Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Last Field Trip, I Promise

Hello Everyone, I hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather that seems to have skipped spring and now it’s summer. Thank you all who were able to help with the field trip. It was a lot of fun. Unfortunately we … Continue reading

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Field Trip This Week

Hello All! I cannot believe how close we are to the end of April and starting May! I am so glad we are finally getting some warm weather to go along with this springtime. The biggest reminder for this week … Continue reading

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First Week Back

Hello All! We made it through the first week back from Spring Break. The kids are counting down the days we have left of school. I am trying not to think about it. Thank you everyone for your support with … Continue reading

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Back From Break

Hello All, I hope you all had a wonderful spring break. I know it wasn’t super warm, but if you were like me, you spent most of it inside sick anyway. I hope some of you were able to get … Continue reading

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Hill Aerospace Field Trip

Hello Everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your spring break. I will have another blog update Saturday night. On this one I wanted to focus on the upcoming field trip that is a week from Friday. We will be … Continue reading

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Spring is Coming

Hello All, Spring is coming and so is spring break and somehow, the kids know it and it shows :). What an adventure teaching can be. In all seriousness, though, I love it and I love the kids. Even when … Continue reading

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Short Week

Hello All, Don’t forget this week is a short week. We do not have school tomorrow, Monday the 19th. The teachers have a professional development day so you kids can enjoy the day off. Last night was the Gala. It … Continue reading

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Did you know the Gala’s in the past have made the school money so they could purchase computers, bike rack, P.E. equipment, crosswalk flashing lights, etc…? This year the school is in need of a new playground and we are … Continue reading

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Fun Pictures

                                      Our amazing spelling bee representatives.    Working on our structures for the earthquake simulator.  Enjoying our books during the read-a-thon.  Working hard.   … Continue reading

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Hello Everyone, I apologize that I didn’t ever really get a real post last week. I will make up for it in this one and fill in anything from Literacy Week that I wanted to share. Literacy week was awesome. … Continue reading

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