Category Archives: PTC

Happy Weekend All, I cannot believe that it is almost February. On top of that, we will reach our 100th day of school this coming Wednesday. To celebrate this we will be doing some 100th day activities and writing. We … Continue reading

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Coming up

Happy Saturday Everyone, We had fun at the talent show yesterday. The kids performed great, and those who didn’t were a great audience. Afterwards I had many students come and tell me they wanted to be in the talent show … Continue reading

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Coming Up

Hello All, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I enjoyed seeing many of you at the Fall Party yesterday. Thank you to Cody and his mom and dad for inviting us all to that! A few reminders of some … Continue reading

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Two Weeks

First thing I want to say is Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms. Thank you for all you do. I am so grateful for supportive moms and dads and appreciate all you do. Can you believe it?! We only … Continue reading

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Teacher Appreciation Week

Hello, Next week is teacher appreciation week. Each day will be an opportunity for your child to do something to show their appreciation to their teachers. Monday is best grace and courtesy. Tuesday is bring a flower, real or fake. … Continue reading

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May is Here

Hello, I cannot believe May is here tomorrow. Four more weeks of school. I want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who was able to on our field trip Wednesday or who helped support other ways. We had a small … Continue reading

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Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Thursday and Friday are parent teacher conferences. These are also early out days, so plan on your child being picked up at 1 p.m. Conferences start at 1:40. The book fair is also these … Continue reading

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Valentines and PTC

Happy Saturday Everyone, Lots of things coming up this week. Tuesday is Valentine’s Day. We will not be having our Valentine’s party that day due to music and P.E. Instead, we will have our party on Wednesday the 15th. We … Continue reading

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Welcome February

Can you believe it? Another month gone by. We are already one month into 2017. Because it is President’s Day this month and Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays, our next home project will be a short biography on a president. I … Continue reading

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PTC Sign Up

Hello All, The sign ups for parent teacher conferences are up and ready for you. They will be 20 minute increments. If you feel like you need or would like to meet for longer, please sign up for 2 in … Continue reading

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