Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Field Trip Tomorrow

Don’t forget that tomorrow is our morning field trip to Ogden Nature Center. We need to be there at 8:45. We will be there until 11 then head back to the school. Thanks.

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Field Trips

Thank you everyone for coming to conferences! We were able to meet with every parent. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet with us. It is obvious to me that we have wonderful parents who … Continue reading

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Hello, What an amazing turn out we had last night at the Fall Festival! I loved seeing so many of you and your kids. SaraJo was unable to make it but Marleen and I got to hang out and see … Continue reading

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Fall Festival

Don’t forget that Friday is the Fall Festival at the school from 4 to 7. Costumes are welcome, no masks please. There will be games, rides, and food. We are still in need of volunteers. MAPA is preparing signs that … Continue reading

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Field Trips and Newspapers

I will be sending home field trip forms tomorrow. They are different this year than in the past. There will be 3 pages like always, but this time you get to keep the first two pages. These pages are colored … Continue reading

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Volunteers Please!

The MMA Fall Festival is coming up on Friday October 14 from 4 – 7 pm. It’s a fun evening for the kids, and it raises money for MAPA, which goes back into supporting the needs of the school. The … Continue reading

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Jr. High Peer Mentor

We are excited to have a Jr. High Peer Mentor in our classroom every other Friday. His name is Payton. He has only been to our class two days and already we love him. He works great with the kids … Continue reading

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Happy Saturday Everyone! Yay October and Autumn! I just love it. Thank you all for your support towards Marleen with this new opportunity that has come her way. I am excited for her. I will admit, it took awhile for … Continue reading

Posted in Field Trips, Home Projects, PTC, Snack | Leave a comment

Parent Teacher Conferences

Here is the link to sign up for parent teachers conferences. Please sign up for one slot. We would like to have the students present you with their short home project/book report that they will be preparing here at school. … Continue reading

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Happy October… Tomorrow

Yay, October! I am so excited that it is October. I love October! I love the leaves, the feel of the air, the cooling down, Halloween, football. Everything is so great in October, I think! Along with October comes the … Continue reading

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