Author Archives: Jalee Schofield

Summer Reading Program

A fun reading opportunity for students this summer. School Digital Postcard (2)

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Movie Tomorrow

Hello, We will be watching the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tomorrow in celebration of finishing the book. Students may not bring blankets and pillows but they may bring a small stuffed animal to watch the movie with. Thanks for all you … Continue reading

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Field Day Pictures

Even though it was raining and cold and we couldn’t go outside for field day, the students had a great time at “gym” day yesterday. Here are some fun pictures.    

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Last Week of School

Hello Everyone, I cannot believe we are down to the last week of school already. This year seems to have flown by but also gone super slow. Unfortunately, it is not supposed to be warm this last week of school. … Continue reading

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Field Day Tomorrow

Hello Everyone, We made our carrot cake cupcakes today. All the kids got to add an ingredient and mix it in. Unfortunately, when Ms. Sara and I planned we didn’t take into account the cooling time so the cupcakes were … Continue reading

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Last Box Tops Store

Hello All, This is just a reminder that tomorrow, Wednesday the 15th, is the last box tops store for this year. If your child has box tops and would like to participate, please send their box tops nicely cut out … Continue reading

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Last 2 Weeks

Happy Saturday Everyone, I want to say a happy Mother’s Day to all you moms, grandmas, aunts, and everyone who helps and supports your children. Ms. Sara and I truly could not do our jobs without all your love and … Continue reading

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3 Weeks and Counting

Hello All, We are down to three weeks left of school. Not that anyone is counting. However, I am reminded of it almost daily by at least one student 🙂 There is a good chance they are counting. A huge … Continue reading

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Field Trip Tomorrow

Hello Everyone, This is just a reminder that we have our field trip to Clark Planetarium tomorrow. Please make sure your child is at the train station on Wall Ave no later than 8:10. Our train leaves at 8:37 a.m. … Continue reading

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Field Trip Friday

Hello Everyone, May is almost here, and we are finally getting some warm spring weather. As always, I would still recommend sending a jacket with your student in case of chilly weather in the during recess. We have our last … Continue reading

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