Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Classroom Book

Hello All, I hope you have all enjoyed your week with the rain and beautiful weather. Just a reminder that I need ALL order forms for our book back by next Thursday. Even if you do not want to order a … Continue reading

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Book Order Form

Good Afternoon, Today I sent home an order form for the classroom book we are making. I have given the students very strict 😉 instructions about bringing the form back even if you choose not to order the book. PLEASE send … Continue reading

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Fun in the Snow


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One week into March and we finally got some snow. According to the weather channel, it will all be gone soon because of warm weather. Welcome spring. A few big things coming up. Our class is working on a classroom book … Continue reading

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Home Projects

Hello Everyone, I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend so far. I have enjoyed the home projects that have been presented so far and look forward to the rest. The next home projects will be due at the end … Continue reading

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Clark Planetarium


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Valentine Pictures

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Fun Week

What a wonderful week we had! First of all, thank you to everyone who was able to come with us on the field trip. We had such a good time. I learned new things and I am sure the kids … Continue reading

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Field Trip

Just a reminder to everyone that tomorrow is our field trip to Clark Planetarium. Please make sure your child is at the Frontrunner station on Wall Ave at 7:45. I will be standing by the platform for boarding wearing a … Continue reading

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Short Week

Hello, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend and had a lovely Valentine’s Day. Don’t forget, we do not have school tomorrow, Monday the 16th due to President’s Day. This Wednesday is our field trip to Clark Planetarium. I … Continue reading

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