Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Home Projects

Dear Parents, Our last home projects  for this school year are coming up soon, and I would like to take a few minutes to update you on what we have been working on with your children as far as presenting … Continue reading

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Discovery Gateway Museum Field Trip

Dear Parents, our field trip to the Discovery Gateway Museum was approved today, and we are good to go. I will be sending the field trip forms home with your children tomorrow. Please send them back ASAP so that the … Continue reading

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Placemats, Waterbottles and Slippers

Now that the blog server is back up I can send out the very late reminder to please send your child’s placemat, waterbottle and slippers with them tomorrow. Thanks, Marleen

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Parents, our blog server was down for most of spring break. They fixed it this morning, however, a few of the current posts could not be recovered. I reposted them, so, sorry in advance if you get emails with the … Continue reading

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April 1, 2016

Our first ever literacy week was a huge success. The kids loved making the giant A for the hallway. We chose to decorate it using copies of The Berenstain’s A Book. Every day of the week, several kids wrote words … Continue reading

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Parents, we currently do not have anyone signed up for snack for the following weeks: April 11-15 April 18-22 May 9-13 May 16-20 Unfortunately, Ms. Lacey and I will not be able to provide snack for all of the weeks. … Continue reading

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Literacy Week

Parents, This coming week will be an eventful one. Ms. Lacey, the kids and I have prepared for literacy week for a few days, and we are excited to see the fruits of our labor. MMA is hosting a school … Continue reading

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March 24, 2016

We had a great work week this week. Most of the kids finished their works for the entire week, and everyone earned to be part of the level 3 dinosaur lesson yesterday. We had Ms. Lacey’s son Jack present about … Continue reading

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Composition Books

Parents, a lot of the kids have run out of pages in their composition books. I had some extras, but unfortunately we are completely out now. I know it is getting towards the end of the school year, but I … Continue reading

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Literacy Week

This year’s literacy week will be March 28- April 1. Our assigned letter is “A”. Please ask your children to collect flat items, magazine clipping or anything else related to, or that begins with the letter A as we will … Continue reading

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