Half Day Monday

Hello Everyone,

Thank you all for all your support with the field trip this past Thursday. I thought it was a great success and a very cute and informative movie. We have our last field trip of the year coming up in about 2 weeks. It will be on Friday, May 3. We will be taking the frontrunner to Clark Planetarium. Students will need to be at the UTA frontrunner station on Wall Avenue at 8:10 a.m. We will take the train to North Temple Station and walk about 3 blocks to the Planetarium. We will have time there to explore the exhibits, attend a workshop, and watch a movie at the dome theater. There is also a gift shop students can visit. We will have lunch at the courtyard at the Gateway. Please make sure your child packs a sack lunch that does not need heated up. We will leave the planetarium at 1:10 p.m. and our train will arrive back at the Wall station by 2:30 p.m. where they will need picked up. Other than the cost of the frontrunner, this field trip is free. If you would like to attend with us, please email me.

We only have a half day of school this coming Monday, April 22. Please plan on picking your child up at 1 p.m. that day.

Enjoy your weekend!


Cover letter Jalee

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Sign up

Hello All,

Our wonderful room mother has the sign up sheet ready on Track it Forward. If you child will need a ride FROM the theater to the school, please sign your child up for a slot. If you are able, please sign up with our class drivers first. You can see who is our class driver by clicking on the plus sign under the name.
If your child will need a ride to the theater, please email me ASAP.
If I do not hear from your or see your child’s name on the sign up, I will assume your child has a ride to and from.

If you have not signed and had your child turn in the permission slip, please do so by tomorrow. Here is a link to the permission slip if you need it: Jalee Cover Letter

Thank you all!!



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Spring Has Sprung?

Hello Everyone,

Spring has sprung with its rain, but it has been pretty cold. Please continue to send your children with jackets or coats as it has been quite cold at recess the last week.

The biggest reminder for this week is the field trip coming up on Thursday. It will be a Disney documentary about penguins to celebrate Earth Day. We will meet at the Megaplex theater at the Junction at 8:45 in the morning. You can just drop your children off there instead of school. If you are unable to get your child to the theater that morning, please let me know by emailing me.
***The movie will end about 10:30ish. If you are able to transport any children back to the school from the theater please sign up on this wejoinin link: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/jsiix. Please do this by tomorrow, Sunday so our wonderful room mother can make the track it forward sign up. This sign up will be available by Monday for those students who will need a ride back.
Unfortunately, we have an extremely limited number of tickets for chaperones so please do not plan on attending unless otherwise told. But please put the field trip to Clark Planetarium on Friday, May 3 on your calendars because all parents are welcome to that field trip.

Thank you to anyone who has been able to donate to the field trip fund. You can still donate to this if you would like. We could use the support. You can do this by using cash or check at the office. Thank you!

I would like to ask your support with not allowing your students to bring toys and things like trading cards to school. We have had an increased amount of toys brought to school in the past couple weeks. Students have been trying to sneak these into class and play with them instead of working. We have had many discussions with the kids about this and why we do not allow toys at school whether it is in the classroom or at recess. Ms. Sara and I would like to ask for your support in this. Thank you in advance.

As always, thank you for all you do. We truly have an amazing class that we love and are very proud of. We know that a reason our students are so wonderful and successful in largely because of all you do. Thank you!!



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RISE Testing

With the end of the year coming up, we have our end of the year testing approaching. In lower elementary, only the level 3s will test so this blog post is specifically for their families but feel free to read it regardless, as all children will reach this point in their education eventually.

UT state standardized assessments (now called RISE and Aspire Plus) will be on the follwing days for our class. These assessments are important to us for several reasons.

The state assessment data are important to your family because the results are one way to communicate how much your child has learned in English language arts, writing, math, and science. At MMA, we know that these tests are but one indicator of a child’s progress in these content areas.

The state assessment data are important to us because determining what a student knows or does not know is a vital cornerstone in individualizing learning experiences, which is the basis of a Montessori education. The results help us to identify needs for new and additional materials, tailor professional development for teachers, and determine where to best invest school funding.

Taking tests is a practical life skill, required for college entrance as well many professions. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, contractors, nurses, and cosmetologists (to name just a few) all must take tests in order to enter their professions. Standardized testing in school provides a valuable opportunity to practice taking tests in a low-stakes environment, better preparing our students for future assessments – which is why we encourage all students to participate.

If you choose to opt your child out of testing, please complete the Parent Exclusion from State Assessments Form. This form must be handed from you to either Ms. Lana or Ms. René, who will take 5 minutes to review this form with you. We ask that these forms are submitted no later than April 12th. Thank you for your cooperation and support.

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April is Here

Hello All,

I hope you all had a nice Spring Break. Hopefully the weather will continue to get warmer. Please continue to send jackets and/or coats with your kids since it is still a bit chillier at times.

We have our next field trip coming up next Thursday, April 18th. It will be a Disney documentary about penguins to celebrate Earth Day. We will meet at the Megaplex theater at the Junction at 8:45 in the morning. You can just drop your children off there instead of school. If you are unable to get your child to the theater that morning, please let me know by emailing me. We will need some certified drivers to transfer children to the theater from the school. If you are a certified driver, please sign up at this wejoinin link: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/okoqm.
The movie will end about 10:30ish. If you are able to transport any children back to the school from the theater please sign up on this wejoinin link: https://www.wejoinin.com/sheets/jsiix.
We will have a Track it Forward link for you to sign your children up for rides back by Wednesday night or Thursday morning.
Unfortunately, we have an extremely limited number of tickets for chaperones. But please put the field trip to Clark Planetarium on Friday, May 3 on your calendars because all parents are welcome to that field trip.
I will be sending home a permission slip for the field trip Monday or Tuesday. The front page with all the info will be for you to keep. Please INITIAL next to the date and sign the bottom and send it back.
We would also really appreciate donations to our field trip fund. If you are able to donate, please stop by the office and donate with cash or check. Any amount is appreciated.

Spring pictures are on Wednesday, April 10. Each student has the opportunity to get a Spring Photo taken starting at 9:00 AM. Spring pictures are photos that are taken at school but won’t be featured in the yearbook. It’s an opportunity for families to get portraits of their students with various backdrops and even props without paying the traditional photo studio prices. Please let me know if you would like an order form.

Thanks for all you do! I look forward to seeing all the kids again!


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Spring Break

Hello Everyone,

Don’t forget that this coming week is Spring Break and we will not have school. School will commence it’s regular schedule on Monday, April 8.

We have a field trip coming up the morning of Thursday, April 18. We will be going with the whole lower elementary to Megaplex theater at the Junction to see a nature documentary about penguins to celebrate Earth Day. the movie starts at 9:15 and so we will be meeting at the theater instead of the school. You will be able to drop your students off there instead of the school that day. We are in need of a few certified drivers to possibly transport students from the school to the theater for any students who may not have transportation there. If you are certified through the school to pick students up at the school and drive them to field trips, please use this wejoinin link to sign up. We want to make sure all students can attend, even if they cannot be taken there first thing. Tickets for chaperones to this trip are limited. Unfortunately only those asked will be able to attend.
We will also be asking for drivers, certified or not, to transport students back to the school when the field trip is over. Be looking for that link in the near future.

Thanks for all you do.


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Yearbook Order Deadline: 

THIS FRIDAY, March 29   $25.00 

$3.00 extra to have your name printed in awesome metallic foil on the cover

Order Online at: ybpay.lifetouch.com

 CODE: 13283719  

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Final Week of March

Hello All,

Hope you are enjoying this rainy day. I hope the rain we are getting here means we will get to Spring sooner. It is the final week of March and that means we have one more week until spring break. This week is the last week of school before spring break. Spring break is from March 30 to April 7.

Thank you to all who were able to show support for our wonderful friends with Down syndrome by wearing mismatched socks.

We are still in need of snack for the weeks of April 8 and April 29. If you can provide snack for one of these weeks, please sign up on Track it Forward.

Thanks for all you do!

Enjoy these fun pics.


We took a class picture with our feet on Thursday. Not all students chose to be part of the pictures but we asked all to join and let them choose if they wanted to or not even if their socks matched.

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Thank You!

Hello All,

Again, I apologize for not getting this post out sooner. I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend. I am loving the spring weather and hope that it continues to warm up. I am excited to see the flowers bloom and the trees turn green. Please continue to make sure your child has good, warm shoes and a jacket to wear at recess as the weather is still fairly cool and can be chilly.

I wanted to say thank you to everyone that was able to come and help with the field trip. Thank you to all that were able to help with the transportation and to those who were able to attend. I thought it was a great field trip and helped add to the history lessons that we are learning in class. Thank you to Luke’s family for donating the book Mailing May based on the real event of mailing a little girl back in the early 1900s. It was fun to read the book to the class and connect it to story our guide gave us at the museum and the mail car we were able to go in while there.

Thank you to those were were able to come to literacy night. It was great fun and had a lot for the kids to do. The book far was amazing and the read aloud was so funny. If you were not able to attend, I would encourage you to come next year. Please continue to read with your children. We are going to continue adding leaves to the tree at the front for every book or part of a chapter book they read.

Hope you enjoy these pictures from the field trip and recess on the early childhood playground.

As always, thanks for all you do!


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Hello All,

Just a reminder that tomorrow morning is our school wide read-a-thon.  I need to apologize. In my last post on the blog I stated that students could bring blankets, pillows, and stuffed animals. I need to recant that. As a school, we are not allowing students to bring these items.

I do want to encourage you to help your child pick some of their favorite books to bring, share, and read.  If you child brings a book or books, please make sure your last name is in them so we know who they belong to. Also, tomorrow will be our last day for the book swap so send any books you may want to donate.

Tomorrow is an early out day so pick your child up at 1 p.m. Also, we will not have school Monday.Thanks for all you do.


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