Last Field Trip, I Promise

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather that seems to have skipped spring and now it’s summer.

Thank you all who were able to help with the field trip. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately we didn’t get to spend a lot of time at the planetarium but the children’s museum was great, too.

We have our last field trip this Wednesday, May 2. I am sorry, when I planned these field trips at the beginning of the year I didn’t realize they were a week apart. Our field trip this week is to the dinosaur park. We are going with Ms. Kirsten’s class. We will be meeting at the Botanical Gardens close to the dinosaur park at 9 a.m. The address for the gardens is 1750 Monroe Blvd, Ogden. We will be spending some time at the garden and on a nature walk. We will then go to the dinosaur park at 10 a.m. where we will participate in a paleontology discussion and an interactive activity. We will then spend the rest of the day exploring the park. Lunch will be eaten at the park whenever chaperones and teachers decide so students will need a sack lunch. Please also make sure they have a water bottle. It is also a good idea to make sure your child has sunscreen. The morning winds from the canyon can also be cool so a jacket is a good idea as well. Students will need to be picked up from the dinosaur park at 2 p.m.

Our class will be doing the DIBELS reading test on Thursday. The reading specialists will be taking our kids a few at a time to do the reading. Please make sure your child gets a good breakfast and a good night’s sleep so they can do their very best on the testing.

Our final home project is due in a couple weeks. Your child can bring in the project any time, but please before the week of the 21st. This home project will be based on a cultural subject.
Level 3s: Pick a dinosaur. Please include the meaning of the name, who named it, when it lived, where it has been discovered, if it’s an herbivore or carnivore, how big it was, how much it weighed, and anything else interesting they discover about it.
Level 2s: Pick a planet. Please include why the planet was named what it is, who discovered it/named it, which order from the sun it is, how hot and how cold it gets, how long it takes to rotate on it’s access, how long it takes to go around the sun, if it has any moons and how many, and any other interesting facts they learn.
Level 1s: Pick a bird. What does the bird look like, what sound does it make, how big is it, how many eggs it lays, how long it takes them to hatch, where they live, if they migrate, what they eat, and any other interesting things they learn.

We have already had one home project presented on a bird and it was wonderful. I am so excited to see the others.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


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Field Trip This Week

Hello All!

I cannot believe how close we are to the end of April and starting May! I am so glad we are finally getting some warm weather to go along with this springtime.

The biggest reminder for this week is that we have our field trip to Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum and Clark Planetarium this Thursday, the 26th. We will be taking the frontrunner to Salt Lake for this field trip. I have a certain number of wrist bands for the train for chaperones and these will be given to those who let me know first that they will be coming with us. This will not include any siblings you may be bringing but just for the parent. I have already heard from a few of you that you are going. If you plan on attending with us, even if you do not want to chaperone other children, PLEASE let me know so I can plan accordingly. If you have to pay for your own ticket on the front runner, the cost is $5.50. I am not sure if this is one way or round trip. I will let you know in a reply email if I have a wristband for you. Getting into the planetarium and museum will be free. If sibling come, they will be an additional $4 at the museum.

The train we will be taking will leave at 8:37 a.m. Please be at the frontrunner station on Wall Ave. no later than 8:10 a.m. I know this seems early but some people will need time to buy tickets and we need to make sure we are all there and with the right chaperones. PLEASE be on time. We do not want anyone to have to be running for the train. If your child will need a ride to or from the station, please let me know by Tuesday morning and I can put you in touch with someone who can help you. The train we will be riding back to Wall station in Ogden will arrive at 2:24 p.m. Please arrange to have your child picked up then. I would suggest sending your child with a jacket as it is usually pretty cold waiting for the train in the morning.

The food court at the Gateway is under construction and will not be available to get food for lunch. Please make sure your child has a sack lunch and a water bottle for lunch. We have found from past experience that just a small juice box or something like a Capri-sun still leaves children thirsty. We will be eating lunch at the plaza by the fountain or at one of the many small seating areas around the Gateway. Please let me know if you have any questions about he upcoming field trip.

Thank you!


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First Week Back

Hello All!

We made it through the first week back from Spring Break. The kids are counting down the days we have left of school. I am trying not to think about it.

Thank you everyone for your support with the field trip to Hill Aerospace Museum today. It was a lot of fun. I haven’t been there since I was in 5th grade. That place is huge and so full of amazing displays and information. I hope the students enjoyed it as much as I did. It was cold so we didn’t spend much time outside. Hopefully next time we go, it will be warmer.

Our next field trip is to Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum and Clark Planetarium on Thursday, April 26. We will be taking the frontrunner to Salt Lake and spending the morning at the children’s museum and after lunch we will spend a couple hours at the planetarium. Please let me know if you will be attending this field trip. Also, if you would be willing to chaperone. We will also be going to the dinosaur part on Wednesday, May 2nd and will need drivers and chaperones for that.

There are only a couple days left to order a yearbook. Order online at The deadline for ordering is 11:59 pm on Sunday, April 15. Our yearbook code is 13283718. Unlike in previous years, extra yearbooks will NOT be available for purchase after April 15th when yearbooks physically arrive at the school. Please plan accordingly.

Our last home project will be due the second week of May. It will be a research based project on a cultural subject. Level 1s will pick a bird, level 2s will pick a planet, and level 3s will pick a dinosaur. I will have more details and an outline next week.

Take care!


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Back From Break

Hello All,

I hope you all had a wonderful spring break. I know it wasn’t super warm, but if you were like me, you spent most of it inside sick anyway. I hope some of you were able to get out of town and have a good time with your families.

We have seen some amazing home projects. The kids all did wonderful jobs on their presentations and on their artwork. I look forward to seeing the home projects that have not been presented yet. If your child was unable to get their project in before the break, they can bring it in as soon as it’s ready. Our next and last home project will be a cultural home project due at the first of May. I will have more details on that in the next post.

Thank you to those who have been able to respond about the upcoming field trip on Friday. We will be going to Hill Aerospace Museum in Roy. We need parents who are able to transport students to and from. We will be leaving the school to get to the museum at about 9:30 and leaving the museum to come back to the school at 1 p.m. If you are able to transport students to and from, please email me ASAP with the number of kids you can take. We would also love chaperones to join us. It is free for the kids and parents. Please email me ASAP if you would be able to chaperone and attend the field trip. I would like to have a sign up for rides ready by Monday night. If you can take your own child to and from the field trip, please let me know that as well.

I am also going to attach the field trip permission form and the cover letter with all the information on it. I will also send these home Monday. You can either print them out and send the permission form back or just wait for the one I send home. Either way, I need these no later than Wednesday.  The permission slip also has the Clark Planetarium and Children’s Museum on it. You can initial and sign for that field trip now. Please initial next to the field trip and sign at the bottom.

’16-’17 Fieldtrip Permission Form

Cover letter Jalee

Can’t wait to see all the kids again on Monday.

Thanks for all you do!


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Hill Aerospace Field Trip

Hello Everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying your spring break. I will have another blog update Saturday night. On this one I wanted to focus on the upcoming field trip that is a week from Friday. We will be going to Hill Aerospace Museum in Roy. We need parents who are able to transport students to and from. We will be leaving the school to get to the museum at about 9:30 and leaving the museum to come back to the school at 1 p.m. If you are able to transport students to and from, please email me ASAP with the number of kids you can take. We would also love chaperones to join us. It is free for the kids and parents. Please email me ASAP if you would be able to chaperone and attend the field trip. I would like to have a sign up for rides ready by Monday night. If you can take your own child to and from the field trip, please let me know that as well.

I am also going to attach the field trip permission form and the cover letter with all the information on it. I will also send these home Monday. You can either print them out and send the permission form back or just wait for the one I send home. Either way, I need these no later than Wednesday.  The permission slip also has the Clark Planetarium and Children’s Museum on it. You can initial and sign for that field trip now. Please initial next to the field trip and sign at the bottom.

I will be asking about chaperones for the planetarium and children’s museum field trip next week so be watching for that.

Thanks, and enjoy the rest of your break.


’16-’17 Fieldtrip Permission Form

Cover letter Jalee

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Spring is Coming

Hello All,

Spring is coming and so is spring break and somehow, the kids know it and it shows :). What an adventure teaching can be. In all seriousness, though, I love it and I love the kids. Even when things are rough, I feel that there is no better calling.

We have truly had an amazing week. Tuesday was a bit chaotic, but the kids rolled with it and did good work. Ms. Karen came in and did concrete poems with the kids. They were all so good. We have some really talented writers in our class. We have been learning about geography this week. Level ones are learning about maps and features on our earth. Level 2s get to study rocks, one of my favorite subjects. Level 3s are learning about the water cycle and precipitation. Today I gave them all a lesson on geysers and we set off Diet Coke and Mentos geysers outside. We also did measuring and graphing with paper airplanes today and graphing with Lucky Charms.

Don’t forge that the week of April 1st we do not have school. We will be off for Spring Break the whole week.

The artist home projects are due this week if you are able to get them in. We are excited to learn about artists and the the pieces that the students have created.

We are also happy to report that Humphrey is all healed up and adapted nicely to only having 3 legs. We are looking for someone to take the hamsters home over spring break. If you are able and willing to, please let me know. It will be a first come basis.

Thanks for all you do!


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Short Week

Hello All,

Don’t forget this week is a short week. We do not have school tomorrow, Monday the 19th. The teachers have a professional development day so you kids can enjoy the day off.

Last night was the Gala. It was wonderful. There were some great prizes and the art work was wonderful. I enjoyed seeing a couple of you and having bidding wars with you :). Thank you to those who were able to come!

Spring break is coming up. It will be the first week of April. We have our field trip to the Aerospace museum coming up on Friday, April 13. I will be sending out permission slips next week. If you are able to come, please email me and include if you would be able to transport students to and from and how many you could take. I would like to get a sign up sheet for rides ready by next week. We also have our trip to Discovery Gateway and Clark Planetarium Thursday, April 26. I will be asking about chaperones for that when it gets a bit closer.

Home projects are due the week after this week. That is the week of March 26th. Our home project for this month will be an artist study on an artist of your child’s choice. We have been studying some artists and creating art based on the artist’s work in preparation for this. As part of this home project, your child should learn information like when the artist was born and died (if applicable), where they are from, the type of art they create/d, any facts they find, some names and examples of their art, and your child needs to create a piece of artwork based on or inspired by that artist’s work. If possible I would love for the art to be done on a piece of canvas, it can be small. I want to display these art pieces in the classroom through the end of the year. Then I will let the children decide if they want to take the art home or donate it to the class. The artist does not have to be one we have studied or even a well known one. The piece of art can be done according to your child’s interpretation and desire. It does not have to look exactly like a piece done by the artist or be the exact same medium. I want the kids to have fun with this and explore their artistic side.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


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Did you know the Gala’s in the past have made the school money so they could purchase computers, bike rack, P.E. equipment, crosswalk flashing lights, etc…? This year the school is in need of a new playground and we are hoping to get enough money to make a big difference in the playground bill. In comes the GALA:) Our ticket sales for the Gala so far are looking a little sad. We are asking MMA parents to step up and come support MMA. If you can’t come to the Gala but would still like to contribute to the school. The following link has some donation choices:)

OR we will be at the Northeast Corner of North Shore parking lot taking donations and selling Gala tickets this Wednesday and Thursday from 3-4 (drive thru style)!! Hope to see you there:)

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Fun Pictures

                                      Our amazing spelling bee representatives.

   Working on our structures for the earthquake simulator.

 Enjoying our books during the read-a-thon.

 Working hard.


Fun with Scales and Tales.

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Hello Everyone,

I apologize that I didn’t ever really get a real post last week. I will make up for it in this one and fill in anything from Literacy Week that I wanted to share.

Literacy week was awesome. We read some good books, decorated our door based on our class’s new favorite book series, Adventures of Humphrey, had an awesome spelling bee, and Literacy night was amazing. We were busy in our classroom with the theme, Dr. Seuss, most of the night. Thank you to everyone who was able to come and support us in this. Of all the years we have had Literacy Night, this year has been my favorite, our literacy team did an amazing job! A huge congratulations to Cody, Landon, and Bently who represented our class in the spelling bee. They all did amazing and we are all very proud of them.We also had a read-a-thon at the end of the day Friday. I will include pictures of that in a separate post.

We were also able to have some ladies come from the 4H STEM team to teach us some fun science. They talked to us about building and structures and what what planning needs to go into building bridges and all buildings, like if it is earthquake safe or near water. The students were then able to create their own structures using what they learned and test them on an earthquake simulator. I will include pictures of this as well.

We are excited to welcome our new class hamster, Harvey. We now have 2 hamsters. There was a small mishap with Humphrey and a pet dog last weekend. She is okay, but did lose a back leg. She is happy and running around her cage and is healing well. The parent and student who took her home decided to give us another hamster as well. We love them both and Harvey went home with someone this weekend but we are going to hold off on sending Humphrey home again until she is completely healed.

We have had some amazing “I Wonder” home projects. If you child has not brought theirs in yet, they can bring it in as soon as they are done. Our home project for this month will be an artist study on an artist of your child’s choice. We have been studying some artists and creating art based on the artist’s work in preparation for this. As part of this home project, your child should learn information like when the artist was born and died (if applicable), where they are from, the type of art they create/d, any facts they find, some names and examples of their art, and your child needs to create a piece of artwork based on or inspired by that artist’s work. If possible I would love for the art to be done on a piece of canvas, it can be small. I want to display these art pieces in the classroom through the end of the year. Then I will let the children decide if they want to take the art home or donate it to the class. The artist does not have to be one we have studied or even a well known one. These projects will be due the last week of the month.

Don’t forget that this Saturday is the Gala. You can purchase tickets online at or MAPA will be at the school during these times:

· Wed March 14 3:00-4:00 pm

· Thu March 15 3:00-4:00 pm

Big picture

The Gala is always a lot of fun! The artwork and food is great, but the company there is the BEST! I hope I get to see you all there.

Have a great week!



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