of them all. Literacy night will be Thursday from 6-8 pm. There will be a lot of fun activities and prizes. Please come with your family. The classrooms will have different themes and activities. Visit our class to see Whoville. Friday is Dr. Seuss’s birthday. We will be celebrating Thursday afternoon. Friday we will have a read-a-thon at the end of the day so kids can bring blankets, pillows, and books from home to read and share.

This week our “I wonder…” home projects are due. Please have your child bring them in as soon as they get it completed. You can also start helping them think of March’s project. It will be an artist study on an artist of their choice. They will also need to create a piece of art based on something that artist created. We have been learning about artists in class to help prepare the kids for this project. The artists we have learned about so far are Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock, Henri Matisse, and James Whistle. We will learn about some more artists, but the children’s artist choice is not limited to ones we have learned about.

Just a look ahead, we will have field trips to the Hill Field museum Friday, April 13, to Discovery Gateway and Clark Planetarium Thursday, April 26, and to the dinosaur park Wednesday, May 2. We always love chaperones so I hope this early notice will give you a chance to come with us.

Have a wonderful weekend.


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Valentine Pics


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Snow, Finally

Hello All,

We are finally getting snow. The winter storm they kept promising us all day finally hit. I hope you are all able to be safe and warm with your families tonight.

We do not have school tomorrow, the 19th due to President’s Day.

HUGE thank you to everyone who was able to make it to parent teacher conferences. I feel like they were a huge success. I always enjoy meeting with you and getting to know you better. Sara and I feel like to brings us closer not only to you but also to your children. We appreciate your willingness to take time our of your busy schedules to meet with us. We love your children and hope that shows with the work we are doing with them. Thank you to anyone who was able to donate a book to our class.

Thank you to everyone who was able to help with the Valentine party. We had a lot of awesome volunteers who came to help and a lot who were able to donate things to make the party a success. A giant thank you to one of our room mothers, Ms. Darci. She put the whole party together. Be sure to log your volunteer hours into track it forward. Donating something counts towards your hours as well. I will post pictures in another post shortly.

This week will be the spell check test for the spelling bee that is next week. The top 3 spellers from our class will get to go to the school spelling bee that will be held next week.

Please continue to help your child with their “I wonder…” home projects that are due next week.

Thank you for all that you do!



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PTC Next Week


Say hello to our new class pet Humphrey.

She is a baby dwarf hamster. We named her after the hamster from the Humphrey books. We have been able to let her run around in her ball each day for a while. She is still getting used to being held and makes a whining noise that I call yelling whenever I get her out of her cage. The kids call it an alarm and come running to see her when she does that. We are going to give her some time to get used to her new surroundings and then we will start sending her home on the weekends with the kids.

Today the students started filling out their KWL sheets (know, wonder, learn) for their home projects this month. I forgot to give them to the kids before they went home. Many of the picked their subjects but some did not. Some may also want to change later on. Please make sure they fill out a KWL sheet to bring when they present.

We also started learning about artists this week to expose the kids for when they pick their artist for next months home project. We learned about Wassily Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock. We have created art pieces inspired by them as well.

This week is parent teacher conferences. If you have not signed up yet please go to and find my name under the day you would like to come and sign up. Conferences will be Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday starting at 1:40. On theses days school will get out at 1 pm. During this time, we will also have the book fair in the library. This is a great time to get new reading books for your kids and donate to our classroom if you are able. We love books!

Our Valentine party will be Wednesday the 14th from about 10:45 to 12:30ish. We will have games, food (berry parfait), and fun. Thank you to everyone who has been able to sign up. We love volunteers so please come if you are able. During this time we will be handing Valentine’s as well. If your child would like, they can bring cards and/or candy for everyone. We have 29 students and 3 teachers. Please only put who the cards are from. This makes the handing out much quicker and easier. If your child would like to decorate and bring a box, that is fine. However, this is not required. We will be decorating large paper bags for the kids to put their Valentine’s in. We will be stapling these shut since we will not be eating the candy at school. They can eat their treats at home. You can also provide none treat things for the kids like stickers, pencils, bubbles, etc.

We will not have school Monday, February 19, in celebration of Presidents Day.

Have a wonderful weekend!


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Valentine Party

The sign-up for the Valentine party is ready. It is on track it forward. Please sign up to come and help or send something/s to help. The party will be on Valentine’s Day from about 10:45 to 12:30ish. This is including the time for handing out cards.

Here is the site:



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MAPA Board  is currently looking for a VP for the remainder of the year who will then become the president for the 2108-2019 school year. Please contact if you or you know someone who would be interested.

Don’t know what MAPA is… it is our schools PTA program. The fall festival, gala, book fairs, teacher appreciation, safety, box tops all happen because of MAPA and we want that all to continue to happen, so keep your eyes and ears open for someone who would do a great job!


We hope you all are enjoying the track it forward program. All events whether it is school wide or for the class room will be through track it forward from now on. There is a way to categorize events by teacher, school wide or both together:

  1. Login to you track it forward account

( if you have not signed up please do so by going here

  1. Click on event sign ups
  2. Click on filter by category (the little blue writing on the sample pictured)
  3. You can then select what categories you want to see the calendar for. For example if you want to see only Ms. Joy’s sign ups click on Ms. Joy. If you want to see just Ms. Joy’s and the school wide events click on both Ms. Joy and school wide. You can do as many as you want.
  4. If you do not see your teachers name on the category selection yet, be patient. They have not yet created an event on the track it forward calendar yet. But there next event will be on there. So keep a watch out:)
  5. Sign up for event and your done. Track it forward will email you a reminder 2 days before the event.


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Hello February

Hello All!

February is here! I need to start by apologizing. I did not do the Ground Hog Day activities I had planned on doing with the kids. I was so excited last week because I had a lot of fun things planned that I just needed to get ready, and I didn’t think about it all week and then when Friday got here, I realized I had not prepared anything to do with Ground Hog Day. For that I am sorry.

The sign-ups for Parent Teacher Conferences are up. To sign up for conference please go to If you already have a Track it Forward account this is where you will sign in. If you do not have one, you will need to sign up and create an account. After signing in, you will need to click on the tab, Event Sign Ups. This will take you to a calendar. On the days of February 14, 15, 16, you will find an event titled Ms. Jalee’s PTC. Click on the day you want and sign up for the time that works for you. You will receive an email confirmation about your sign up. You will also receive an email reminder two days before. Please bring your child with you to the conference. This will allow them to share with you some of the things they have been doing. The book fair will also be up and going during these conferences.

We will have our Valentine Party on Wednesday, February 14 from about 10:45 to 12:15. We will have an early lunch and use the last 45 minutes to clean up and pass out Valentines. If you child would like they can bring Valentine cards and/or treats for the class. This is totally optional. We have 29 students and 3 teachers. It is easiest not to put names on the cards for each students so I will not be providing a list of names. Just prepare 29 cards and put who they are from. We will be decorating bags to put the Valentine’s in at school. I will have the sign-up for the party by Wednesday.

We got the totals back for the money our class earned from your orders of the original works the students created. Our class earned the most money! Thank you for your support. Last year we used this money to buy some class materials and help pay for field trips. This year, I will be putting a portion of the money towards buying a class pet hamster and all the things it will need. I am just waiting on Ms. Rene’s approval.

This month’s home project will be “I Wonder…” As you recall, we did a project like this at the beginning of the year. This one will be similar but we will be adding to it. I will be having the students fill out a KWL chart. The K stands for Know, the W stands for Wonder, and the L stands for Learn. At school the students will fill out the K and W parts. They will then bring the chart home and create their project with you. You will need to help them create their presentation and fill in the what I learned part. This will need to be presented with the project. Please talk with your child and help them figure out what they want to do their project on by this Friday, February 9. This is when we will be filling out the charts. These project will be due the last week of February, the week of the 26th. As always, the students can bring in their project whenever it is complete.

In preparation for next month’s home projects on artists, we will be learning about different artists throughout this month.

As always, thank you for all that you do!


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Work in the Classroom

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