Category Archives: Holidays

Class Picture

Hello, Just a few reminders and updates. Thursday morning at 9 we will be doing our class group photo for the yearbook. PLEASE try to make sure your child is here so we can have the whole class in the photo. … Continue reading

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Welcome February! Can you believe that February starts next week and that today was the 100th day of school? Time sure flies. Parent Teacher Conferences are in a week and a half. They are Tuesday through Thursday, February 9 – … Continue reading

Posted in Field Trips, General Information, Holidays, Home Projects, PTC | Leave a comment

Welcome Back

Happy New Years! I hope you have all had wonderful holidays and enjoyed your time with you families and the snow. School starts again this Monday, the 4th. It is snowy and cold so please remember to send your child … Continue reading

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Don’t Forget

Don’t forget, tomorrow is lower elementary’s International Festival. It Will be from 12:30 to 2:30. You are all invited to come. Home projects must be brought tomorrow or your child will be unable to present. Also, this Friday is a … Continue reading

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Last Week of 2015

Hello All, I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone for the help with the holiday feast. It was a great success and a lot of fun. Thank you to all who were able to join us, … Continue reading

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Just a reminder that tomorrow is our class holiday feast starting at noon. Don’t forget to bring or send something if you signed up for it. Also, if you would like to help set up, we will be starting at … Continue reading

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Just a reminder to let me know if you will be able to come to our Holiday Feast that is next Thursday, the 10th starting at noon. All parents and grandparents are welcome. I just need a count by Friday … Continue reading

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Welcome Back

Welcome Back, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a nice break. Can you believe December starts Tuesday. We have a lot of things coming up. Monday, December 7, is our field trip to the Nutcracker at Perry’s … Continue reading

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Happy Thanksgiving

Hello All, Don’t forget, no school next week for our Thanksgiving break. Next Saturday, November 28, is the lighting of the Christmas Village on 25th street in Ogden. Our school has a float in the parade. Please come and see … Continue reading

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Next Home Project

I hope you all ready, because it is supposed to snow tonight. That being said, even if it doesn’t snow, the weather is getting colder. We will be going outside for recess everyday unless the air quality is too bad … Continue reading

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