Category Archives: Field Trips

Fun at Black Island Farms

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Last Week of October

Last week of October already. Thank you to all who were able to come on the field trip with us, were able to help with travel, and who helped in any other way. We had a good time. We were … Continue reading

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Field Trip Permission Slips

Just a reminder to send field trip permission slips by tomorrow so your child can join us at Black Island Farms. I also talked to many of you about rides for your children. If your situation has changed or your … Continue reading

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Great Conferences

Hello, I hope you are all enjoying your extra long weekend. We had a great week of conferences. I enjoyed meeting with all of you. School pictures are on Tuesday, the 21. If you would like to order them please … Continue reading

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Good Rainy Saturday, Don’t forget, home projects are due this week. Your child can bring them in anytime to present. We had our first box tops store this week. Students who brought in box tops were able to trade them … Continue reading

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Welcome September

Hello, I am excited for this next week of school and I know a lot of students are as well. We will be starting our morning workcycle and afternoon cultural lessons. We will start off with the goal of 3 … Continue reading

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