Category Archives: PTC

Conferences Next Week

Hello All, This coming week is parent teacher conferences. If you haven’t signed up yet, there are still openings. Conferences are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. These days are also early out days so please arrange for your child to be … Continue reading

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Here is the wejoinin link to get finger printed during parent teacher conferences. Please don’t wait to sign up. We need certified drivers.

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Happy Saturday All, The speech therapists will be doing hearing screenings next week for levels 1 and 3. A paper was sent home with them earlier this week to inform you. If you did not want your child screened, this … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Sign ups

Here is the link for parent teacher conference sign ups. It is also to the left of the blog. They are all 20 minutes. Please only one parent/child per slot. You may bring your child to the conferences if you … Continue reading

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I hope all the students enjoyed their extra half day off. I attended a professional development about a new reading program we are going to start using called myOn. It is not up and running for us yet, but as … Continue reading

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Last Week of School

Can you believe it!? It is the last week of school already! There are quite a few reminders and important things regarding this coming week. We do not have school on Monday, May 25, because of Memorial Day. Tuesday, Wednesday, … Continue reading

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Last Two Weeks

I cannot believe we are down to the last 2 weeks of school. This year seems to have flown by. This coming week isn’t too busy. We will have kindergarten shadowing in our classroom Monday and Tuesday morning. Wednesday will … Continue reading

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The link for parent teacher conference sign-ups has been updated. Here it is, or it is to the right of the page.

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It’s Earth Day Everyday

Happy Saturday Everyone! Just wanted to share this picture of some of our class friends. They took it upon themselves to clean up our school grounds during recess. They were not asked or expected to do this but chose to. … Continue reading

Posted in Field Trips, General Information, Holidays, Home Projects, PTC | Leave a comment

Missed the Weekend

Hello, I am so sorry I didn’t get the blog updated over the weekend. Between the Utah Montessori Conference and the Superbowl, I didn’t get it done. I also apologize because we have a lot of updates. I know we … Continue reading

Posted in Field Trips, General Information, Home Projects, PTC | Leave a comment