Category Archives: Field Trips


Happy Saturday Everyone! Yay October and Autumn! I just love it. Thank you all for your support towards Marleen with this new opportunity that has come her way. I am excited for her. I will admit, it took awhile for … Continue reading

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Happy October… Tomorrow

Yay, October! I am so excited that it is October. I love October! I love the leaves, the feel of the air, the cooling down, Halloween, football. Everything is so great in October, I think! Along with October comes the … Continue reading

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Upcoming Field Trips

Good Evening, Just wanted to inform you all of our upcoming field trips. The way that the scheduling worked out, we will have two in one week but one will only be for 2 hours in the morning. The first … Continue reading

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Thank You!

I just want to start out by saying thank you for all your support with the field trip. Thank you to all who were able to come and thank you to all for being flexible with the pick up and … Continue reading

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Field Trip Tomorrow

Hello Everyone, Just a reminder that tomorrow is our field trip to Clark Planetarium at The Gateway in Salt Lake. We will be taking the Frontrunner and TRAX to and from. Our train leaves at 8:07 a.m. Please be at … Continue reading

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Upcoming Week

Hello Everyone, I apologize that I have not gotten you the link to pay for your ticket if you are coming on the field trip with us on Thursday. There was a mix up with the planetarium and they are … Continue reading

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PTC This Week

Hello Everyone, I hope your enjoying the sunshine from today. Maybe the groundhog was right and we will get an early spring. Don’t forget, this week is Parent Teacher Conferences. We have a full day of school Monday and early … Continue reading

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Welcome February! Can you believe that February starts next week and that today was the 100th day of school? Time sure flies. Parent Teacher Conferences are in a week and a half. They are Tuesday through Thursday, February 9 – … Continue reading

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Field Trip and Feast

Hello, Tomorrow is our field trip to the Nutcracker. We will eat lunch before going and have snack when we get back. Please have your child dress in nice clothes. For girls this could mean a dress or skirt. If … Continue reading

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Welcome Back

Welcome Back, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and a nice break. Can you believe December starts Tuesday. We have a lot of things coming up. Monday, December 7, is our field trip to the Nutcracker at Perry’s … Continue reading

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