Category Archives: PTC

Happy Lunar New Year

Hello All, Happy Lunar New Year. Today is the start of the Chinese New Year. We had a small celebration at school yesterday. We painted some Chinese characters to make scrolls. Each student made a certain amount of characters so … Continue reading

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Hello, What an amazing turn out we had last night at the Fall Festival! I loved seeing so many of you and your kids. SaraJo was unable to make it but Marleen and I got to hang out and see … Continue reading

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Happy Saturday Everyone! Yay October and Autumn! I just love it. Thank you all for your support towards Marleen with this new opportunity that has come her way. I am excited for her. I will admit, it took awhile for … Continue reading

Posted in Field Trips, Home Projects, PTC, Snack | Leave a comment

Parent Teacher Conferences

Here is the link to sign up for parent teachers conferences. Please sign up for one slot. We would like to have the students present you with their short home project/book report that they will be preparing here at school. … Continue reading

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Almost October

Hello, Can you believe it’s almost October already? And can you believe the weather we had this last week? I am very excited for the Fall weather. I love the colors and the feeling in the air. We will continue … Continue reading

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Thank You

Hello Everyone, Thank you to all who were able to make it to parent teacher conferences. I enjoyed meeting with you all. If you were unable to come in and meet with me, please let me know and we will … Continue reading

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PTC This Week

Hello Everyone, I hope your enjoying the sunshine from today. Maybe the groundhog was right and we will get an early spring. Don’t forget, this week is Parent Teacher Conferences. We have a full day of school Monday and early … Continue reading

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Welcome February! Can you believe that February starts next week and that today was the 100th day of school? Time sure flies. Parent Teacher Conferences are in a week and a half. They are Tuesday through Thursday, February 9 – … Continue reading

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See’s Candy

Hello All, I hope you had a good week. We did history in cultural this week. Level 1s are learning past, present, and future; Level 2s are learning about the constellations and the myths behind them. They are even making … Continue reading

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Long Weekend

First of all I want to say thank you to all who were able to make it to conferences this week. I always enjoy meeting with you and getting to know you while discussing your child and their growth and … Continue reading

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