Summer Reading Program

A fun reading opportunity for students this summer.

School Digital Postcard (2)

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Movie Tomorrow


We will be watching the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tomorrow in celebration of finishing the book. Students may not bring blankets and pillows but they may bring a small stuffed animal to watch the movie with.

Thanks for all you do.


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Field Day Pictures

Even though it was raining and cold and we couldn’t go outside for field day, the students had a great time at “gym” day yesterday. Here are some fun pictures.


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Last Week of School

Hello Everyone,

I cannot believe we are down to the last week of school already. This year seems to have flown by but also gone super slow. Unfortunately, it is not supposed to be warm this last week of school. It is supposed to be 50s and rainy so please make sure you child wears warm clothing and brings a jacket or coat to school. Unless it is extremely rainy, we will be going outside to recess.

Don’t forget to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. They are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting at 1:40 p.m. There are still plenty of sign ups available. Please go to Track it Forward to sign up for a slot. Your children will be presenting their work, so please bring them with you to their conference if possible. Here is the link: Also, if you are able, I know both MAPA and us teachers would be grateful if you could sign up to help with the PTC dinners. The book fair will also be open in the library during conferences. It is by one get one free.
Monday is our only full day of school this week. Tuesday – Friday are all half days. Please arrange for your child to be picked up at 1 p.m. these days.

Here is the schedule for bridging ceremonies this week:

Monday, May 20th – Early Childhood Bridging – 10:30am – Addition Gym
All kindergarten families are invited to see their child welcomed into lower elementary.

Tuesday, May 21st – Lower Elementary Bridging – 10:30am – Addition Gym
All 3rd grade families are invited to see their child welcomed into upper elementary.

Wednesday, May 22nd – Upper Elementary Bridging Ceremony – 10:30am – Addition Gym
All 6th grade families are invited to see their child welcomed to junior high.

Wednesday we will be watching the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as a class. We have been reading the book and hope to have it finished by Wednesday.

This Thursday is crazy day, students can wear crazy socks, hats, or have crazy hair. This Friday is sport or tie-dye day. Students can wear their favorite sports memorabilia or tie-dye.

Friday is the last day of school. We will be cleaning up the classroom this week and sending home all your student’s things. Please make sure they bring a backpack this week. We will be sending things home everyday and they need a way to carry it.

Enjoy your last week of kids in school.



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Field Day Tomorrow

Hello Everyone,

We made our carrot cake cupcakes today. All the kids got to add an ingredient and mix it in. Unfortunately, when Ms. Sara and I planned we didn’t take into account the cooling time so the cupcakes were very warm when it was time to go home so we didn’t get to eat them. However, we will enjoy them as a pre-field day snack tomorrow morning. A HUGE thanks to Ms. Sara for taking on the responsibility of cooking. She is very talented at it.

On that note, do not forget that tomorrow morning is field day. It is supposed to be in the 50s and if it is not pouring rain, we will be outside. Please make sure your children are dressed for the weather. I would recommend pants and a jacket. Since we will be doing a lot of physical activities, students should wear good shoes for being active and running. Tomorrow is also a dress down day. Students do not need to wear a collar and they can have patterns on their shirts and pants. Please still no characters.

Thank you for all you do. Do not forget to get on track it forward to sign up for conferences next week and teacher dinners if you are able.

I look forward to seeing you next week.


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Last Box Tops Store

Hello All,

This is just a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday the 15th, is the last box tops store for this year. If your child has box tops and would like to participate, please send their box tops nicely cut out and we will make sure they attend. You can always send box tops, even when we don’t do the store.


I also wanted to include the links for the dinner signs ups for PTC next week. Our wonderful room mother takes on a majority of the responsibility for these dinners as well as many other things to help our school. As teachers, after a long day of conferences and being at the school, I cannot tell you how much we appreciate having a warm, home cooked meal. Our MAPA committee is amazing and we greatly appreciate all they do. If you are able, please sign up to help with the meals. If you have any questions about what is requested, please email Dessa at

Here are the sign up links:

Tuesday –

Wednesday –

Thursday –


Big picture



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Last 2 Weeks

Happy Saturday Everyone,

I want to say a happy Mother’s Day to all you moms, grandmas, aunts, and everyone who helps and supports your children. Ms. Sara and I truly could not do our jobs without all your love and support so thank you and happy Mother’s Day. Don’t worry dads and grandpas, We won’t forget about you. We will make you something this week, you just might get it earlier than Father’s Day if your child decides they can’t wait.


The last box tops store of the year will be this Wednesday, May 15th. Please send your students box tops cut nicely. You can send them the day of or sooner and we will hold them for your child.

Field day will be Friday, May 17th. As of right now, the weather is calling for rain and low 60s. Please pay attention to the weather for this day and have your child dress appropriately. In the past on field days when it has been cold, many children have come dressed in a t-shirt and shorts with no jacket. It is miserable for us all to have those children cold and outside all morning.


Parent teacher conferences are the last week of school. They will be the afternoons of Tuesday May 21, Wednesday May 22, and Thursday May 23. The signs ups for these are already on Track it Forward. Students will be sharing their portfolios at these conferences so please bring your child with you. These days are also half days at school so children will need to be picked up at 1 p.m. We also have the book fair at the same time as conferences. This is the best one of the year because usually books are buy on get one free. That Friday, May 24 will also be a half day and the last day of school.

This year we have two dress up days at the end of the year. The first will be Thursday, May 23. This day is crazy day. Kids can dress up with crazy socks, hair, hats, etc. The second will be the last day of school which will be sports or tie-die day.


We will have our annual summer pool party earlier this year. It will be Friday, June 7 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. It will be at North Shore Aquatic Center across from the school and we hope to see you all there.


Level 3 parents:

  • The Level 3 end of year party will be the afternoon of this Monday, May 13th. The sign up is on track it forward.
  • Level 3’s bridging ceremony will be Wednesday, May 21st in the Jr. High gym at 10:30 a.m.


On a last note, I want to let you all know that Ms. Sara and I will definitely be returning next year. So all you lucky level 1 and 2 parents get us again! Level 3 parents, I choose not to think about what will happen at the end of two weeks. I love having the kids for three years but at the end of the third, it is so hard.

I love you all and am grateful as always for all you do!!!!


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3 Weeks and Counting

Hello All,

We are down to three weeks left of school. Not that anyone is counting. However, I am reminded of it almost daily by at least one student 🙂 There is a good chance they are counting.

A huge thank you to everyone for your help and support with the field trip yesterday. Thank you for being flexible and dropping off and picking up your kids at the train station. And thank you to everyone who was able to attend with us. We had a great time.

Some things to look forward to as we near the end:

  • The last box tops store of the year will be Wednesday, May 15th. Please send your students box tops cut nicely. You can send them the day of or sooner and we will hold them for your child.
  • Field day will be Friday, May 17th.
  • Parent teacher conferences are the last week of school. They will be the afternoons of Tuesday May 20, Wednesday May 21, and Thursday May 22. The signs ups for these are already on Track it Forward. Students will be sharing their portfolios at these conferences so please bring your child with you. These days are also half days at school so children will need to be picked up at 1 p.m. That Friday, May 23 will also be a half day and the last day of school.
  • We will have our annual summer pool party earlier this year. It will be Friday, June 7 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. It will be at North Shore Aquatic Center across from the school and we hope to see you all there.
  • This year we have two dress up days at the end of the year. The first will be Thursday, May 23. This day is crazy day. Kids can dress up with crazy socks, hair, hats, etc. The second will be the last day of school which will be sports or tie-die day.

Level 3 parents:

  • Level 3s will be doing their shadowing in upper el this week. They will all shadow in Ms. Kirsten’s class. This  does not mean your child will be in Ms. Kirsten’ class. We shadow with her class because she is our mentor class and our class has done combined activities with them.
  • Level 3s will have their end of year RISE testing Tuesday, May 7th and Thursday, May 9th. Please make sure your child gets a good nights rest and has a good breakfast and lunch for those days. We will test in the morning on the 7th and afternoon on the 9th.
  • The Level 3 end of year party will be the afternoon of Monday, May 13th. The sign up is on track it forward.
  • Level 3’s bridging ceremony will be Wednesday, May 21st in the Jr. High gym at 10:30 a.m.

Thanks for all you do!



Here is the schedule for all the bridging ceremonies:

Monday, May 20th – Early Childhood Bridging – 10:30am – Addition Gym

All kindergarten families are invited to see their child welcomed into lower elementary.

Tuesday, May 21st – Lower Elementary Bridging – 10:30am – Addition Gym

All 3rd grade families are invited to see their child welcomed into upper elementary.

Wednesday, May 22nd – Upper Elementary Bridging Ceremony – 10:30am – Addition Gym

All 6th grade families are invited to see their child welcomed to junior high.

9th grade graduation will be the night of Friday, May 17th at 5:30p.m. in the addition gym. 

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Field Trip Tomorrow

Hello Everyone,

This is just a reminder that we have our field trip to Clark Planetarium tomorrow. Please make sure your child is at the train station on Wall Ave no later than 8:10. Our train leaves at 8:37 a.m.

Please send your child with a sack lunch and water bottle. It is a good idea to have this in a bag they can carry on their back. They will also probably need a jacket for the wait to get on the train.

We will be arriving back in Ogden at the Wall Ave station at 2: 24 p.m. Please plan on picking your child up there.

Thanks for all you do!


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Field Trip Friday

Hello Everyone,

May is almost here, and we are finally getting some warm spring weather. As always, I would still recommend sending a jacket with your student in case of chilly weather in the during recess.

We have our last field trip of the year coming up in about 2 weeks. It will be on Friday, May 3. We will be taking the frontrunner to Clark Planetarium. Students will need to be at the UTA frontrunner station on Wall Avenue at 8:10 a.m. We will take the train to North Temple Station and walk about 3 blocks to the Planetarium. We will have time there to explore the exhibits, attend a workshop, and watch a movie at the dome theater. There is also a gift shop students can visit. We will have lunch at the courtyard at the Gateway. Please make sure your child packs a sack lunch that does not need heated up. We will leave the planetarium at 1:10 p.m. and our train will arrive back at the Wall station by 2:24 p.m. where they will need picked up. Other than the cost of the frontrunner, this field trip is free and we always love parent chaperones. If you would like to attend with us, please email me.
If you are planning on attending the field trip with us, please take a moment to read these two documents about your role as a chaperone both on the train and at the planetarium. I will also be sending these documents home with the field trip information page tomorrow.
01_Adults Rules and Tips (1) Clark Chaperone Letter


The end of the school year is fast approaching. I cannot believe it is so close. We are excited to have the kindergarten students shadowing in our classroom tomorrow. These are students we will possibly have in our class next year and it is always fun to meet them and let them interact with the students.

Some other things to look forward to as we near the end:

  • This Wednesday night is our Spring Choir concert. This will be in Jr. High gym at 6:00 p.m. Students need to be there at 5:45 and were a solid color shirt and black bottoms. Upper el will have their concert at 7:00 following lower el.
  • The last box tops store of the year will be Wednesday, May 15th. Please send your students box tops cut nicely. You can send them the day of or sooner and we will hold them for your child.
  • Field day will be Friday, May 17th.
  • Parent teacher conferences are the last week of school. They will be the afternoons of Tuesday May 20, Wednesday May 21, and Thursday May 22. The signs ups for these are already on Track it Forward. Students will be sharing their portfolios at these conferences so please bring your child with you. These days are also half days at school so children will need to be picked up at 1 p.m. That Friday, May 23 will also be a half day and the last day of school.
  • We will have our annual summer pool party earlier this year. It will be Friday, June 7 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. It will be at North Shore Aquatic Center across from the school and we hope to see you all there.


Level 3 parents:

  • Level 3s will be doing their shadowing in upper el next week. They will all shadow in Ms. Kirsten’s class. This  does not mean your child will be in Ms. Kirsten’ class. We shadow with her class because she is our mentor class and our class has done combined activities with them.
  • Level 3s will have their end of year RISE testing Tuesday, May 7th and Thursday, May 9th. Please make sure your child gets a good nights rest and has a good breakfast and lunch for those days. We will test in the morning on the 7th and afternoon on the 9th.
  • The Level 3 end of year party will be the afternoon of Monday, May 13th. There will be a sign up for parent help on Track it Forward by the end of the week.
  • Level 3’s bridging ceremony will be Wednesday, May 21st in the Jr. High gym at 10:30 a.m.


Remember to watch for the field trip information page tomorrow.

Thanks for all you do!



Here is the schedule for all the bridging ceremonies:

Monday, May 20th – Early Childhood Bridging – 10:30am – Addition Gym

All kindergarten families are invited to see their child welcomed into lower elementary.

Tuesday, May 21st – Lower Elementary Bridging – 10:30am – Addition Gym

All 3rd grade families are invited to see their child welcomed into upper elementary.

Wednesday, May 22nd – Upper Elementary Bridging Ceremony – 10:30am – Addition Gym

All 6th grade families are invited to see their child welcomed to junior high.

9th grade graduation will be the night of Friday, May 17th at 5:30p.m. in the addition gym. 

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