Category Archives: General Information

Last Week of October

Last week of October already. Thank you to all who were able to come on the field trip with us, were able to help with travel, and who helped in any other way. We had a good time. We were … Continue reading

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Great Conferences

Hello, I hope you are all enjoying your extra long weekend. We had a great week of conferences. I enjoyed meeting with all of you. School pictures are on Tuesday, the 21. If you would like to order them please … Continue reading

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Fall Festival Volunteers

Please sign up to help at the Fall Festival.  It should be a wonderful time and counts toward volunteer hours. 

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Conferences This Week

Hello All, Conferences are this week. If you haven’t been able to sign up, please do. There are still plenty of openings. The website is Because it is conferences, school gets out at 1 pm, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. … Continue reading

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Box Top Store

Hello, The box top store for this month has been moved to tomorrow due to some scheduling conflicts. Sorry for such short notice. If you are unable to send any tomorrow, there will be more stores. Please make sure to … Continue reading

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Conferences Next Week

Hello, I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend so far. I cannot believe that Normalization is over and it is already October. Now that Normalization is over, I will be putting together a schedule and list of things … Continue reading

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Parent Teacher Conferences

The link for Parent Teacher Conferences is now on the blog. It is to the right of the page labeled PTC. Jalee

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Good Rainy Saturday, Don’t forget, home projects are due this week. Your child can bring them in anytime to present. We had our first box tops store this week. Students who brought in box tops were able to trade them … Continue reading

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We are all Butterflies

Happy Saturday! We let our butterfly go Tuesday. What a beautiful sight to watch it take flight. The kids loved it and clapped as it took off. What a wonderful experience.    “We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.” … Continue reading

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International Day of Peace

Our butterfly has emerged! It was so exciting to get back from the weekend and see the darkened cocoon gradually becoming transparent. I checked the cocoon at about 3:40 and then when I looked at it again at 4, there … Continue reading

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