Category Archives: General Information

100th Day Pics

Here are some fun pictures from our 100th day of school. We used the scientific method to hypothesis about what object would take up most space in a glass when we counted out 100 of them. Here are some other … Continue reading

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Welcome February, As I look out the window typing this, I feel like I should be saying welcome April, but then my weather app is giving me a winter storm warning for Sunday night, so you just never know. Ground … Continue reading

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Last Week of January

Hello Everyone, I cannot believe that we only have one more week of January. It seems crazy that it has gone this fast. We are still in the throws of winter, even with temperatures getting a bit warmer for a … Continue reading

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Chili Cook Off

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No School Monday

Hello Everyone, Just want to remind you that we do not have school this Monday, February 20. This is in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In preparation for this we have been learning about Dr. King and his … Continue reading

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Hello All, I apologize that this post is late in coming. Just a reminder to re-enroll your children for next school year by tomorrow. You can do this by logging onto Aspire and clicking on the enrollment tab. It takes … Continue reading

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Hello Everyone, We had a wonderful week of school this past week. The kids were amazing. They all settled into working and remembered to use their best grace and courtesy. We did small reminders and reviews of grace and courtesy … Continue reading

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Welcome 2020

Hello Everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday and enjoyed time with your families and friends. We finally got some more snow. I hope you were all able to have a warm new years day with the … Continue reading

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PTC This Week

Hello Everyone, I am deeply grateful to you all! Thank you all so much for your help in such a successful holiday feast this past Friday. We had more than enough food and everyone was able to have a wonderful … Continue reading

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Happy News

Hello All, As many of you have probably already heard from your wonderful students, I am expecting my third child. I am about 14 weeks along and due June 12. This is perfect timing for school, as it will give … Continue reading

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