Category Archives: Holidays

Happy Halloween

Happy Early Halloween. I hope you all have a fun and safe night. Thank you all who were able to come and help with the Halloween party today or were able to send something to help. It was a great … Continue reading

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Reminders for Tomorrow

Just a couple quick reminders. Tomorrow is our class Halloween party. It will start at 1 and go until about 2:30. If you signed up to send something, please send it tomorrow if you haven’t already. Also, a reminder to … Continue reading

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Halloween Party Sign Up

Here is the wejoinin link for signups to help with the Halloween party. It will be from 1:00-2:30. We need some parents to come and help and then some to donate things for it. Thanks.

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Red Ribbon Week

Hello, First of all I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone for your help and support with our field trip to Black Island Farms. Thanks to everyone, especially those who were able to come or provide rides. We had … Continue reading

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Conferences Next Week

Hello All, This coming week is parent teacher conferences. If you haven’t signed up yet, there are still openings. Conferences are Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. These days are also early out days so please arrange for your child to be … Continue reading

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Valentine Pictures

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Fun Week

What a wonderful week we had! First of all, thank you to everyone who was able to come with us on the field trip. We had such a good time. I learned new things and I am sure the kids … Continue reading

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Valentine Boxes

Hello, We did not get a chance to decorate Valentine boxes today. We will take the last 30 minutes of work cycle tomorrow to decorate them. If your child wants to decorate a box here at school they need to … Continue reading

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It’s Earth Day Everyday

Happy Saturday Everyone! Just wanted to share this picture of some of our class friends. They took it upon themselves to clean up our school grounds during recess. They were not asked or expected to do this but chose to. … Continue reading

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Just wanted to fix a mistake posted about the Valentine’s party. We do not have school next Friday. The party will be on Thursday the 12th. Thanks.

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