Category Archives: Home Projects

Happy Halloween

Happy Early Halloween. I hope you all have a fun and safe night. Thank you all who were able to come and help with the Halloween party today or were able to send something to help. It was a great … Continue reading

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Book Report Home Project

For our first home project this year, we are going to be doing a cereal box book report. It will be due the first week of November, the week of the 1st. It can be a book your child is … Continue reading

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Long Weekend

First of all I want to say thank you to all who were able to make it to conferences this week. I always enjoy meeting with you and getting to know you while discussing your child and their growth and … Continue reading

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Box Tops Store

Hello, I hope you are all enjoying this weekend. Thank you to all who were able to donate jars and flowers. We decorated the jars and delivered them with flowers to everyone who works at the school. So many of … Continue reading

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Art Projects

Hello All, What a great week back from spring break. I am so glad we got some rain but I also love the sunshine. I have enjoyed all the home projects that have been presented so far. Please feel free … Continue reading

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Welcome Back

Hello, Welcome back from spring break. I hope you all enjoyed the time off with your children. Reminder that home projects are due this week. The fundraiser for our classrooms went home today. Your child brought home a green bag … Continue reading

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Spring Break Next Week

Hello, Spring is here! We had such a good day at school yesterday. We enjoyed lunch in the sunshine and had a blast with the new playground that is right outside the door by our classroom. We also learned a … Continue reading

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Classroom Book

Hello All, I hope you have all enjoyed your week with the rain and beautiful weather. Just a reminder that I needĀ ALL order forms for our book back by next Thursday. Even if you do not want to order a … Continue reading

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Book Order Form

Good Afternoon, Today I sent home an order form for the classroom book we are making. I have given the students very strict šŸ˜‰ instructions about bringing the form back even if you choose not to order the book.Ā PLEASE send … Continue reading

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One weekĀ into March and we finally got some snow. According to the weather channel, it will all be gone soon because of warm weather. Welcome spring. A few big things coming up. Our class is working on a classroom book … Continue reading

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