Transportation for Field Trip

Hello All,

We have our field trip to Weber State to watch a performance by the U of U Children’s Dance Company this Friday. Thank you to everyone is is able to transport your child and/or others. We greatly appreciate this service. We will be walking over to North Shore parking lot shortly before 11:30 am so we can leave there by 11:45. The performance will start at 12:30 and go approximately 1 hour. After it is over we will be heading back to the school for the remainder of the day.
Here is the sign up sheet for rides: If your child needs a ride, please sign your child up to go with a parent driver. I apologize that this is not on Track it Forward. Our room mother and myself are still trying to work out how driver sign ups will work on that site.

For parents driving: BC Event Parking
We will be meeting on the south side of North Shore parking lot at 11:30. I will have a bright pink sign with my name on it. We will be leaving no later than 11:45. The performance will take place in the Browning Center at Weber State. It is the building labeled BC on the map. If you are staying to chaperone, plan on parking in the lot labeled PPL with the red X that is close to the Browning Center. Unfortunately, you will have to pay for parking :(. Sorry about that. As a school we would like to meet on the part of West Campus Road that is runs about north and south. That way we can avoid buses, you won’t have to turn around anywhere,  and we will walk the short distance to the building together. Again, I will have my sign. If you are chaperoning, I will be sending you an email to confirm. The performance should end at 1:30. If you are taking students back to the school, please meet us in approximately the same place you dropped off by 1:45. We will then head back to the school. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Looking forward, we have our field trip to Gibson’s Green Acres Dairy Farm on Friday, October 12. This field trip will be from 10:30 to about 1 or 1:30. We love chaperones and this one is free to you and we can have as many chaperones as we need. (younger siblings are $4) We may also need some parent drivers for this, so I am telling you this now so you can plan ahead and join us if you would like.

Thank you for all that you do!


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Correct Time

I apologize, I posted the wrong time for family skate night in Layton tomorrow. It goes from 5:30 to 8:30.


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Field Trip this Friday

Hello All!

It was really good to see many of you  on back to school night. I cannot believe that we are four weeks into school and that normalization is almost over. We love parent volunteers in the classroom. If you are able to volunteer during the week to help with reading or other things at school, you will need to get a background check. You can do this through Weber or Ogden School district. When you are there filling out paper work, there is a number you can fill out and they will send the info right to the school. I do not have the number right now but if this is something you plan on doing, please let me know and I will get you the number. We love volunteers.

This Tuesday is Family Fun Night at Classic Skating Center in Layton. This will go from 5-8:30 p.m. You can bring your own wheels or rent some there.

I am happy to share that we have enough drivers for our field trip this coming Friday. I will be emailing all driving in the next day or two will all the info for where to meet and drop off. We will also have the sign up for rides ready in the next day or two for those whose children need a ride. This field trip is only for a couple hours in the afternoon so please make sure you pack a lunch for your child like always. Also, if you have not signed, INITIALED, and sent back a field trip permission slip for your child, please do so ASAP. Here are the links for them if you want to print one off yourself.
’17-’18 Fieldtrip Cover Letter
’17-’18 Fieldtrip Permission Form

This week for our great lessons, we will be doing the history or language and math. Along with these lessons, we will be doing activities like creating our own language and creating equations in math using other languages.

I hope you all had a great weekend.


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Week 4

Hello All,

We are at week four of school. I cannot believe how fast it has gone. It has been so fun getting to know all the new kiddos. We have such a wonderful class! We had P.E. and music this past week. Ms. Julia, the P.E. teacher, said our class was so well behaved and she was so impressed with our class. I love them all!

This week for our great lesson, we will be talking about the coming of man. We will be discussing many different theories about how man came about including the belief of a god and Adam and Eve, evolution, many Native American beliefs, and beliefs from other countries. Again, we strongly stress the meaning of a theory and that the most important theory for the students to consider is the one taught at home. We will not go into depth with all these theories, just touch on them and talk about them. We do this to help spark students curiosity and wonder. Again, if you have questions of concerns, please let me know.

The main thing we have coming up is our field trip next Friday the 21st. We will be going to Weber State University for a dance performance at 12:30. We are still in need of drivers. I have heard from 9 parents that they will either just be driving their own child or their child and others. I will assume that if I have not heard from you, your child needs a ride to and from. We will be leaving the school at 11:45 and the performance will be over around 1:30 at which time we will return to the school. We also have a few more tickets for parents who would like to join us. I will be sending home field trip slips on Monday. Please send them back ASAP. I will also include them on the blog.

We will also be going to Green Acres Dairy Farm in West Weber for an all day field trip on Tuesday, October 9. We will be needing chaperones and drivers for this field trip. Parents are free, if a younger or older sibling comes, they will be $4. Also, pumpkins are not included in this field trip. However, if your child wants to purchase one, they are $1 or $2 if you want to send them with that. I will have more info at a closer date.

Thank you all for what you do!


’17-’18 Fieldtrip Cover Letter    (you keep this)

’17-’18 Fieldtrip Permission Form    (please initial and sign this and send it back)



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Labor Day Week

Hello All,

Just a reminder that we do not have school this coming Monday, September 3, due to Labor Day.

We started work cycle this week. I am working on giving small group and individual lessons to the students so that they will be able to do more works independently. We also started our Great Lessons. These Great Lessons are The Birth of the Universe, The Coming of  Life, The Coming of Man, History of Language, and History of Math. These lessons are designed to spark the children’s curiosity and wonder. Since we are a lower elementary classroom, we do not dig super deep into all these areas. We teach the children about theories and share with them that these great lessons are theories and may or may not be true, and that they are someone’s best guess. We invite the children to share their theories, and stress that the most important theory for them is the one taught in their homes. If you have any questions about The Great Lessons please feel free to email me. You can also visit this cite for more info.

We are still looking for a room parent for our classroom. Please let me know if you are interested or would like to co-parent with someone.

We have a field trip to Weber State coming up on Friday, September 21. I have still only heard from 3 parents about their child concerning transportation. If you are available to give rides to this field trip, we will leave the school probably at 11:45 a.m., please let me know ASAP. Also, if you are available to stay for the field trip as a chaperone, please let me know. If you can take your own child, please let me know. I need to know as soon as possible so I know if we can attend the field trip.

We start music and P.E. this week. Our day for these is on Wednesday this year. Please make sure your child has good tennis shoes that are comfortable for running in on Wednesdays so they can safely participate in P.E.

Thank you for all your support. It has been an amazing school year so far.


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First Week of School

Hello Everyone,

We made it through our first week of school. I feel like it was a great week and I have really enjoyed getting to know all kids new to our class a little more and catch up with the kids who are returning. We did a lot of fun getting to know you games and team building games. We will continue to do more get to know you things and more team building throughout the next couple weeks and also throughout the year. We have also been learning grace and courtesy. This includes things like walking respectfully in the halls, how to reply to someone who greets you, and washing hands as well as many other things. Though we hit on these hard at the beginning of the year, we will continually practice them and review them as needed throughout the year.

This week we will begin some works. We will ease into our work cycle by doing a few works a day and adding as the students are ready. We will be working on writing as well as cultural. We will also be doing assessments in all areas to make sure students are doing works where they are ready.

I have posted the Year at a Glance for our classroom at the top of the blog. Please take a look at it and mark important dates on your personal calendar. I have not yet included field trips and home projects as all the details on these have not been finalized. I will get this information to you as soon as I have it.

We are in need of a room mother or co room mothers. Some responsibilities you will have as a room mother is helping set up car pools for field trips, helping arrange class parties, as well as helping with teacher appreciation week. Please let me know if you would be interested. We will be having a field trip on Friday, September 21st to Weber State for a presentation from the U of U children’s dance company. I am happy to help whoever is the room mother with setting up sign ups for this. Also, if you are available to give rides to this field trip, we will leave the school probably at 11:45 a.m., please let me know ASAP. If you can take your own child, please let me know. 

***Last thing, this year we have a student who is allergic to nuts. Please do not send peanut butter or anything with nuts for snack. Children are welcome to have these things in their lunch as we will closely monitor students to make sure there is not sharing. We appreciate your help in this for the safety of all our students.

Thank you for all your support. I love all the kids already. We have such a wonderful class.


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School is Here

Hello Everyone,

School is right on top of us. The first day of school is next Tuesday, August 21. School starts at 8:30.

Just a few things as we get ready to start:
Our Sneak a Peak is this Monday, the 20th. This is a time for you and your students to come and meet teachers, see the classrooms, and bring supplies. This will be from 1:30-3:30 pm. On the half hour, beginning at 1:30 pm, then again at 2 pm, 2:30 pm, and 3 pm. This will also allow you to visit all your students’ teachers. During this time Ms. Rene and Ms. Lana will be in the library so you can stop in and meet them. Again, with supplies, please only label those that I ask and don’t write your student’s name on others. If you need the supply list, it is in two previous blogs. I hope to see you all then if you can make it.

We have only had a few people sign up for snack. If snack is not brought, we can sometimes use extra snack. If we don’t have extra, we will not have snack. Ms. Sara and I cannot be expected to provide snack for 30 students everyday, all year. The snack sign up is on Track it Forward. Please sign up for 2 weeks. The sign up for snack is a link to the right of the page under everyday classroom. Just look for the sign ups that say Ms. Jalee Snack. Please help us and sign up. There is also a page at the top of the blog that has healthy snack ideas.

For next week’s (and all) drop-off procedures and as part of building independence in all our children, please refrain from walking your child into the building. Next week all 1st through 6th grade teachers will be out front holding a sign with their name where children will gather. The week after, beginning August 27th, early childhood teachers will be holding signs and will guide our youngest students into the building. Early childhood teachers will also escort their students out to drop off.

Carpool for this year is the same as last year. Access the MMA Traffic Trifold to see the traffic flow. If you are headed northbound when exiting the school, please follow the red route on the MMA Traffic Trifold and remind your students to stand in the red area for pick-up. If you are headed southbound, please follow the blue route on the MMA Traffic Trifold. City officials want to prevent traffic from turning north (left) at Taco Time. We will have crossing guards at critical points to protect student safety and expect drivers to be hyper vigilant as well. Please refrain from using your cell phone during carpool. Please follow the crossing guards’ direction and always pull forward! I repeat, always pull forward! If you see your child but there is space to pull forward, PULL FORWARD and we will make sure your child gets to you. Please use your best grace and courtesy, be respectful of other drivers, watch for children, and listen to the teachers that are out guiding traffic. They are there for your children’s safety.

Next week is all early out days. Please plan on having your child picked up at 1 p.m. every day next week. Starting Monday, August 27, it will be full days until 3 p.m. This is also when early childhood starts.

As always, please feel free to email me with any questions:

Thanks for all you do!



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Supply Drop Off

Hello All,

The teachers are back in school this week. I will be at school everyday this week and next Monday from 8 to 4. Please feel free to bring in your student’s supplies. Please, label the things I have asked with names and leave the others without names. The office may ask you to just leave your things at the front but I will check a couple times a day and get anything left there. You can also bring them if you come to the sneak a peak on Monday. I will have more details in a post either later today or tomorrow.



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Supply List 2018-19

Hello All!

Here is the supply list for the 2018-19 school year. If you have any questions feel free to email me. If there are any updates on it, I will let you know ASAP.

Supply List
Please include your child’s name on the following items:
Water bottle with close-able lid. Please make it a water bottle that can be closed easily. Water bottles that students have to unscrew to drink out of are not ideal as the students spill them more often.
1 inch 3 ring binder- can be the one from last year cleaned out
Soft Soled Slipper Shoes

—Names not needed on the following items:
1 graphing paper composition notebook
3 wide ruled composition notebooks
(Please feel free to send any from last year that are not filled)

Tabbed binder dividers
Number 2 Ticonderoga pencils (I know this is specific and this brand tends to be more expensive, but the quality of these pencils makes up for it. They last longer and do not break as easily.)
1 pack colored pencils OR 1 pack washable markers
2 or more small glue sticks

Optional-wooden or plastic clipboard, regular paper sized

We do not need place mats this year.


*All art supplies and writing utensils are universally used in our classroom. Students do not have access to inside of desks to store their items. Please do not send pencil cases. There will be no place in the classroom to store them. If students have a certain mechanical pencil or decorative pencil they would like to use in class, we will have a pencil cup they can store them in. Please do not send pens for the students to use.

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Supply List 2018-19

Hello All!

Here is the supply list for the 2018-19 school year. If you have any questions feel free to email me. If there are any updates on it, I will let you know ASAP.

Supply List
Please include your child’s name on the following items:
Water bottle with close-able lid. Please make it a water bottle that can be closed easily. Water bottles that students have to unscrew to drink out of are not ideal as the students spill them more often.
1 inch 3 ring binder- can be the one from last year cleaned out
Soft Soled Slipper Shoes

—Names not needed on the following items:
1 graphing paper composition notebook
3 wide ruled composition notebooks

Tabbed binder dividers
Number 2 Ticonderoga pencils (I know this is specific and this brand tends to               be more expensive, but the quality of these pencils makes up for it. They last longer               and do not break as easily.)
1 pack colored pencils OR 1 pack washable markers
2 or more small glue sticks

Optional-wooden or plastic clipboard, regular paper sized

We do not need place mats this year.


*All art supplies and writing utensils are universally used in our classroom. Students do not have access to inside of desks to store their items. Please do not send pencil cases. There will be no place in the classroom to store them. If students have a certain mechanical pencil or decorative pencil they would like to use in class, we will have a pencil cup they can store them in. Please do not send pens for the students to use.

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