Welcome February

Happy Early Spring! Phil the groundhog did not see his shadow. Eighteen people in our class predicted he would see his shadow and five predicted he wouldn’t. Looks like the five were right.

Thank you to all who were able to pledge and donate for our Fun Run. Our class was amazing. Almost all the kids ran 35 or more laps. All the students worked so hard and we had a blast doing it. Thank you all and please tell your kiddos congrats! They were great!

We have parent teacher conferences the week of February 11th. Conferences will be held Wednesday the 13th, Thursday the 14th, and Friday the 15th starting at 1:40 p.m. Please sign up to come visit about your child. If possible, we would love your child to come as well and help direct the conference. You can sign up on Track it Forward. This is also the time when the book fair will be help in the library.

We will be having our class Valentine party on the morning of February 14 starting at 11:00. A sign up for the party is on Track it Forward. For the party, students can bring cards and/or treats, gifts for the other students. This is completely voluntary. We will be decorating bags in class for the students to put their cards in. We have 27 students in our class and 3 teachers. We will be having an early lunch this day and the parfait we have at the party will be our snack.

I sent home spelling bee lists at the beginning of the week. I really want to encourage all kids to participate in our class spelling bee. This will be held in our classroom and I think would be a good experience for the kids to do. However, I do understand that not all kids will be comfortable with this. They can also participate in other ways. If your child decides not to take part in their classroom bee, they will need to use the spelling bee words in another way to share with their classmates. Some of these ways include but are not limited to writing a story using as many of the spelling bee words as possible, creating multiple funny sentences using the words, create a board game using the words, create a game involving good, physical activity with the words, create a classroom scavenger hunt with the words. I cannot share the list electronically but I can send another one home if you need it.

Yearbooks are on sale for only $20. You can even personalize it by getting a foil name imprint on it for only $3 more. If you buy them after March 1st, there is a $5 late fee. Please keep in mind that the payments are due by March 29th. If you want to order one to keep the memories or just want to support our school, you can order you yearbook with the code 13283719.

Take care!


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Fun Run, Valentines, PTC, Spelling Bee

Hello All,

Thank you all so much for your support in helping your students with their STEM home projects. Their presentations were so wonderful. I loved learning from them and hearing their knowledge and when they would add little tidbits of things not included in the actual presentation but that they learned while working on the project with you. Thank you for being such wonderful supporters!

This next Friday is the school’s Fun Run. Thank you to those who have been able to donate so far. If you have not yet, please go to funrun.com. You can either pledge per lap or donate a flat sum. Either way will help with our goal to raise the money for field trips. Our school code is 747234.

We will be having our class Valentine party on the morning of February 14. A sign up will be on Track it Forward soon. For the party, students can bring cards and/or treats, gifts for the other students. This is completely voluntary. We will be decorating bags in class for the students to put their cards in. We have 27 students in our class and 3 teachers.

We have parent teacher conferences Wednesday, February 13; Thursday, February 14; and Friday, February 15 from 1:40 to 6:40 with a break for dinner. Please get on Track it Forward and sign up for a time to come visit. We would love if your child can come and help lead the visit. The book fair will also be open during these conferences. Come buy a book for your children or for our class or both.

I sent home spelling bee lists at the beginning of the week. I really want to encourage all kids to participate in our class spelling bee. This will be held in our classroom and I think would be a good experience for the kids to do. However, I do understand that not all kids will be comfortable with this. They can also participate in other ways. If your child decides not to take part in their classroom bee, they will need to use the spelling bee words in another way to share with their classmates. Some of these ways include but are not limited to writing a story using as many of the spelling bee words as possible, creating multiple funny sentences using the words, create a board game using the words, create a game involving good, physical activity with the words, create a classroom scavenger hunt with the words. I cannot share the list electronically but I can send another one home if you need it.

Yearbooks are on sale for only $20. You can even personalize it by getting a foil name imprint on it for only $3 more. If you buy them after March 1st, there is a $5 late fee. Please keep in mind that the payments are due by March 29th. If you want to order one to keep the memories or just want to support our school, you can order you yearbook with the code 13283719.

Thanks for all you do!


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Chili Cook Off

chili cook off 2019

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Some Fun Class Pictures

Here are some fun class pictures. You would not believe how hard it is to get everyone smiling at the same time 🙂

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Home Projects

Hello All,

We do not have school tomorrow in observance of Civil Rights Day. School will start at it’s regular time Tuesday.

Don’t forget that student’s science home projects are due Tuesday. They will get the opportunity to display their projects in the hall and also present them to the class.

The school wide spelling bee is coming up the end of February. We want to encourage all kids to participate in at least their class spelling bee that we use to determine the three students who will go to the lower el spelling bee. I will be sending home the spelling bee list for all kids on Tuesday. Here is a copy of the parent letter. 2019 Letter to Parents- Scripps Spelling Bee

Parent teacher conferences are coming up the week of February 11. The sign up for conferences are on Track it Forward.

We will also be having our class Valentine party on the morning of February 14. A sign up will be on Track it Forward soon. For the party, students can bring cards and/or treats, gifts for the other students. This is completely voluntary. We will be decorating bags in class for the students to put their cards in. We have 27 students in our class and 3 teachers.

Yearbooks are on sale for only $20. You can even personalize it by getting a foil name imprint on it for only $3 more. If you buy them after March 1st, there is a $5 late fee. Please keep in mind that the payments are due by March 29th. If you want to order one to keep the memories or just want to support our school, you can order you yearbook with the code 13283719.

Thanks for all you do!


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Hello All,

This coming week is our schools STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Week. It is a busy week with lots of great opportunities for the kids. We are excited for the many things we get to participate in, but it does mean we will have some changes in schedule.

On Monday we have a STEM assembly with all of lower el at 10:30. Level 3s will also get to attend a caving and stratification workshop that afternoon.
On Tuesday, Level 3s will be attending a Hands on Chemistry workshop in the morning.
Wednesday is the science fair. Our class will get to view all the wonderful projects after judging is over. The Science Fair will be open to parent viewing on Wednesday, January 16th in the Junior High gymnasium from 2:30-4:00.
Thursday, all levels will get to attend a workshop from Clark Planetarium in the afternoon.
Friday we have Scales and Tails coming to give a presentation on reptiles.

*A reminder that our class STEM presentations are due next Tuesday, the 22nd. Each level will be displaying their presentations in the hall for all to see. They will also get the opportunity to present in our classroom. Please see previous posts for information on this.

We do not have school Monday, January 22 in observance of Civil Rights Day.

We have a few weeks during the remainder of the year that no one has signed up for snack: January 22; February 19; April 8; April 15; April 29.
If you are able to donate snack any of these weeks please go to Track it Forward to do so: https://www.trackitforward.com/site/389525/events

Intent to Return
Current students at MMA will not need to re-apply to the school through the Open Enrollment process but will need to indicate their “Intent to Return” to MMA to secure their spot for the 2019-2020 school year. The “Intent to Return” is live as of January 4, 2019 and is due by January 18, 2019. Returning students have a two-step re-enrollment process. The 1st step is the” Intent to Return” and the 2nd step is in the spring for Confirmation of Placement, Annual Policies and Procedures.
Once you declare your intent for the 2019-2020 school year, you will also have an opportunity to identify any additional siblings who may want to attend MMA. Siblings must be at least 5 years old on or before September 1, 2019. By adding a new sibling it does not guarantee a spot for the 2019-2020 school year. This sibling will be entered into the lottery.

As always, I want to thank you all for being such wonderful parents and for all your amazing support.

Take care.


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On January 10th from 6-7:30 PM, MMA will be screening the documentary SCREENAGERS for all interested parents, students and friends of the school in the Junior High commons area.

SCREENAGERS – The average child in America spends more time consuming electronic media than going to school, with many teenagers going online “almost constantly.” In SCREENAGERS, physician and filmmaker Delaney takes a deeply personal approach as she probes into family life to explores parental struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through poignant and funny stories along with insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, SCREENAGERS reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and offers solutions on how adults can empower kids to best navigate the digital world and find balance.

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Hello All,

I have to admit, I was a little nervous about coming back to school for two days this past week. I figured the students would have a hard time settling back in and that these past two days would be a waste. However, your wonderful children proved me wrong. They were amazing! I planned on taking things easy and easing into work cycle slowly and with lots of breaks. However, once we started working, the kids just kept going and were really into their works and did amazing. Their behavior was great and they worked hard. Thank you for being amazing parents and raising such wonderful children!

We do not have school this coming Friday, January 11. It is a teacher work day. We also do not have school Monday, January 21. This is Civil Rights Day.

A few things to look forward to: Parent teacher conferences are coming up the week of February 11. We will have our class Valentine party the morning of February 14. The spelling bee is going to be the last week of February and the lists will be sent home shortly.

We have started our next study on the theme of STRUCTURE.  We have made some small changes to the project expectation which will be due Friday, January 18th.  The changes are as follows:

Level 1: Will research and present on a scientist

Level 2: Will do a project using the scientific method

Level 3: Will present on either simple machines or forces of motion

The students will be presenting school wide after STEM week starting January 22nd.

We will be focusing a lot on these areas as a class and as levels in the next couple weeks and also going into January. We also had a great simple machine/force of motion workshop at Hill Aerospace museum.

*This is the original write up:

Structure November 26th-January 11th
Stem Fair January 14th
The theme STRUCTURE is what your child will be studying during our third thematic unit.  To relate the theme STRUCTURE to our STEM Festival the week of January 14th, STRUCTURE can mean certain processes scientists use or explore such as the scientific method, the physical structure of matter or the structure of the universe, the structure of the classification of living things and so much more. There’s a lot to explore!
For the STEM Fair home project, we will ask that your child create a science presentation based on Utah state science standards they’ve been studying in class.  We want to treat our STEM Fair not as a general “Science Fair,” but rather a celebration of science.
A science celebration presentation is not limited to just a tri-board.  Listed below are ideas your child can choose from (but are not limited to) for the STEM Fair.

Some ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • Poster or tri-fold board
  • Brochure
  • Hands-on experiment with write-up
  • Experiment demonstration by student (must be able to show over and over)
  • Create a board game
  • Video (Example: Make their own Bill Nye)
  • Performance or skit
  • Diorama
  • Create a book
  • Create a lesson or work

Below is a list of state standards that your student should be familiar with by the second half of the year when we hold our STEM fair:

1st grade- Scientific Method on Earth/Space sciences, Life sciences, or Force and Motion

2nd grade- Scientific Method on Earth/Space sciences, Life sciences, or Force and Motion

3rd grade- Sun, Earth, Moon relationship, Living and Non-living within an Environment, Forces and Motion, Gravity, Heat and Light




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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year All!

I hope you have all been enjoying this holiday time and have been able to spend time with family and friends.

Just a reminder that we will continue our regular school schedule this coming Thursday, January 3.

I look forward to seeing all your kiddos again!


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Holiday Break

Hello All,

We made it! It is holiday break. We will not be having school all next week and will not return until Thursday, January 3 of 2019.

Just some things to be looking forward to in January:

We will not have school Friday, January 11 for teacher professional development, and Monday, January 21 in observance of Civil Rights Day.

We have our next home project coming up on January. It will be in relation to STEM week.

We have started our next study on the theme of STRUCTURE.  We have made some small changes to the project expectation which will be due Friday, January 18th.  The changes are as follows:

Level 1: Will research and present on a scientist

Level 2: Will do a project using the scientific method

Level 3: Will present on either simple machines or forces of motion

The students will be presenting school wide after STEM week starting January 22nd.

We will be focusing a lot on these areas as a class and as levels in the next couple weeks and also going into January. We also had a great simple machine/force of motion workshop at Hill Aerospace museum.

*This is the original write up:

Structure November 26th-January 11th
Stem Fair January 14th
The theme STRUCTURE is what your child will be studying during our third thematic unit.  To relate the theme STRUCTURE to our STEM Festival the week of January 14th, STRUCTURE can mean certain processes scientists use or explore such as the scientific method, the physical structure of matter or the structure of the universe, the structure of the classification of living things and so much more. There’s a lot to explore!
For the STEM Fair home project, we will ask that your child create a science presentation based on Utah state science standards they’ve been studying in class.  We want to treat our STEM Fair not as a general “Science Fair,” but rather a celebration of science.
A science celebration presentation is not limited to just a tri-board.  Listed below are ideas your child can choose from (but are not limited to) for the STEM Fair.

Some ideas include, but are not limited to:

  • Poster or tri-fold board
  • Brochure
  • Hands-on experiment with write-up
  • Experiment demonstration by student (must be able to show over and over)
  • Create a board game
  • Video (Example: Make their own Bill Nye)
  • Performance or skit
  • Diorama
  • Create a book
  • Create a lesson or work

Below is a list of state standards that your student should be familiar with by the second half of the year when we hold our STEM fair:

1st grade- Scientific Method on Earth/Space sciences, Life sciences, or Force and Motion

2nd grade- Scientific Method on Earth/Space sciences, Life sciences, or Force and Motion

3rd grade- Sun, Earth, Moon relationship, Living and Non-living within an Environment, Forces and Motion, Gravity, Heat and Light

Please let me know if you have any questions.


I hope you all have an amazing holiday and get to enjoy time with family and friends. Be safe.

Thanks for all you do!


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