Category Archives: PTC

Project, PTC, Field Trip

Happy Friday All, I apologize, I didn’t get the names drawn for our home projects. We will do this Monday after lunch. The projects will still be due the week after conferences. That is the week of February 16. Parent Teacher Conferences are … Continue reading

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No School Monday

Good Afternoon, Just a reminder that we will not be having school on Monday. It is Martin Luther King Jr. day. Our next home project is coming up. Since February is Black History Month, yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr.’s … Continue reading

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Conferences This Week

Hello All, Conferences are this week. If you haven’t been able to sign up, please do. There are still plenty of openings. The website is Because it is conferences, school gets out at 1 pm, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. … Continue reading

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Box Top Store

Hello, The box top store for this month has been moved to tomorrow due to some scheduling conflicts. Sorry for such short notice. If you are unable to send any tomorrow, there will be more stores. Please make sure to … Continue reading

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Conferences Next Week

Hello, I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend so far. I cannot believe that Normalization is over and it is already October. Now that Normalization is over, I will be putting together a schedule and list of things … Continue reading

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Good Rainy Saturday, Don’t forget, home projects are due this week. Your child can bring them in anytime to present. We had our first box tops store this week. Students who brought in box tops were able to trade them … Continue reading

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