Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Have a Good Summer

Hello, I cannot believe school has been out for a week. I apologize that it has taken me so long to write this post. After the holiday weekend, the week just flew by. I want to say thank you to … Continue reading

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Summer Party

Hello All, We keep forgetting to send the invites to everyone for a summer party at Cody’s house Friday. Here it is and we will try to send the actual invites tomorrow. Thanks! Summer Party

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Some Fun Pics

   Potato Sack Races STEM activity.   Potato shooters STEM activity. Our egg drop experiments we did with Ms. Debbie.   Crazy hair day.

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Last Week of School

Believe it or not, this week is the last week of school. We will have early out days all week. School will get over at 1 p.m. every day. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are parent teacher conferences. They will go … Continue reading

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Hello, Just a reminder that tomorrow is the last box tops store of the year. Also, we will be working on our class garden. If anyone has small garden tools like a small rake or shovel and you are willing … Continue reading

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Two Weeks

First thing I want to say is Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms. Thank you for all you do. I am so grateful for supportive moms and dads and appreciate all you do. Can you believe it?! We only … Continue reading

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Hello, We will be watching the BFG tomorrow and comparing it to the book. If your child would like to bring a pillow and blanket, that is fine. It is the same criteria as the read-a-thon. It must fit in their … Continue reading

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Teacher Appreciation Week

Hello, Next week is teacher appreciation week. Each day will be an opportunity for your child to do something to show their appreciation to their teachers. Monday is best grace and courtesy. Tuesday is bring a flower, real or fake. … Continue reading

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May is Here

Hello, I cannot believe May is here tomorrow. Four more weeks of school. I want to extend a HUGE thank you to everyone who was able to on our field trip Wednesday or who helped support other ways. We had a small … Continue reading

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Field Trip Tomorrow

Hello All, Just a reminder that we have our field trip to the Discovery Gateway Children’s Museum tomorrow. We will be meeting at the frontrunner station on Wall Ave in Ogden at 8:10. This will give us time to distribute … Continue reading

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