Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Thank You!

Thank you all for making the effort to come to conferences. I always love meeting with you. Thank you for your support and helping make it a wonderful week. Thank you to all who were able to help with the … Continue reading

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Just a quick reminder that tomorrow, Thursday and Friday are parent teacher conferences. These are also early out days, so plan on your child being picked up at 1 p.m. Conferences start at 1:40. The book fair is also these … Continue reading

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More Pics

Here are some more pics of some kids and their home projects.

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Valentines and PTC

Happy Saturday Everyone, Lots of things coming up this week. Tuesday is Valentine’s Day. We will not be having our Valentine’s party that day due to music and P.E. Instead, we will have our party on Wednesday the 15th. We … Continue reading

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P.E. Tomorrow

Just a reminder that we have P.E. tomorrow. Please make sure your child has good shoes for running in, whether it be in their backpack or if those are the shoes they wear to school. I sent home new word … Continue reading

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Home Project Pics

We have had some great home project book reports presented so far and I am excited to see the ones that have not been presented yet. Thank you for all your support in this.  

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Welcome February

Can you believe it? Another month gone by. We are already one month into 2017. Because it is President’s Day this month and Washington and Lincoln’s birthdays, our next home project will be a short biography on a president. I … Continue reading

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PTC Sign Up

Hello All, The sign ups for parent teacher conferences are up and ready for you. They will be 20 minute increments. If you feel like you need or would like to meet for longer, please sign up for 2 in … Continue reading

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Happy Lunar New Year

Hello All, Happy Lunar New Year. Today is the start of the Chinese New Year. We had a small celebration at school yesterday. We painted some Chinese characters to make scrolls. Each student made a certain amount of characters so … Continue reading

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Hello, We have decided to do our hundred day activities tomorrow afternoon. If you have not yet, please send your child with a white or light colored shirt, please do so tomorrow. These shirts will be getting paint on them. … Continue reading

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