Author Archives: Jalee Schofield


Hello, Just a reminder that we are back to school tomorrow, Wednesday, January 4, 2017. We will have our regular school schedule for the remainder of the week. We will have outside recess unless it is too cold or the … Continue reading

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Happy Holidays

Hello Everyone! I hope you have all had a wonderful break so far and that everyone is getting rested and healthy. I apologize that this is my first post since we had the break. Between visiting family, the holidays, and … Continue reading

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International Festival

Good Evening, Thank you for all your support this week. Things in the classroom have gotten better. Ms. SarahJo and I know that it is not just the fault of the children when things go wrong or something happens. that … Continue reading

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Good Evening Everyone, I am saddened that I have to post this on our blog but Ms. SarahJo and I want to make you all aware of what happened today in P.E. We are aware that we are very close … Continue reading

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Hello, Just a few reminders. Tomorrow we have P.E. Many of the students wear boots to school because of the snow and cold. If you could please send tennis shoes that are comfortable for your child to run in for … Continue reading

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Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for helping make our feast on Friday a success. We had a wonderful turn out and a lot of good volunteers who donated things and helped set up and clean up afterwords. Thank you does not … Continue reading

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Feast Tomorrow

First of all I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who was able to sign up to help tomorrow. In the past I have always had to make something for the feast because we didn’t have enough sign ups. But … Continue reading

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Holiday Feast

Don’t forget that this Friday is the holiday feast from 11:30-12:30 with Ms. Kirsten’s class in the gym. If you can help set up please come at 11. That day, the 9th, is also a half day. School will get … Continue reading

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Holiday Feast

Hello All, Our holiday feast with Ms. Kirsten’s class is coming up in a little over a week. It will be Friday, December 9. This is a half day. The feast will be from about 11:30 to 12:30. If you … Continue reading

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International Festival

Hello, I hope you all had a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving. I can’t believe that December is next week. How fast time flies. If your child did not get their family tree/biography home project done before the break, please help them … Continue reading

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