Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

I hope all the students enjoyed their extra half day off. I attended a professional development about a new reading program we are going to start using called myOn. It is not up and running for us yet, but as … Continue reading

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Hello Again, Tomorrow is the annual 5K run for the Redwoods. Please come. Even if you do not participate you can cheer everyone else on and join the pancake breakfast happening afterwards. Ms. Marleen and I will be there walking … Continue reading

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Box Tops Store

Hello All, I hope you are enjoying your weekend. What a wonderful couple of days we had this week with author Gary Hogg. He never ceases to amazing. He has such a positive outlook on life and on writing. He … Continue reading

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Labor Day

Hello All, Quick reminder that Monday is Labor Day and we will not be having school. We started work cycle this week. Ms. Marleen and I were busy every morning giving lots of lessons in math and language so that … Continue reading

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MMA Shirts


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Gary Hogg

Hello, We have the great privilege of having the children’s author Gary Hogg come and visit our school for two days next week. He came last year. He is so good at getting the kids excited and wanting to write. … Continue reading

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I created a page with the 5K registration paper. It is at the top of the blog. The 5K is Saturday, September 19 at 8 am. To get a t-shirt you must register before Thursday the 3rd. Thanks.

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Pizza Friday

Pizza Friday is back. I sent home some fliers for it yesterday, those fliers have the wrong dates. I sent the ones with the correct dates today. If you would like your child to have pizza this coming Friday, the … Continue reading

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Week 3

Hello All, Here comes week three and happy birthday to Maria Montessori tomorrow on August 31. I am excited to share with your students about her life and work and do some activities as well. We will be starting our … Continue reading

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Second Week, Here We Come

Hello All, Thank you all so much for your support and love. We had a great first week of school and Ms. Marleen and I are even more excited for this year. We feel like it will be a great … Continue reading

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