Author Archives: Jalee Schofield


Hello, Due to the late start at school today, we have had to reschedule our class pictures to next Thursday. I will add a post next Wednesday night to remind you all. Also, if you are able to send a … Continue reading

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Class Picture

Hello All, How about that snow we are getting? Crazy. I hope you are all saying safe and warm. We have our group class picture tomorrow. If at all possible, please make sure your child is there. We will be … Continue reading

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Science Wednesdays

   We have been lucky to have Ms. Debbie, one of our student’s parents, come Wednesday afternoons and do science with us. This last Wednesday she helped the students make bridges that could hold a certain amount of weight for … Continue reading

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Book Report

Hello Everyone, Remember, we do not have school on Monday. We are out for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. We will be having our class pictures for the yearbook on the morning of Tuesday, the 24th. Please try to make … Continue reading

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Field Trip Pictures


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Human Flower

Sorry about the picture quality. We were having some dancing time during an indoor recess and some students laid down and put their feet together to make a flower and it grew from there.  

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No School Friday

Just a reminder that we do not have school this coming Friday, the 13th. We also don’t have school Monday, the 16th. Thank you to everyone who was able to come and help with the field trip and for everyone … Continue reading

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Field Trip Tomorrow

Hello, Don’t forget that tomorrow is our field trip to the Ogden Nature Center. Please have you child there, dressed in warm clothing (boots, coat, hat, gloves) by 8:45. We will have the field trip from 9 – 11. Your … Continue reading

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16-17-fieldtrip-permission-form january-fieldtrip-cover-letter

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Field Trip Forms

Happy Saturday. Yesterday I sent home the permission slips for our field trip this Wednesday morning. The blue paper is for you to keep. It has all the info you need about the field trip including who to call or … Continue reading

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