Have a Great Summer!

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are all enjoying your Memorial Day holiday. This will be my last post for the school year.

I just want to say thank you to you all! What a wonderful year and wonderful class we have and supportive parents are key to all that. I will miss all the kids this summer. Have a safe and wonderful summer.

Tomorrow, Tuesday May 29, there is a board meeting at the school at 5:45 p.m. We would love you all to come.

Thank you all again!!!!

Best wishes!


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Just a few more updates for this week. We will begin cleaning up our classroom in preparation for summer tomorrow. This will include cleaning out lockers. We will be starting to send home notebooks, slippers, and anything in their lockers tomorrow and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has a bag to take these thing home in as I will not be able to supply them all with bags. Any notebooks not completely used can be saved and sent back to be used next year. Binders will be sent home at conferences.

If we have everything finished by Thursday, we will have a game day. Students can bring a board and/or card game to play with classmates so we can have a fun day together.

Friday will be yearbook signing and possibly the level 6 vs teacher kickball game.

Thanks for all you do.


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Last Week of School


I just realized I failed to do the blog for this weekend until now and since the blog won’t email you that I updated it until tomorrow night, I will also send all this info in an email as well.

We made it! It’s the last week of school. I cannot believe it. This year really has flown by. We have a lot of things going on this week. Tomorrow, Monday the 21 is kindergarten bridging. Tuesday the 22 is lower el bridging. If you have a child in 3rd grade, the bridging ceremony will start at 10:30 in the gym. Wednesday the 23 is upper el bridging. Friday is the last day of school.

Monday is also our last full day of school. Tuesday – Friday are early out days. Please make sure your child is picked up at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are parent teacher conferences. I want these to be led by your student so please bring them with you if possible. If you have not signed up yet, please visit Track it Forward and sign up. During parent teacher conferences the book fair will be open in the library. It is buy on get one free, so please visit if you can. We would also love any books you would like to donate to our classroom. I do not believe we will have a list of books for you to pick from the book fair, so you and your child can just choose one on your own.

We will be having an end of school party at Cody’s house, Friday after school starting at 1:30 p.m. Please bring a snack or drink to share. Here is the invite: PastedGraphic-2
Hope to see you there.

Thanks for all you do!


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Spirit Week

Hello All!

Thank you all so much for all your support, all the time. Ms. Sara, Ms. AmyJo, and I want to say a huge thank you for all the gifts and support this past week. We know the students love and support us and that you do as well, but little gifts are always nice to get. So thank you!

We only have 2 more weeks of school left. Can you believe it!? I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. This week is spirit week. Tomorrow, Monday the 14th is crazy sock day, Tuesday the 15th is crazy hair or hat day, Wednesday the 15th is pajama day, Thursday the 17th is future occupation day, and Friday the 18th is dress down day as this is also field day. Students are still expected to wear dress code that Monday and Tuesday and no screenprint characters on Friday. Remember, kids still need to dress appropriately, for example, no spaghetti string shirts or overly short shorts.

Some other dates to look forward to are Early Childhood Bridging for any parents with kindergarten students is on Monday, May 21 at 11 a.m. Lower el bridging for parents with 3rd grade students is Tuesday, May 22 at 10:30 a.m. Upper el bridging for parents with 6th grade students is Wednesday, May 23 at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday of that week will be half days and Friday, May 25 is the last day of school.

Home projects need to be turned in this week. We will not have time for the to be presented the last week of school. Please have them done and brought in this week. We have field day on Friday and will not have time to present them all that day so before then would be ideal.

If you haven’t signed up for Parent Teacher Conferences please do ASAP. They are Tuesday the 22, Wednesday the 23, and Friday the 24. These are also half days and day for the book fair. Here is the link for PTC sign ups:

Thanks for all you do.


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PTC sign ups


The sign ups for Parent Teacher Conferences are now up. Visit track it forward to sign up for a time. https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/events 

For the end of the year conference we like to be mainly student led, so if possible, please bring your child with you.



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Teacher Appreciation Week

This coming week is teacher appreciation week. Here is the schedule for it:

Monday May 7
Grace and Courtesy
Let your teachers know how much you appreciate them by following class rules, being kind and respectful. Start the week with a smile, high five or hug for your teacher and assistant teacher!

Tuesday May 8
Bring A Flower
It can be store bought, from your yard or handmade. Together we can make a beautiful bouquet for your teacher and assistant teacher!

Wednesday May 9
Let’s Make a Memory
Draw a picture, write a note or poem, make a sculpture or anything you can think of to put a smile on your teacher’s heart and face

Thursday May 10
Thirsty Thursday
Find out your teacher’s and assistant teacher’s favorite drink and bring to them. Or just grab a water bottle or juice to quench their thirst like they quench our knowledge!

Friday May 11
Teacher Spirit Day
Wear your teacher’s favorite color today and donate a needed classroom item (pencils, paper, erasers for example) *We could use glue sticks*

Don’t forget that in our class we have 3 teachers, Ms. Sara, Ms. AmyJo, and myself.

My favorite color is blue, Ms. Sara loves the colors of the sunset or periwinkle (good luck :)), and Ms. AmyJo likes burgundy.

Ms. Sara and I don’t usually drink caffeine. I like fruit drinks, lemonades, water, etc. I also like chocolate milk. Ms. Sara says her favorite drink is kevita lemon cayenne flavor water or coconut water (good luck again, hehe). Ms. AmyJo is partial to sparkling water or coke. Don’t stress too much about this, we will be happy with whatever.

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3 More Weeks


The students are constantly reminding me how many days are left in school. You would think they are excited for summer or something. Unfortunately this is also showing in many of their attitudes and behavior. We have had many discussions and reviews on grace and courtesy and will continue to do so as well as team building activities. We could also use your help. Please talk with your children about appropriate behavior and work ethics as we wrap up the school year.

Our last home project of the year is due this week or next. Please get them in as soon as possible so we can be sure everyone has a chance to present. If you need a reminder about what the home projects should be on, please see previous posts.

Next week, the week of May 14th, is spirit week. Monday the 14th is crazy sock day, Tuesday the 15th is crazy hair or hat day, Wednesday the 15th is pajama day, Thursday the 17th is future occupation day, and Friday the 18th is dress down day as this is also field day. Students are still expected to wear dress code that Monday and Tuesday and no screenprint characters on Friday. Remember, kids still need to dress appropriately, for example, no spaghetti string shirts or overly short shorts.

Some other dates to look forward to are Early Childhood Bridging for any parents with kindergarten students is on Monday, May 21 at 11 a.m. Lower el bridging for parents with 3rd grade students is Tuesday, May 22 at 10:30 a.m. Upper el bridging for parents with 6th grade students is Wednesday, May 23 at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday through Friday of that week will be half days and Friday, May 25 is the last day of school.

I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone! All parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, siblings, and anyone else who helped in anyway with our field trips. Whether it was joining us on the field trip or dropping of and picking up before and after, we could not have had so many successful field trips this past year without ALL of you. I am so grateful for a wonderful class with amazing students and amazing support at home! I am truly sad that we will be losing some of our classmates at the end of the year to a higher grade or a new school, but I am also excited for the new experiences they will have in the future. We have a magnificent class and it is all because of you, your families, your children, Ms. Sara, Ms. AmyJo, and the wonderful support we have at school as well. Thank you everyone!!

On that note, please be sure to log any hours you have spent with us on the field trips into Track it Forward. You can also log time for transporting other students to and from. Don’t forget to log anytime you spent helping with parties or donating things for the parties.

Thank you all for everything!


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Fun Pics From this Week

Making roller coasters at the Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum

Sack Races and Potato Launchers with the wonderful 4H STEM ladies

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Dino Field Trip

If you are planning on coming with us on the field trip to the dinosaur park Wednesday please let me know ASAP. Also, let me know if you would be willing to chaperone. You will have to pay for yourself and for younger siblings.

If you need a permission slip for the field trip, you can print one off from here. I can also send one home Monday. We need them signed and turned in ASAP.

’17-’18 Fieldtrip Permission Form


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