Category Archives: Field Trips

Don’t Forget

Don’t forget: Field trip permission slips are coming home today and need to be back by Thursday. Please let me know if you would like to come with your child. This week is teacher appreciation week. Tomorrow is wear your … Continue reading

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Field Trip

Hello, Hope you have all had a great week. On Monday, May 11 we will be taking a field trip to the dinosaur park in Ogden. I will be sending home the permission slips on Monday. They need to be … Continue reading

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Clark Planetarium


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Fun Week

What a wonderful week we had! First of all, thank you to everyone who was able to come with us on the field trip. We had such a good time. I learned new things and I am sure the kids … Continue reading

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Field Trip

Just a reminder to everyone that tomorrow is our field trip to Clark Planetarium. Please make sure your child is at the Frontrunner station on Wall Ave at 7:45. I will be standing by the platform for boarding wearing a … Continue reading

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Short Week

Hello, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend and had a lovely Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget, we do not have school tomorrow, Monday the 16th due to President’s Day. This Wednesday is our field trip to Clark Planetarium. I … Continue reading

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It’s Earth Day Everyday

Happy Saturday Everyone! Just wanted to share this picture of some of our class friends. They took it upon themselves to clean up our school grounds during recess. They were not asked or expected to do this but chose to. … Continue reading

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Missed the Weekend

Hello, I am so sorry I didn’t get the blog updated over the weekend. Between the Utah Montessori Conference and the Superbowl, I didn’t get it done. I also apologize because we have a lot of updates. I know we … Continue reading

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Project, PTC, Field Trip

Happy Friday All, I apologize, I didn’t get the names drawn for our home projects. We will do this Monday after lunch. The projects will still be due the week after conferences. That is the week of February 16. Parent Teacher Conferences are … Continue reading

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No School Monday

Good Afternoon, Just a reminder that we will not be having school on Monday. It is Martin Luther King Jr. day. Our next home project is coming up. Since February is Black History Month, yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr.’s … Continue reading

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