Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello, I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend. Just a reminder that we do not have school all this week due to Thanksgiving break. Our next school day will be Monday, November 28. One more quick thing to put … Continue reading

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Happy Veteran’s Day

Happy Veteran’s Day everyone! Monday is the final day to order an Original Work, something with your child’s artwork printed on it. Be sure to get your orders in. Proceeds go directly to our classroom and we get to choose … Continue reading

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Half Day Tomorrow

Don’t forget that tomorrow, Friday the 11th, is a half day. Please make sure your child is picked up at 1 p.m. Thanks.

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Halloween Party Pics

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Sorry It’s Late

Good Evening, I am sorry this post is coming so late in the weekend. I let this weekend get away from me. I don’t even think I got the extra hour they promised this morning. 🙂 Just a few quick … Continue reading

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Black Island Farms

 Ms. SarahJo on the wagon ride with the kids.

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Ogden Nature Center

       Petting the gopher snake.  Learning about the food web and how everything is connected and needed.

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Welcome November

Good Afternoon, First of all, thank you to everyone that was able to come on the field trips with us. And thank you to everyone for your support and help with them. We had a great time on both. What … Continue reading

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Halloween Party

Hello, Next Monday we will be having our Halloween Party at school. It will from about 1 p.m. to 2:30ish. We are in need of volunteers to come help and need some supplies donated. Here is the sign-up link Remember, … Continue reading

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Black Island Farms

Hello, Just a reminder that tomorrow is our field trip to Black Island Farms. We need to be at the farms at 8:40. We will start our field trip with a wagon ride and pumpkin picking. Please make sure your … Continue reading

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