Author Archives: Jalee Schofield


Good Rainy Saturday, Don’t forget, home projects are due this week. Your child can bring them in anytime to present. We had our first box tops store this week. Students who brought in box tops were able to trade them … Continue reading

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We are all Butterflies

Happy Saturday! We let our butterfly go Tuesday. What a beautiful sight to watch it take flight. The kids loved it and clapped as it took off. What a wonderful experience.    “We are all butterflies. Earth is our chrysalis.” … Continue reading

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International Day of Peace

Our butterfly has emerged! It was so exciting to get back from the weekend and see the darkened cocoon gradually becoming transparent. I checked the cocoon at about 3:40 and then when I looked at it again at 4, there … Continue reading

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Past Week 4 Already

Hello All, Big news of the day, Ms. Marleen and I walked the 5k this morning to help raise money for the red woods. But more exciting then that, Dallin ran it in just over 19 minutes. Way to go! … Continue reading

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Few New Updates

Hello All, As most of you probably know, we have a pet hamster as a class pet named Tiki and we will soon get another. Please let me know if you are willing to take a hamster home for the … Continue reading

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Back to School Night

Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to the back to school night last night. I felt it was a real success. In case you weren’t able to make it, here is a quick update. If you … Continue reading

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Welcome September

Hello, I am excited for this next week of school and I know a lot of students are as well. We will be starting our morning workcycle and afternoon cultural lessons. We will start off with the goal of 3 … Continue reading

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We Made It!

Wow, I cannot believe the first week is already over. It was definitely a fast paced, crazy, awesome week. As many of you know we got a new assistant this year. Her name is Ms. Marleen. She has a great … Continue reading

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Dress Code Reminder

Hello Everyone, What a wonderful week we are having! I always forget how crazy and exciting the first couple week of school are. So much to do. Just a reminder about the dress code. A few things we have noticed … Continue reading

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Almost There

Less than a week left before we start school. Just a few housekeeping items. First of all, I need to sincerely apologize for a goof up on the supply list. I failed to put a 3 ring binder on it. It … Continue reading

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